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Mortgage Sale. I nEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE } eonditkms of a certain niortgage made by George J. Keebler and Eugena Kuebler and George J. Gruner and Gruner to the Huron Valley Building and Savings Assoeiation, a corporation organized and doing business under the laws of the State of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated March 30Ui, A. D. 1891, and recorded in the office of the Résister of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw and State ot Michigan, on the first day of April, A. D. 1891, in liber 78 of mortgages on pace 5, on which mortgage there isclaimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of twelve hundred and twenty-flve dollars and an attorney's fee of dollars provided for in said mortgage. and bo snit or proceedlngs at law liaving been iustituted to recover ihe moneys 6eeureil by said mortgage, or any part thereof : Now. thprefore, by virtue of the power of aale oontaincü In suid mmfajc and the statu'einf'oh raso made hdi! provlfied, notice is hereby give" that on Öaturday theeishth day of Dëcembej, A. D. 181)4, Ht nine ocio k in lorinooii. I shll sell at public auction, to the higheel bidder, at thesouth front door oT the c'omt House in the City of Ann Arbor, ithat beiTiir the place where the circuit court for Washtniaw County is liolden). the premifcs describid in .aii mortgagei or so nuiot thereof as may Uenecefsaryto puy theamount due on said mortgagt, wit tl neven per cent inierest, and all legal OOsts. together witli au altorney's fee of twenty-fivö de liara covenantcd r therein, tbe premises tieing &si'ribed in sid mortjfage as all that certain lot. piece and parce! ol land ahuate in the city of Ann Arbor. in the County of vvafhtenaw, and State Oí Michigan, and Known and (iesoribed as follows: Commencing at. the soutlieast corner of lot. numbpr tweñty-one i-'ii in block uumber live (5' i-ouin of Huron t reet, range humoer four (4) easi in said city of Ann Arbor, thence running north pn the west line of Fotirtb Street ninety-nine (99) feet, tlicncc west parallel with the north line of eald lot number twenty-one i31) lo the weet lint; of lot, number twent.y (20) in aid block live uu, thence gouth on the west line of Raid lot.s twi-nty ( (i) and twenty-one (ïl) to iMadiscpu sneer, tlience east along the north line of Madison Street to the place of bezinning. Sitúate and belng in block five (5) south, range l'our(4) east. city of Ann Arl'or, Washtenaw Couuty, Michigan. THE HURON VALLEY BUILDING! AND savincs associatton, Mortgag-ee, Bv Thos. D. Kkahnkv. Attorney for Mortgagee. Teacher of Mnsio. Lessons given on Violin, Piano, Cornet, also Piano Tuning. I.essons given at residence, corner Gott and W. Summit St. TERMS KEASONABLE. H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. tl![liï,lülli.l.IIHll,l,.ll,ELI.E, In the rear of Edward Duffy'8 grocery store. Hack to all traine, day and niht. Orders for train, partiep. weddinge and funerale rouiptly attended to. Telephore, ]( Ann Arl .r Micb.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News