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Full ot with ttarch and gloss serene, The Unen collar starts the mom; Full ot at noontime il is seen AU uilted, wrinkled andorlorn. That's what you must expect of such a collar ; it's the linen of it. The stand-up collars won 't stand up, and the turn-down collars will wilt down. The easy, cbeap, and pleasant way out of this is to wear " Chlluloid " Collars and CüFFS. These goods are made j by cr.veriug linen collars or cuffs on I . wkh' 'Celluloid," 5 thi . . ■ :- them stroug and .. iitïrproof, , ;■ - ueni or moisture. There f are no other waterproof goods ; .: rvade ih:s way.coQsecjueritly none '. that can wearsowell. Whensoiled k isimply wipe tkein orf with a wet y clotli. ivvcry picce of the geauine u is staijjped like this : Insist opon good? so marked if you expect full satisfaction, and if your dealer does not keep them , send direct to us enclosing amount and we will mail sample. State size. and whether a stand-up or turned-down collar is wanted. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair. The CELLULOID COMPANY 427-29 Broadway, NewYork._ ILobt. S. Sttfeet, Teacher of Music. Lessons given on Violin, Piano, Cornet, also Piano Timing. Lessons given at residence, crner Gou and W. Summit St. TERMS REASONABL.E. H.. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Stbket. UïERmtlAJIBlfiGASEllJE. In the rear of Edward Duffy'e proctry 6tore. Hack to all traine, day and night. Orders ior traine, partiee, wedding-s anti funerala promptly attended to. Teiephone. 1U8 Ann Arbor Mich. TRÜGinïïsMGE C. E. CCDFIIEY. Residence an.i Office, 4S Fourtb Ave., North Teleplione 82. Mortgage Sale. DBFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE JN THE ! oonditions ot' a certain mortgage ruüde by Geurüe J. Keebler and Entrena Kuebler ;ind Geuite J. Gruner and Lizzie Gruuer to iht' Hurun Valley Building and ! Biatlon, a oorporation organizcl ;n doinf; ! business uuder the laws of thfl State of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated Marcli 30i li, A. I). 1891. and recorded in the office ot' the Kepister 01 Deed', for the County of Washteïiaw and Stilte 01 Mlohigan, on the first day of April, A. D. 1HM, ín líber 78 of mortgages on pae ö. on whlch mortgage there iscluinifd to bc eTué al the dato 01 tnis uotice tbe sum of twelve liundred and twenty-flve dollars and au attorney's fee of twenty-flye dollars provkled for in said mortgase. and ho suit or probeedini;s at law havinir been insiituted to recover the moneys secured hy shul mortgage, or any part thereof : Now, therefore, bj virtue of the power of sale contHined In said mortjrajre, and the statu e in s eb caee made aud provided, uotice Is hereby given that on Saturday theeightb day of December, A. I). 18H4, at nine o'clo'-k in tin: forenoon, I shll scll at public auction, to the bihest bidder, at the soutb front door ! of the Court House in the City of Ann Arhor, j ithat bein tbe place wnere the circuit court for Washienaw County is bolden), the i ises described in said montage, or so muofa ! thereolasmay neneeessary topay theamcmut ! due on said mortg:ase, with seven per cent interest, and uil legal costs. together with an : attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars : naneen f r therein, the premises being described in said mongag-e as all that certain lot piece and parcel of land sitúate in the City of Aun Arbor, in the County of Watbtenaw, - and State of Michigan, and known ana uescribed as follows: Commencing at the , east corner of lot number twenty-one (L) in block number five (& coutb of Hurón street, range number four (4) east in said city of Ann Arbor, thenee running north on the weet line of Fourth street ninety-riine (Mi feet, thcnce west parallel with tbe north liije of said lot number twenty-one 21) to the webt of lot number twenty (20) in aid block five in), thenee south on tbe west line of said lots twenty (0) and tweuty-one 'II to Madison sireet, thenee east :i long the norlh line of Madisou Street to tbe place of begin ping. Sitúate and beiug in block five (6) BOutn, ranjic t'cnr (4) east. city of Ann Arl or, Wüshtenaw County, Vlicbiirun. the Hi'iidiv vali.ev imildixg and ASSOCIATIÜN, Mongagee. liv Tiiof. 11. Kk.,ium.v Au -.r'if .!oitpi?ee


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News