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----■■■■■■■■ifiiiiiiiMMiiiHJiiiiiiriijjiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Real Estáte tor Sale. , ! ST,ÍTF; OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF k- ss. In the matter of the estáte of Lucinda De, Puy, deoeased. ; Notipeüs hereby gl ven, that tn pursuanceof . an order granted to tlie undersigned, administ nitor of the estáte of said deoeased. by , r"(l-re "r l'rohiite tor the County a A ".,the tlth d:iy of September, A. D.EM, there wül be soid at puMlc vendue to the highest bidder, at the East front . door of the Court House in the city of Ana Arbor, ln J-he County of Washtenaw, tu sald state, on Tuesday the thirtieth (3Oth) day of üetober A. D. 1894, at ten o'olock tn the forenoon of that day (subject to all encuinbrances by niortgaje or otherwise ex stlng at the tune of the deathof sald deceasedi the following described real estáte, wit - , Lot number eleven (11) in bloek two (2) uorth of Huron street ind range fourteen IU) east in the eastern iddltion to the village itiow city) of Ann Arbor, Michigan accordmif to the recorded plat thereof. Dated September llth, 1894. WM. K. CHILDS) __ AdmlQl.itrator. Mortgage Sale. Detault havinï been made in the coudltions oia.'ertri,li" m"rtaie ruade by Wlliiam Otto. 1 0Í the Towiishlp of Xorthfield, County of i 'asntenawand State of Mirhiiran, to Burnard ', ' '!.■ of said township, county and state, and dated the Becond day of November A. D. one Uiousaud eüjht hu nared and niuety-two. and recorded in toe office of the KegiMerof Deeds fop the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the second day of November A. 1). one thousaml elghi hundred and ninotytwo. tn Liber eighry of Mortgages, on page tnree huudred and seventy-iwo on which mortsas-e there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the snmof three huudred and thirty dollars and Ülty-Sve cents, and an attorney's fee of twenty dollars provided for insaici mortgage, and no suit or proeeeding at law having been instituted to recover the nioneys secured by said mortgage or any part inoro'1!. Now. herefore, by virtne of the power of sale coutained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday the ninth day of October, A. D. one thousand eisrht hundred and nlnety-four. at nine o clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at publio anotlon, to the highest bidder, at the south front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor. Cthat being the place where the oircuu court for Washtenaw County is noldeni, the premises described iu said mortgage, or po much thereof as may be neoessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage, with s;x p r cent, interent, and all legal costs, together with an attorney's fe9 of twenty dollars convenated for thereln, the premises be ni described in said mortgage ai those certain pieces aud parcela of land sitúate in the Township of Northfleld, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, aod known and described as follows: Commenclng north, forty-two desrees and Bfteen minutes west, tourteen rods and twenty-one links froin a stake seven links in front of the north-eaat corner of the Whitmore Lake Hotel occupied, in one thousand eight hundred and aixty by ' f. Avery; thence north forty-two dearees aud flfteen minutes west, tour rods; thence south, forty-seven degrees and forty-five minutes west, eight rods: thence south. forty-two degrees and flfteen minutes east, four rods; thence north, torty-seveti degreee and fortyflve minutes east. eight rods to the place of beginning. Alsoa pieee of land described as follows: Commencingat the northe&st corner of the land above described, thence running southeasterly on the Southwest side o the highway four rods; theuce north-easterly ar riiht anales with the above described boundary line twenty rods; thence north-westeriy parallel with said flrst boundary line four rods thence twenty rods to the place of beginning. THO3. D. KEARNEY, ' 'Mortga'gee. Attorney for Mortgagee. Notice to Creditors. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUJSTY J of Washtenaw. 88. Notice is hereby given, that by ao order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 20th day of August. A. D. 1894, six months from that dale were allowed forcrediiors to present their elaitus against the estáte of Enoch D. Davis late of said coanty, deceased, and that all creditors of sald deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examioatioa and allowaDce on or before the 21st day of 'January next, and that such claims wi 11 be heard before said Court, on the 20th day of November and on the 2Ut day of January next, at ten o clock in the toreaoon of e&ch of aaid days. Dated, Ann Arhor, Aagnat21, A. D 1!U. JWILLARD BABBIÏT. Judat; of Probate. Estáte of Michael Cowan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', CODNTY OF k Waahtenaw, sa. At a session of tte Probate ■ - Court for the Cuunty of Washtajiaw, holieu at the Probate Office iu the City ol Aun Arbor, on TuesUy, the llth day ot September, in the year ODe thousaiul eiiht hundred aud Diuety-tour Present, J.Willaid Bsibbitt, Judge óf Probate. In thu matter of tha estáte of Kfich:u-1 Cowan, deceafed Marianna Cownn, exeoutor of the last will and testament of said deceased , omes into coürt and represeots that she is now prepared to reader Uer finai account as such executor. Thereupon it isordered, tbat Tues-lay. tbe 9th day of October next. at 10 o' clock in the forenoon, oeasslgned forexamining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legateesand heirs-atlaw of aaid deceased and all other persone intereateii in said estáte, are required to appear at a neasioii ot' said court, theu to be holdeu at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, in C'ounty, and show canse, ïf any there be, why the saii account should not be allowed. And it is further ordercd that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendencj of aaid account and the hearinR thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbob Abgus, a newapaper printed and circulatiug in said county, three succestive wekf previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (atruecopy) Judge ot" Probate. William G. Uotv. Probate Register Estáte ot Elizabeth Norton. ÏATEOF MICHIGAN, COUNTY '-'of Washtenaw. a. At a session of the Probóte Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the oitv of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the I3th day of September in the year une thouaand eight hundred and ninetv-four. Present, J. Willrd Babbitt, Judg of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Elizabeth Norton, Seceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, Df Bdmund Kobiason, prayingthat a certain instrument now on tile in this Court, purportingto be the last will and testamento! saidaeceased may be admitted to probate and that administratiou jf snd estáte may be granted to hlmself (there eing no executor in said will named) or to ome jthersuitable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 9th lay of October next, at ten o'clock in the foreloon, be assicned for the hearing of said petition, nd that the devisees, leñatees, and heirs at law of laid deceased, and all other pereon interated in said estáte, are required to appear it a session of gaid Court, then to be holden it the probate office in the ctty of Ann irbor, and show cause, if any there )e, why the prayer of the petitioner ihould not be gruntecl: And it ia further oriered that said petitiouer give notice to the ersons interested in said estáte, of the pendency f said petition, nd the hearing thereof, by lausingacopyof this order to be pubüshed in the nn Arbor Aroüs, a newspaper printed and circuatetlin said county three successive weeks proviiui tosaid aay of hearin?. J. WILLARD RAnntTT, [A true eopy. ludge of Probate. iLLiAM G. Doiy, Probate Reeister,


Ann Arbor Argus
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