LOUIS ROHDE, Goal and lood Lehigli Valley, Coal, $6.50 per ton. Beech and Maple Blocks. $2.50 a cord. Beech and Maple, 4 feet, $5.50 a cord Main Office - 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. Notice to Contractors. QEALEDPROPOSALSWILLBERECEIVED IO at the office of the Board of Public Works, in the City of Aun Arbor, Michigan, uutil 12 o'clock noon on the 26th day of september. A. D. 1804, for constructing sewers in the abnve named city. Forms of proposals, copies of specifications ingtructions to contractors may be obtained of the City Clerk, and the pians and profiles may be seen at the office of tbe City Engineer. Each bid must be acoornparued by a deposit of $500 as a gunrautee of the ïood faith of the bidder. The Board of Public Works rererve the' rieht to reiect any aud all bid. Iress. w. .1. MILLBK, City ClerSc. Board ot Works, Ann Arbor, Mica, : uyTiiCS J. KSE(JH I'ie-ideut. Drain Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTï of Washtenaw. 89. At a session of the Probate Court for the County or Washte'naW. holden at the Probate Office in the (Jity of Ann Arbor. on Tnesday, the 2lst day oí August, A. D. one thousaiid eigiit nuudied and niuety-focr. Present, Hou. J. W'iilard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the application of the Drain Commissioner ot' the (Jouutyof Washtenaw, for the appointment ol three Special Commissioners to determine the nocessity for a drain through certa :n landsin thetownships of Lima aud Sylvan, and tor the laking oí' private property for the use and benefit of the public lor the purpose thereof, and the! just compensation to be made therefor. Whereas, on tbe 21st day of August, A. D. , one thousand eignt hundredand ninety-four, ' an application in writing was made to this Court by the Dram Commissioner of the ; County of Washtenaw, for the appointment of three Special Coniinissioners to determine the necessity for a Drain tbrough certain lagdsinthe townships of Lima and Sylvau ' and de8cribed in said application, and lor th takiug of private property for the use and i benefit of the public for the purpose thereof, ! and the just compensation to be made ! for; And whereas, this Court did on the 8lst day of August, A. D. one thousaud eiirht hun dred and ninety-four, upon a due examination of such application and ot' all the (roceedings theretofore taken tn the preinises, flnd the sanie to be in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided. and did thereupon by an order en ered therein. appoint the 25th duy of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred atid ninetv-four, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, as the time, and the office of the Judgeof Probate in the Citv of Ann Aroor, in said County, as the place when and whe-e a hearing upon such applicatipn would be had, aud did tlien and there order that all persous whose lands wcre to be traversed by such proposed drain, or who would be liable to assessment for beneöts in the construction thereof, and who had uotreleased right of way, and all damages on account thereof, to appear at the time and place designated to be heard with respect to such application if tney so desire and show cause, ii any there should be. why said application should notbe granted; And whereas, There is now on file with this Court a description and survey of such proposed drain, from which desription and sur-vey it appears that the commencement. general course, and terminus of such drain are as follows: Commencing at the upper end of the Pierce drain, 35 rods south of the H post between sections B and 8, in the township of Lima, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and running thence n 54 degrees w 11.60 chs., thence n 80 degrees wlO 90 chs , theuce west 25.00 chs., thence n 62'í degrees w 10.00 chs., thence u 54 degree w 7.13 chi., thence s 88 negrees w 16.37 cbs.. thence n 87Í4 degrees w 20.00 chs., thence s 8H4 degrees w 12.00 chs., tlience 64 degrees w 9 cfis., thence n 83 J4 decrees w 19.75 ohs., thence n 86!4 deg. w 11.75 chs,, thence s 41 deg, w 4 chs., thence s uth ". i ch.. thence s 59 deg. vr 7 chs.. thence s 73 deg. w 10 50 chs., thence s 72 deg. w 10.40 chs., thence west 10.02 chs.. thence s 60 deg. w 5.68 chs., thence n 78 deg. w 5.52 chs., thence n 72K deg. w 25 chs., thence s 81 deg. w 12.75 chs., thence n 76 deg. w 3.46 ch., tlience n f6!4 deg. w 11.30 chs., thence n 63 deg w .42 chs , thence west 18 58 chs., thence n52% deg. w 4.50 chs., tlience n 79Í4 deg. w 15.80 chs,, thence s 77J4 de.f. w 7.30 cbs., thence s 69 deg. w 6.40 chs., thence 8 80H deg. w 6.90 chs., thence s 85 deg. w 3.C0 chs , thence 8 70 deg. w 3.85 chs , thenc-e s f-0 deg. w. 6 80 chs , thence n 73 desr. w 8.85 chs., tbence u 82i4 deg. w (j.80 chs., thence n 68 deg. w 8.54 chs. to a po'nt 13.1Bchains south of the n w corner of the e V of the s w ü of the n e !i of sec. 4, township of Sylvan, and there terniinatinsr as the upper end of said drain, and total length of 363.47 chsins. And whereas, Itappeurs that the following described tracts of lands, owned by unknown persons or non resMents of the townships of ijima and Sylvan aforesaid, tlie e.xecution of a release of right of way and dauiiiges for which has been neglected or refused.will be crossed by said proposed drain and will be subject to an assesjnieut for lts co.istructiou, towit: d 'zin w ü s w i sec. 1 in the townsli'p of Syl vun ; n Ví n w !i s e 'i and n y2 n e !4 s e a and s s e 54 n e k and seKSwijneSi sec. i iu .Sylvan. And it further appearing that the following described tracts of lande, not traversed by said proposed drain owued by unknown perFon or non-resioents of ttte townships of Lima and sylvan aforesaid, wil be subject to an assessment ior its construetion, to-wit: 2H tures n 'A s ZA n v li sec. 6 in Lima, bouuded nby Í4 li line, w by town line, s by Jas. Taylor's land, e by % sec. line. iSow. therefore, all such unknown or nonresident persi'U', owners of the above described land-i, and eaoh of them. are hcreuy cited to be and appear before this Court, ai the time and place last above set forth. t') be heard with respect to such application, if they so desire, and show cause, it any there be, why the said application for the appointment of three Special Commissioners as aforesaid should not be granted. And it is further ordered, That the said Drain Commissioner give not ce of the pendency of said application, so far as it affects said lands and the persons interested therein, by causinga copy of this citation to be putlished in the Ann Arbor Argus. a weekly newspaper published and olrcnlatlng tn tbe haid County of Washtenaw. in which said county all of said lands are located. for at least two weeks previous to said day of hearJ. WILLAED BABBITT. Judge of Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wiishtenaw. The undersigned liaTÍng beeu appointed by the Prolmte Court for aid Counfy, Comniiasioners to r-íceive, examine and adjust all claim-s and demands of all persim agaiuat the estáte of Johu N. Murgau, late oí sniJ county. deceased, hereby givt' no ice that aix moutha from date are aliowed,by order of eaid Probate Court, for oreditors to present their claims againstthe eatute of said deceased, and that they will meet at tb late residence of said deceased in the townslupof Saline, in said county, on the 27 til day of November, and on the 27th day of February next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said daje, to receive, examine anü adjust said claims. Datec!, August 2?th, 18'J4. DUNCAN rIOBISON, JUHN KOEBBE, j
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News