No Sign Of A Slate
Sauatoga, N. Y., Spt. 24.- A situation he like of wliich has never beeu 3een by ny of the assemblee! Democratie party leaders is presented here. Withtn a sboi t time of the date set for the naraination of íi candidato for the office of governor of the state of New York no selection of a candidate has yet been made, and while one name is promiuently meutioned no one person eau be said to have anytliing like a mortgaze on the nomination. Nothinncmbe indulaed but speculation. It U true that Judge Gaynor's name is on ever lip, but the events of today may c'ianao the vrhole current. So far there are four candidates mentioaed for governor: Judge Gaynor, of Brooklyn; Johu Boyd Thacher, of Albany; Frederiek F. Cook, of Rochester, and Senator David B. HUI. Wliat 1 1 111 Said to Sheehan. Daniel S. Lockwood, of Buffalo, was mentioned, but it is said by those who know that he is practically out of the race, and that Sheehau's support, which may domínate Erie, wiü ba thrown toward Frederick Cook. Every eflort will be made, however, to induce Cook to accept the second place upon the ticket In case either Judsje Gaynor or Hill is a nominee. As to Hill as a candidate, Lieutenant Governor Sheehan said: "I conversed with Ssuator Hill on the matter Siturday afternoou, before le'aving Albauy for Saratoga. He not only said thut lie would not be a candidate, but iníisted that I should not broach tue subject to him ny more, and lioped that no turtupr mention of it would be made." Tar.rmany Will IM;ike an Jill'mi. Notwithst.'indin the assercioa o( Sheehau, there are some people here who profess to believe thaf. Hill may be ioduced to accept. WitU tliis feeliua prevailing Tammany will send a cominittee to wait upon the senator and ti'y to pravail upon him to be a candidate. "Would Hill make a good candidate f" was asked of Charles 8. Fairchüd. "I must decline to answer that question," .said Fairchild. Sheppard, who represents the same faction ia Kiog's county aa Fairchild represents in New York, said: "We shall appear befora the committee on credentiaU and ask that our wbole delegation be seated. So far as nominations are concerned we are for Judcre Gavnor." For the Rest of the Ticket. For lieuteuant Giovernor there are threa names mentioned- Frederiek. Cook, of Rocbester; Joh o J. Litidou, of Ulster county, and Jacob B. Canter, of Nasv York, with the chances seemiutrly largely in favor of the second uamed. For judge of the court of apoeals, oaly one uandidate is nieatioiied - Jiidcjö T.tus, of Erie - althous?h there is a rumor that the of Judj;e A. B. Parker will be presentad by his friend-.
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