One Hundred Hurt At Chatfield.
Chatfield, Minn.,Sept. 34- Thecyclone visited thia place and did dire dam age. cuttiug a wide path through the woods jnst on the outskirts aud demolisuiag the ?:ist side of the villaje. Tuis the most tuii kly populated part of the town. At the beginning of the storm a ball given by tbc brass baud was in proress at the Opera House. This building was araoag the six;y other that were wreoked, and in it uearly all in att-judano3 at the bj.ll received iujurie more or lesa severe. Tlie list of wounded will rench 100. A I fire was started by the overturning of a j lamp in the establishment of P.ilmer & j Btown, aud the hardware store of Smart ! & Baker and the Caswell hotel were desoroyed. The large general store at this place was moved five rods from the foundation and the three men iuside ai the time escaped uuinjured.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News