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THE bestinvestment in real estáte is to keep buildings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell - many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap paints. To be sure of getting Strictly Pure White Lead, look at the brand ; any of these are safe : "Anchor," "Morley," " Eckstein," " Shipman," " Armstrong & McXelvy," " Southern," " Beymer-Bauman," " Red Seal," " Davis-Chambers," "Collier," " Fahnestock." For Colors. - National Lead Co. 's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead he desired shade; they are o no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have been sayed property-owners by having our book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card and get both free. NATIONAL LEAD CO. Chicago Branch, State and Fifteenth Streets. Chicago. ." TOLEDO n Annarboiy ü AND_ L J _ft NORTH MICHIGAN RAILWAY. L-1 - -' uIa.HowrdC: V" rYCITYll WIIm Bata. Cr bamburgVXuW 'MIK TAB1.E IN EFFECT MAY 20, 1894. Trains Leave Anii Arbor. NOHTH. SOtTTH. 7:15 n. m. 7:?Sa.'tn 12:15p. m. lli30a. in. 4:15 p. m. ■ 9:0(' p. m H!):lü 1. m. +8:1S i. m. Trains run betweeu Ann Aiborand Toledo only. tïrains ruu alinda) only. W.H. BENNETT, R. S. GKÈKNWOOD G. P. A. Toledo Ohio. sD . 5,000 ackes gp ja a m m f. CENTRAl m M E? % C Michigan rr"VriiVíw NearSaginaw and Bay City. Soilclay loam,hardwood timber and frec irom swamps. Railway facilities; schools and markets adjacent. Price, 86 to $8 per acre, on easy payments. Satisfaction assured. Practical farmers and parents who wish to give theirsons a start in liíe, can find Nu lieitter Ijftnd in Michigan. Maps and Circular free. JACOB BCHWARTZ or TfM, M. TENNANT, SAGINA W, E. S., MICH. . , ,_ , I I u-He 0 oí ttí - I S iré Í2Í g i.lï f E-8 k I 'E !l I ï y -=! o a-S P? ? OQ Hl.tSEY í KUNin BAKERY. &RÖCEEI AND FLOUR AMD FEED STORE, We keep consvantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &o. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We sha.ll also keep a supplv oj OSBORNE' GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. BL Swift Se Oo.'b Best Wliite Wheat Flour, Kye Flonr, Buclcwheat ïlour, Corn Meal, Fjed, &c, fec, &c, At Wholesale ind Retail. A eeneral stock ol SROOEEIES AND PSOVJSIONS :onstantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. -Cash paid íor Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce enera]lv. HyGoods Delivered to anv part ol the city wtth out extn chari-c. Rnej & Seabolt.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News