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LOUIS ROHDE, CoaiandWood Lehigh Valley Coal. $6.50 per ton! Beech and Maple Blocks, $2.50 a cord. Beech and Hapie, 4 feet, $-5.50 a cord Main Office - 30 E. Huron Street. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. Notice to Contractors. C EALED PROPOS ALS WILL BE RECEI VED at the office of tbe Board of Public Works ia the City ol' Aim Arbor, Michigan, until 12 o'clock noon on the 26th day pi September. A. D. 18SI4, tor constructing sewer.s in the thnve named city. Forms of pvoposals, copies of specifications instructions to contractors may beobtained of the City Clerk, and the plans and proriles may be seen at the office of the City Enginoer. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of 500 as a guarantee of the good faith of the bidder. The Board of Public Works reserve the right to re.iect any and all bidR. Address. V. J. MILLEK, City Clerk, Board of Public Worke, Ann Arbor, Mich. By THOS. .1. KEECH President. Drain Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 86. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 21st day of August, A. D. one thoueand eight hundred and ninety-four. Present, Hon.J. TVillard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the application of the Drain Commissioner of the Uounty of Washtenaw, for the appointment ol three Special Commissioners to determine the necessity for a drain throughcertain landsin thetownships of Lima and Sylvan, and for the taking of private property for the use and benefit of the public lor the puipose thereof, and the just compensation to be made therefor. Whereas, on the21st day of August, A. D. one thousand eigbt hum. red and ninety-four, an application in wrmug was made to this Court by the Dra n Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw, for the appointment of three Special Commissioners to determine the neceefity for a Drain through certain lagdslnthe townships of Lima and Sylvan and described in said application, and for the taking of private property for the use and benefit of the public for the purpose thereof, and the just compensation to be made therefor; And whereas, this Court did on the 2'st day of August, A. D. one thousand eight hun dred anü ninety-four, upon a üue exatnination of such applieation anil of all the proceedings theretofore taken in the premises, find the saine to be in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided. and did thureupon by an order eiuered therein, appoint the 2"th day of September, A. I). one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ot that day, as the time, and the office of the Judf e of Probate in the Citv of Ann Arbor, in said County, as the place wlien and where a hearing upon such application would be had, and did then and there order that all persons whose lande wcre to be traversed by such proposed drain, or wno wouia ue na Die to assesament for ben efit6 in the construetion thereof. and who ha not released right of way, and all damages o account thereof, to appear at the time anc place designated to be heard with respect t sueh application if they eo desire and shoi cause, if any there should be. why said ap plication should notbegranted; And wbereas, There is now on file with thi Court a deseription and survey of such pro posed drain, irom which desr ription and sur vey it appears that the commencement. sene ral course, and terminus of euch drain ure a follows: Commencing at the upper end of the Pierce drain, 35 rods south of the '4 post betweei sections 5 and 6, in the township of Lima county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan and running thence n 54 degrees w ll.üO ehs. thence n 80 degrees wlü 90 chs , thence wes 2Ö.00 ehs., thenee n 6254 degrees w 10.Ü0 chs. thence n 54 degrees w 7.13 ene., thence 8 88 oe grees w 15.37 chs.. thence n 754 degrees w 20.00 chs., thence s 8154 degrees w 12.00 cbs. thence s 64 degrees w 9 chs., thence n 8354 degrees w 19.75 chs., thence n 86L deg. w 11.75 chs,, thence s 41 deg, w 4 chs., thence siuth ; ch.. thence s 59 deg. w 7 chs.. thence s 73 deg. w 10.50 ebs., thence s 72 deg. w 10.40 chs., thence west 10.02 chs., thence s öö deg. w 5.6 chs. thence n 78 deg. w 5.52 chs., thence n 72Já deg. w 25 chs., thence s 81 deg. w 12.75 ehs., thence n 76 deg. w3.45 ch., thenee n 8054 deg. w 11.30 chs., thence n 83 deg. w 6.42 chs., thence west 18.58 ch.s., thence n 52% deg. w 4.50 chs., thence n 7954 deg. w 15.80 chs,, thence s 7754 deg. w 7.30 chs., thence s 69 deg. w 6.40 chs. thence s 8054 deg. w 6.90 chs., thence s 85 deg. w 3.H0 chs , thence s 70 dei. w 3.85 chs , thence e M) deg. w. 6 80 chs., thence n 73 deg. w 8.85 chs thence n 8254 deg. w 6.80 chs., thence n 68 deg. w 8.54 chs. toa point 13.16 chains south of the n w corner of the e % of the s w 4 of the' n e h of sec. 4, township of Sylvau, and there ttrminating as the upper end of said drain and total leugth of 363.47 ehains. And whereas, Itappears that the following descrihed tracto of lands, owned by unknown pprsons or non residents of the townships of Limaand Sytvan aforesaid, the exeoutlon of a release of right 'f way and damages for which has been negl.-cted or rei'used, will be erossed by eaid proposed drain and will be subject to an assessment for its coastruction towit: N 5i ii w 'i s w 5a sec. 1 in the township of Sylvan; n 54 n w '4 s e and n 54 n e '4 s e and s!4se)íne!t and s è U S w Jf n e Í sec. 4 in Sylvan. And it further appearlng Uiat the following descrlbed tracts uf lande, not traversed by said proposed drain owned by unknown persons or non-residents of the townships of Lima and .-.vivan aforesaid, w li be subject to an assossmfnt lor its construction, to-wit: 2ti utres 11 54 8 '4 u w ii sec. 6 in Lima, bounded n hy 54 } ne, w by tona liue, s by Jas. TaylQy'a land, e by J sec. line. .Now, tliorefore, all such unknown or nonresident persi n, owners of the above desi'ribed lands. aud each of them. are hereoy cited to be and appear beton; this i.'ourt, al the time and place last above 6et forth, to be heard with respect to such application, if they so desire, and show cause, if any there be, why the said application lor the appointment of three Special Commissioners as aforesaid should not be granted. And it is further ordered, That the said Drain Commissioner give nofce of the pendency of said application, so far as it aflecls said lands and the persons interested therein, by causing a copy of this citation to be published in the Aun Arbor Argus. a weekly newspnper published and oirculattng in the said County of Washtenaw, in whieh said county all of sald lands are located. for at least two weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARI) BABBITT, Jüdge of Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. The undersigned having been appoiuted by the Probate Court for said County, (,"omn)iBsioiier8 to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons agïunst the estáte of Juhn N. Morgan, late of said county, deceused, hereby give notice that six uionths f rom date are allowed,by order oí said Probate Cou rt, for creditors to present ttaeir claims againstthe estáte of eaid deceased, and that tney will meet ;it the late residenceof said deceased in the townshipol Saline, in said county, on tbe27th day of November, and on the 27th day of Felmiarv next,at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said daj, t reeeive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, August 27th, 1894. DUNCjíN ROBI8ON, JOHN KOEBBE, ComminioseiB.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News