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Case Of Bolt In Nebraska

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OMAHA, Sept. 27.- Atter two or three recesses tlie state Democratie couvention got to work with the Bryan men in charge, the auti-silver men belng s small minority. Bryan was nominated by acclamation for United States senator, and replied ia a speech pledging himself to work for free silver e.nd agalust monopolies. After wrangling until midnight over the question of fusión the matter was postponed pending the report of the committee on platform. The minority report was similar to the majority with the exception of the clause relat ing to nuances, which declared for a gold basis. It was wholly ignored by the victoi-ious siiverites, however, and the majority report carried with a rush. The income tax is indorsed and the A. P. A. denounced. The moaey plank, after declaring for free silver at 16-to-l, says: "We regard the rigbt to issue money as an attriuate of sovereignty, and believe that all mony needad to supplement the gold and silver coinas:? of tue constitution and to make i lm dollar stable in purchasing power so that it wil! defraud neither debtor or creditor, should be issued by tha general government, as the greenbacks were issued; that such money should ba redeemable in coin, the government to exercise the option by redeeming in gold or silver, whichever Is the ruore convenient for the government. " We believa that all money issued by the governmeat, whether gold, aüver or paper, should be made a f uil legal tender for all debtd, public or private, and that no citizen should be permitted to demonetize by contract that which the government make? money by law." After the adoption of the platform the leaders of the fusión aud auti-fusion factions announced au agreemeut and Judge Holcomb.the Populist caudidate forgoveruor, was indorsed at midnight by a larga majority. Tne following ticket was nominated. 104 anti-fusionists bolting during the process: Goveruor, Judge Holcomb; lieutenanr. governor, J. N. Gaffiu; secretary of state, F. R. Ellick; treasurer. J. A. Linkhardt; attorney general, D. B. Carey; auditor, J. C. Dahlman; commissioaer of public Iand3 aud buildings, S. J. Kent; superintendent of public instruction, W. A. Jones. Holcomb, Gadin, Carey, Kent, and Jones are Populist nominees. The regular convention then adjourned. The bolters then at once organizad into a separate convention and began 4he work of selecting a straight Democratie ticket. The following stata ticket wsa nominated by the bolters: For governor, P. D. Sturdevant; liautenant governor, R. E. Dunphy; secretary oí state, D. T. Rol.; auditoi, Otto Biuman; treasurer, Luke Drideuthal; attorney general, John H. Ames; comraissiouer public lands and buildings, Jacob Bígler; superintendent public instruction, Milton Doolittle. The bolters adjourned after adopting a platform similar to the other, exceptiug tuac it fa vors a o A basis.


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