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London's Water Supply.

London's Water  Supply. image
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In Loiidon, the largest city ia the world, the water is furui3hed by companies and ia charged for by the quantity. Ko one kas a free faucet or eau afferrt to waste his water. Every famiiy bargains for as many gallons per diem as it needs, and this amount is placed in tanks. Then the water is shuc off. If tho famüy uses it up by noon, it gets ao more nntil the next day unless it can borrow of its neighbor. There is no waste. The water is ail nieasured and paid for. With three times onr popuiatioa London doe3 not use onethird as innen water as Chicago does, siniply because the water is not wasted. In Chicago the city furuishes the water, and every one is free to do with it what he pleases, and the result is anarchy iu water. The man on the third story has no rights the man on the second is bound to respect, and the man on the first floor cheats both of them hy running water via the sewers into ti'.a river and lake. So long as there is ei: regard of human rights by human hogs this waste will continue, and those on the upper stories will suffer becanse those on lower stories are running water all day to coo! their ruoms or to flood their lawns - in ether words, are letting million of calion-; rim inro rhn sswers


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News