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REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE mm s mm uu - AT- A"i ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Ar the close of business, July 12, 183. KESOURCES. Loaus and discounts $tr C2'i Sfckfl Ronde and Mortgages, etc."I". srnsnr Overrirafts a'ían-A Due from banks in reserve citlee 17' seo i Dvie fromothcr bu;iksnn! bunkers oofiflw Puefrom Whshtpnaw Co. ""' ïvtu. Furniturcaiiddxiureü """ 2 oui) oo Currcnt expenses and laxea Daid ' S [nteret paid. .2 Checks anU cash items ..".'."" y uö 47 .Vickelsand pennies 'dio A CJ . 8. and National Dank Noü-s .ï.ï ".".". 13)568 00 TotaI -- -$411,099 62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .j .TOOOOOO ünáivided proflts 5 7 V, Dividends unpaid v.v. Individual deposita "."V."" 999Mte Oettificates of deposit " i",')' H4gñ 3avings deposits ."."." 82,200; Total Tñümñ STATE OF MICHIGAN, („ Connly of Wsshtenaw, j ss' I, Frederick H. Belser, Cashier of the aboye oam6i bank, do toleioniy swear that tüe abovp ''ndT'8 trUe t0 tbe heBt ' my knowledg F. H. Belser, Oashier. Ck)BRECT- Attest . Amurose Kbarxey, ) W.F. Hreakfy, Directors. EDWAhD ÜUFFT, I Suhscribed ana swotn to before methis lith dar of July, 1893. H. A. Williams, Notary Public. It is human nature to want sometfwng Jor nothing. SIL VERWARE GIM ÁWAY FREE W, F' Liodholz Grooery Store, Nos. 4 and 6 Broadway, ■ This is the way it is done: With ' every Cash Sale, whether it be ten cents or , fifty dollars we give yon a coupon showing: the amount purchasefi, and when you hav bought groceries or any goods in our line to the amount of Fo-ty Dollars, Fortv-five Dollars or Fiftv Dollars YOü CAN HAYE. YOUR CHÓICE M the'TWENTY BEAITTIFUL PIECES OF SILVERWARE, such as Sugar ISowls, Spoon HoWer, Cream, Fruit, Caster, Deiry, Pickle, Kulier Diahes, etc. CALL AND EXAMINE. Remcmber J&vertllmiy in the (fÉOCÉR Y LINE tiolil c'htnn j'ir Cnah. W. F. L0DH0L2 4 and 6 Broadway ARE YOU POSTED _ ON THE .„ Standard digtionarY PUBLISHCO BV FUNK & WAGNALLS CO., NEW YORK. g2!=3=s-iI'r COST tZgZjÈl NEARLY se=ÍP l MILLION sll V t DOLLARS. I I Grandest "= [. Jt Literary = b!5 Achievement It is made on New Flans by the best Talent. lts Editora number 247. In preparatlon 4 ycars. Has a wonderful Vocabulary of nearly 300,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. More than Twloe the Words found in any other 1 Vol. DIctionary, and about 75,000 more words than Any Other DIctionary of the Lansruage. Partioulars sent f ree to any address. Address. PRICE $12 tO $22 L%%L&. THE FULLER BOOK CO., „aagzÍS,míoh. 0r apply to our Local Agent. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stimulale a slugglsn ■, stem into ,'iealtliy aciiun. MülNN'S DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. ZE WHITE TOKAY The Best for all Purposes, MANN BLÍOS., Drugglsts; 9 S. Main St. - ANN ARBOR. Typewriters of at! raakes- rf Calijjraphs, Remingtons, SM Kt„ raoiids, Etc, - 40 to (0 per cent. 'KBJ SB below raanufacturers prices. UnQ E( Machines rented at m mk oAM&v injily lowrates KB K US BH and, if J@P 1QH W chased, will al■Jm BW Iow a moath's rental to apply Si tm, on prlce. Typewriter Em mwr pokium, 161 La Salie Street, ■aj Chicapo. Mention this paper.


Ann Arbor Argus
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