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! Michigan Central "The Niágara Falls Boute." Ti.ML lAULK iKevlsed) JÜLÏ í.st, 15 CENTRAL STANDARD TIMK í i 1 ii]rrn 5SSS :í89 : L SSSË :í:gS i tj ícckco ; 7 - L i V ; ■ 101e 10 ■.- í 1 B S : : Ë]= g-l S : B : : : a - SS :h l'ggfiS lo SS :8L i i :gS ; ,; :'- ;ios ■- WW ! 'rti3 I ES SS iallfi 2 afiSRS?8SS!Ê 15 gSLïJS538S8 HTí TV: Y5 lea: mS k =g : : ;8sg 8 Sr? isa i : :S?S u, : : :22 .'-'" & LJ :-" ' :NOS a ES : : : :ES a I =5 ; : : : : 3 3 sa;;; ;:=..-. 3 1 dce ; ; ■ a. „, Lg ; : :c : SS L $$ : :-f? : , ;Sg K 1 ■" i ï ! 1 í jr ; ■ ■ f '2 á SS : ; = S 13. SS'! ::;"a oj c.í': :=-s en ks: o. s3 i I isa SIS L 88 [SS i ;SS . as ss !71f5 1 I ?JSS5SSSSS S8S83!S8S;88 s a-! i i : : : -i m éé..$ 1 i ; : : ;J i i s : i :■-L ; i i i iilisillll g lil'ÏJilii O.W. RUOGLES H.W.HAYES, H.P. 4T. A?e ChicftRO. A?'t Ann A--or SO. i W. WASUIN(iTON ST. House, Sig. Obuakehh and Fresco Paimter, dlditij', calciinininp-, plazniir and pnper tian(r Inir. All worlt 's iifine In the heet style ano warranteö T' v't -"HílP'itioD. W. S. MOORE, (Hemov d f rom 57 S. Main to 27 S. Main St.) YTtHTmTPm Work done 10 til ' MJMÜMÍ X JLSI JL ■ fninis of modern 1 .ílentiKtiy. irun aod Bridge work a Bpecialty Batisfaction (iiarametd. iU. of M. Gradúate. 1 27 South Main Street, m A&BDS, HICH,


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