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] OFFICIA],.] COUNCII, C-HAMHKH, I Ann Arbok, Sept. &th, JS94. (" Special session. Called to order by the Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Wagner, Martin, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor and Pres. Wines - . On motion of Aid. Kitson, Aid. Mauly was elected president pro tem. f The Clerk read the following cali of this meeting: Ann Arbor, Mich., September 28, 1894. W. J. Mn-LEK, City Clerk. Dear Sir: You are hereby direoted to cali a special seesion of the Commou Couucil for this Friduy evenins, Sept. 28, 1894, at 7:30 sharp, at the council chamber, for the purpose of determining a name for the city's park. Sisned. O. H. Manly, Fkank Wood, C. J. Snyder, H . Gr. Prettyman, P. L. BOIIMEH, A. J. Kitson, D. Allmendinger. Alter the rnaking of a few pleasant remarks by Aid. Prettyman, he offered the lollowing: Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor has learaed with great pleasure of the celebratiou oí the ninetieth anniversary of the birthday of our lüustrioua fellow-citizen, Ex-Goveroor Alpheus Felch, and n Whereas, the Common Couucil deerns it fitting to commeinorate this day. and event by establiehinii a perpetual memorial to the pure and stalnieas character, tlie lofty purpotes and noble achievements of this distinKUished man ; Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, tliiit in I'urtherance of the purpose and design herein set forth, that piece of land lying between Huron street and Wastaiuifton street and cast of lweiïth said city, heretofore purchased by theeity of Ann Arbor and devoted io the uses and puiposes of a public pari; snall be known and designated Forever as ■ALPHEUS FELCH PARK." Which resolution was adopted by a uoanimous vote. ByAld. Wood: Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions naminj; the park, he duly attested by the City J-lerk, under tue municipal seal, bc presented tothe Honorable Alpheus Felch immediately upoii the adjournmentot this Council. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned. W. .1. Millek, City Clerk. Council Chamber, i Axs Akbok, Uctober 1, 1894. 1 Kegular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Ferguson and Brown o The journal of the last session was i'pproved. COMMUNICATIONS. Ara Arbor, Mich., Sept. W, mn. 'io the Common Council, City of Ann Arbor: I herehy tender you my resifrnation as a member of The Board of l'ublic Works, the Si'meto take effect Sept. lsth. ihankinK you tor past iavors, shown me as a member of the Board, I am Most respeetfully yours, THOá. J. KKECH. Received and filed. PRÖM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works, beg leave to ,"m't the iollowing report of its dolngs in jne matter of obtainiugLide for the construc Jjnof lateral sewers in Diswicts No. 1 and t - , The Board cause d notlcooftbe City want to be pulil shed in the local newspapers an also dietributed among well-known sewer Icontractors suchnotice: and as a result on the day set for closinK euch offer, had sevenhtSSwfh ' "i ií hich bids are ubniitted nerewitn. haoh bid was accompanied witli the necesary certifled bank check. Atterdueconsiderationof all tenders for the .■onstruction of the eald lateral sewers, the Board of Public Works flnds that the bids ot Steveiison. Reid & Co., of Port Huron. Och., for lateral sewer in District 10. 1, and ol Herman Hutzel for building lateral sewer in District No 2, together with eet niated extras in each sewer district respectively, are the lowcst bids received and recommend that the saia bids be accepted and that contract-s be made with euch parties. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLEU. Keoeived and filed. KROM THE SAMK. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works, to whom was referred the matter of preparing plans and estímate of the eost of rebuilding the niain sewer &c, as recommended by special sewer eommiteee, report that the Board csused the City Engineer to inake plans of t change of route, commencing at the man hole nortli of the M. C. K. K. tracks thence running westerly on the M. C. R. R. Co. rlght of way to the esst end of tlieir Freight office thence soutb ind mtersect vith the main sewer on Depot street. The BoHi-d have causeri an estímate to be made of this route which isï3,90ö.&5, and an estímate the repairlng of the main sewtronold line, Ï4,18O.95 with 24-inchiron pipe whíoh plana and estimates are herewith subrmtted and made a part of this report. And further, it is the sense of this Board that the repairingorrebuilding of the main sewer as recommended by the special sewer cominittee is not advisable nor desirable until a failuro thereof demoustrates the neces.sity for such repairinir or rebuilding and then shouid occasion require. we recommend the building of the sewer on the proposed line north of the M. K. R. tracks. By order of the Board of Public Works. W..J. MILLEK. Clerk. Iieceived and üled. EKOM TnE SAME. To the Honorable, tlie Common Couucil of the City of Ann Arbor: Whereas. it is the sense of the Board of Public Works that th city is paying moro for ite engineering service than is eommensurate with the returns therefor, and whereas it is the eense of this Board that a map such as Mr. Cottinghatn propo6es to t'uruish by eetlon 3 of the enclosed proposed contract with ïitn, s desirable, if not a' necessity, and whereas Mr. Cottingham proposes to ïurnish such a map for the gross surn of $300 in addition to a monthly salary of $100 per month, which salary (per article 4 of propoeed contract) includes all help, etc , all to be completed within the time epeciüed therein. Now therefore, we the Board of Pu Wie Works respectfully request that your Honorable Body ecomrnend tlie ontering into a contract with Ur. Cottingham substantially as eet forthper he herewith submltted letter hearing date luly 17th, 18M4, and accompanying unexecuted contract. All of which are resoectfully submitted for your consideration and reeommendation. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Received and filed. To the Common Cotincil: The Board of Public Works eubmit the annexed bids which they have mceived for the onstruction of sidewalkB, wffire not built by he property owners, for your eonsideration. C. H. Stevens is thelowest bidder for buildng sidewalks on observatory Btreet, along hewestside from Volland to Ann streets. Hls bid, on striking an average, is about }ó jer rod. All things considered, the Board recommends that the bids be aeceptedand contract xeeuted. By oj:der of the Board of Public Works. W. ,T. MILLER, City Clerk . Received and filed. FRESENTATION OF 1'EÏIÏIONS. Of Thomas Kearney and nine oüiers asking that an electric light be located at the junction of Wilmot street and Washtenaw and Forest avenues. Referred to Committee on Lichting. Of J. T. Jacobs and others, asking that cement crosswalk be ordered built on Packard street at the foot of Monroe street, also that an electric light be located at the intersection of said streets. Crosswalk referred to Committee on Sidewalks and light reterred to Lighting Committee. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEEs. FTNANCE. To the Common Council : Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following bilis under coneideration, and recommend their allowance and warrants ordered drawn, at sum8 etated. CONTINGENT FITNn. W. J. Miller, 1 month'8 salary ï 66 67 John W. Bennett, " " ó 00 P. O'Hearn, " " 8:J 34 Geo. H.Pond, " " .. 8 3S Marvin Davenport, janitor salary C 2ti Mis. Kuhu, cleaning ornees.. 3 15 Nathan U. Corbin, 92 hours' work on ordinauces - 32 20 Jacob Ganzhom, serviceB examining peach orchards - 48 50 Chas. Dwyer. serving summons - 2 2ü Clay A. Greene, rent, assigned to J. B. Wortley 29 17 Ibling Bros.& Bverard, council record 9 W W. .1. Miller, supplies - 4 60 Chas. A. Saur, replanking Cth ward engine Hoor 87 00 Total $ 405 42 STItEKT FUND. Nelson Sutherland, salary $ Gfi 7 Ann Arbor Savings Bank, accounts asslKued them as follow6: Miclmel Kusterer, team labor. .$ 28 20 Ü. W. Kilta, team labor 00 C. Snyder, team labor 19 50 Geore Schlemmer, labor 8 25 Nlcholas Hinderloiiir, labor 1410 Barney Langer, labor 13 20 92 25 Tlie Farmers' & Mechanios' Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: Georxe La vore, labor 15 00 Bamey Mast, lahor '- 00 FredKuhn, labor 4 80 28 80 Nieuolas Hinderlong, labor, assigned to Fred Braun 4 r0 Fred Haarer, labor, assigned to J. WBeunett 2 25 Edward Warner, labor, assigned to J. W. Eisele.... 1 50 M. Kusterer, team labor, assigned to city of Ann Arbor... -- ö 00 Orville Sage, laboï 4 51). ■lacobKles, lalior - 12 00 Martin Adanijchok 15 00 Gottlieb Wolter, labor 50 EdJacobus, labor 6 00 Hermann Schaifcr, lahor 21 0J Frank Sutherland, labor 24 22 Willis Clark,. labor 20 25 Charles Hintz, labor. ..' ♦ 7 60 John Krumrie, labor 2 25 George Fischer, labor 20 88 George James, labor 2 25 Julius Nimpz, labor - 3 00 (lottfriedSchuon, labor 8 0 Frank Schultz, labor - t 00 Christopher Rohem. labor 4 'ii August Dupslauff, labor 6 0!) Barney Mast, labor 3 00 Michael Kusterer, labor 4 50 Challes Glasser, labor 10 50 jobn Miller, labor 4 50 Jacob Maurer. labor - 1 50 Charles Winkle, labor 12 00 John Wyman, labor 6 75 Patrick McCabe, labor 22 50 Michael Williams, labor 15 75 Richard Zebbs, labor t' 75 Fred Hadkc, labor 9 00 John McHugh, team labor 18 Ou Elias Sadler, team labor 00 P. D. Rogéis, team labor - 27 00 Hiram Kltredge, team labor ♦ 180 V. ,1. Snyder, team labor 3 00 Keady Marsh, team labor 'W 00 Charleas Tessmer, 55 loads of gravel.. 13 75 J. E. Suinner, team labor 214R George Schaeible team labor 7 50 Martin Nagle, team labor 12 90 Abraham Voorheis, team labor 1 50 Wil 1 Cochran, team labor 25 50 George Kirn, building 6idewalks 26 05 Dwight Annt, building s''dew;.Ik? 11 70 P. L. JBodmer, lumljer- ie 08 Total : $ ((7 :n SEWEIt FUN1. George F. Key, -ai;u-v._ 10 CO Mortimeru. barnes. ast. engiiieer... M 5U Charles, H. Spencer, ofBce work eng... i 00 Frauk Sutherlaud, labor 3 00 ' Polhemup. horne hire 126 Michigan Central Kailroad Co expense- ineurjed by the sewer crogaing tlieir right of way and proteeting tracks 88 47 Total 8 203 -Li BRIDGE, CUI.VEHT AND CKOSSWAL.K FUND. Aun Arbor Savings Rank, accounts aesigned tliem is follow6: Charlee Winkle, labor f 10 65 Charlee Glaser, labor 15 00 Barn'-y Langer, labor 4 5U Charles Mil lard, paviug stone ]& óo 46 15 tfarney Wast, labor, assiirned to F. & M. Bank 6 00 Michael Kenny, labor, asBisnecï to Pred Hrown 7 nö Fil l'lricli, labor... '4 tlO .Tulius Lorhke, Uüor 13 5 S. R Pllte, labor :t 55 Jacob Keek. labor 32 58 Adolph Wnlters, labor 4 50 WilliKin Keiihn. labor 2ti 25 Chris. J etter, labor. ... :a 1 Jacob Mlche felder, labor 4511 Gustare Wolters, labor 4 r.O Albert Schoemln, labor ; . n; Edward Burns, labur l:i (i.'i Wil] Wyrnan, labor . 12 (Hi FredKachke, labor ]s 1 Richard Zebbs. labor 7 5" Mi.-bael WUUams, labor ]ti 50 l'tiic-k Mc abe, labor 8 6 John Wyman, labor.. 5 8 '". Ellas Sadler, team labor 57-91' WilHam Wheeler. hojse and eart Zi 50 John Judson, repalr(ng ir crosswalks. 2 60 Martin Nale, paving stone 9 75 Zenus f weet, gravel 14 50 )'. D Rodgers, team labor y 00 R. C. Barney, stone slabs. 115 J2 Georpre Sweet, cement 131 60 Ann ArborGasCo., tar 113 57 Total jrv7 ;4 PÓLICE PIINÍ P. S. lSanfield, salary 65 00 David Collins. ealary ... 50 w Keuben A rmbmster, salary 50 00 Willlam E Eklert 50 00 Georre B isbell go uo J. RobisOn, hurse bire : w Total . i $ 26S 00 F1KE DHPAHTMENT FUND Fred Slpley, salary $ 60 00 2. A . Kdwards, tsalary ."0 00 Henry McLaren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary "50 iio Max Wittliuer, salary 50 00 Alben V, est, salary 50 00 Eugene Williams, salary 45 00 Herman Kirn, salary 4U 00 Samuel McLaren, salary, 8 00 Vin. Rettieh, salary s 00 Sdward Hoelzle, salary 8 00 William L. Schnierle, salary 8 00 M .C. Hyau, salary 8 00 Mr8. B. Rearn, washmg 5 00 '. F. Lawrence, hay 6 58 lames Donegaji, horse slioing 8 8" Wurster la Kïrn, work on hydrauts... 9 75 Total t 465 13 POOR FTJND. Fred Sipley, salary { 10 00 W. H. Wilson, lliicords block wood... 110 20 Fred Sipley, freight paid on three cars wood 52 00 H, J. Brown, medicine 2 40 Jolin Burir, ehoes _ 550 Edward Dutfy, groceriee _ 5 H6 VVilliam G. Dieterle, coffiu 10 00 John Eisele, groceries 3 31 John Goetz & son, groceries 4 56 John Goetz, jr., groceries 5 86 L. Gruner, shoes 1 50 William F. Lodholz. groceries 7 53. Mrs. Ann Evans, aid 5 00 William H. Mclntyre, groceries 12 ö',i O'Hara Boyle, rocerie ti 6 Rinsey & Seabolt, groceries 5 Gti Casper Hinsey, grocerlus -- 12 04 Wahr&Mtller, shoes.. 1 Oó Charles Zuro, meat 75 Total ..$"202 01 BECAPITULAÏlOf!. Contingent Fund f 40542 Street Fund kit ;u Sewer Fund 203 22 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. 887 34 Fire Fund 465 13 Pólice Fund 2(i8 00 Poor Fund 202 01 Total ...$ 3,188 40 Kespeclfully submitted. FRANK WOOD, C. II. MANI.Y, Finance Committee Accepted, and recommendations concurred in, as iollows: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snydef, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyrnan, Pres. Wines - 11. Nays- None. FROM THE SIDEWALK COMMITTEE. To the Coinmon Council : Your committee od sidewalks. to whom was referred the petitionsasking for the construction of Iwo crosswaiks, one along the north andone aloDg the south side of West Liberty street, across Ashley and Second streets, flnd that tbere ia a necessityíor the construction ol the crosswaiks where asked lor by your petitioners and would tberefore recoinmend that an appropriation of$100be made from the bridge, culvert and crosswalk fund, and that the Board of Public Works be liereby uirectecl to build said crosswaiks, and we furtber recoinmend that the grade of the crosswalk on Ashley street be raised eleven inchesin the center of eaid street soasto bring a uniform grade from sidewalk to sldewalk. Respectfiilly submitted, C. H. Maxi-ï. :. J. SXVDEK, D. F. AU.MENDINOBB, akthur J Kitson, v. W. Waqner, Sidewalk (Jumniittee. Accepted, aud recoinmendations concurred in, as follows : Yeas - Aid. Waguer, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendingei', Wood, Snyder, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. -11. Nays - None. PROÏI THE SIDEWALK AND STP.EET COMMITTF.ES. To the Cominou ('ouucil : Your Committee OU Streets and Sidewalks, to whom was referred the matter of sidewalk grade on E, Hu ron street along the soutli side betweeu Twelith street and Tbirteenth street, beg leave to report that they visiied this localily in a body and fully inspected tne same, and alter careful oonsideralion would recoinmend the following: That Mrs. Luklns be permiited to raise her walk 21 lncbes 011 the eastend. At 114 ft. weslerly from the east end 11 In ches, m from this last, point tojoln the highest polnt iu the established grade. Also that the Koard of Public works cause the City Ëng'Ineer to etablisb a suitable gulter grade, for the approval of this council. so as tö takc care of the surface water on and alnug the west side of State street between Liberty and Williams streets. Respectfiilly submitted, C. H. Maxly, 1 A. J. KlTSO.V, Sidewalk Committee. Chbisttab Mahti.v, H. (i.PKETTV.MAN, P. L. Boi[Kii, Street Commillee. Accepted and recommendations concurred in. i FROM THE LIGHTING COMMITTEE. To the Common Couucil: Your committee on lighting to whom wo referred the petition of the property owneis on West Huron street, askliiK that the h'st lighlon said street be chansed to a place where it may give equal benefit to the residences in that viciulty, would report that they visiied the locallty and fully inspected the same and would recoinmend thefollowiug, uamely : That the llght on Weet Huron street be moved from the north to the south side of the strect. We would also recommend that the llght now located on South State street at Hamilton Park additlon, be moved and located at the Interseetion of Hu ron sireet. wlth Dezter and Jackson roadn Yooreommittee nmkes tliis recoininemtation for the reiuion where thl light now is lnrated ou South staif Street üiere re hut three nouses aud twoof them ouly ure now orcupled mul between these bouses and the city there is Hboiua gtiurter of a naile which is noihint; but farm land. and for this reason your committee reeommends such a ehange. Kespectfully submitted, Christiax Martin, W. L.Taylok, Lighting Cominittee Accepted, and recommendations eoncurred in. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TRKASL'KEH'S KErOKT FOR TÏÏE MONTH ENDING SEPT 29, 1894. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: t Balance on hand as per last report W5.887.93 MONF.V KECEIVED. Pólice Fund- l'.S.Banfield. fees...f (KI E. B. Pond, fines 1U.00 g Contingent Fund- W. J. vuiler lic .-.- 5.S0 A A. Sav. Bank, interest 2711.16 Flremeu's Puurt - 1'. ílpley, biiililiiiir permlc, eto. 1.70 Bridge, Calven and Croswaik fund - w. j. Miller, repalriDjf tar WHiks Z]M) City Cemetery FunJ- EliManly 5.00 Total SÖ7.7S 337.75 Siti.225 9S MONKY DISI1I-RSED. Contingent Fund. KU6K395 Street Fuud 46O.7U Fireinen's Fuud 507.58 Pólice Fuud SUl.liü P or Fund 1U3.U8 Sewer Fund 271.14 Cenietery Fund ïl.üO Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 4;j).g Soldiers' Kelief Fund ;io.lw S 3 791.21 7 8,791 21 Total $42,434 47 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund B 884.08 Stret-t Fund 4.7ÜU.47 Fireuien'sFund 6,711.1)7 Pólice Fund 3,62] .-: PoorFund is tí Water Fund 4.7i;,40 Cemetery Fund 2Ü.7O Soldiers' Relief Fund. 1,118.06 CniverBity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 4,:j20.00 Delinquent Tax Fuud 144.:19 Sewer Fund 5,419.49 Main Sewer Fu nd ;i,öÖ0.w) Bridge, Culvert and Croeswalk Fund 7.142 97 Dog Tax Fund 1(XJ.(X) Total í S0.8O9 0:1 144.39 i $50,664.64 r.eee uueollected city tax 8 230.17 Total Treasurer's Balance Ï42.434 47 Kespeptfully submitted, Geo. II. Pond, City Treasurer. Ann Arbor. Sept 29, 1894. Anu Ai-bor Savinjjs B;mk, 1 Aun Arbor, Mich., Oct. 1, 18U4. f To the Conimon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Ueak Bibs- This will eerüfy that Geo H. Pond has on deposit tohis credit as CltvTreaairer, the bub of Iforty-two Thmisand, Four Hnndred Eighty-(ive and 0fi-lu0 Dollars, (tíIRÓ ()6). Yours truly, UHA8. E. HISCOCK, Oashier. The monthly reporta ot the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Foor Superintendeat and Cliief of Pólice and Board of Health were read and ordèred filed. Poor Superintendent Sipley .reported the following expenditure during the month of September: ]st ward, $9.41 ; 2d ward, $18.79; 3d ward, $42.29; 4th ward, $15.45; "ith ward, $19.35; 6th ward, none. Chief of Pólice Banfleld reported twenty arreste during the month of September, as foljows : Drunk, 11; violating city ordinances, 4; assault and battery, 1; violatang liquor law, .'!; larceny, 1. TÏie Board of Health reported 10 deaths during the month: one case of diphtheria, abated 5 fllthy or unlawful privies, 4 pig pens, 16 fllthy alleys, lots or premises. Chief .Sipley, of the Fire Department, reportnd that tlie water gauge at the Engine House had registered not less tiian ü") pounds at any time since Se[)t. 17, '94, the date of last report. City Engineer Key subniitted itemized estímate of the cost of the oth ward branch of maiu sevver. ITN'FINISHED BUSINESS. By Aid. Prettyman. Resolved, ïliat the reslgnation of ï. J. Keecb, President of the Board of Public (Coutluued on slxth page.) COUNCIL PROCEEDINCÍf. (Continr.ed from Thlyd Pago.) Voiks, be (1, and be H ftuther reolved thal in hls rslgnatlon the city of Anu Arbor lot-es tlie itctive servicts of an able uul erMcien t ofricer whose six years of la'ior ascliairma1) ül of the m si iniporlant boards In the cUy entiiles liiin to the; of all iu cinzens. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Alhnendinger, Wood, Snyder, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines- 11. Nays- Neme. Aid. Brown reported present. Akl. Prettyman moved that the communieation from the Board of Public Works, recotnmendiug the bids ior building lateral sewers in districts No. 1 and io. 2 be separately passed upon in their recular order. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the bid of Stevenson, Reed & Co. for building Liberty street sewer, District No. 1 , be accepted and adopted, and the board enter into a contract with said parties. . Adopted as follows: Yeas - AJds.Wajcner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendiurer, Snyder, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - Í). Nays- Aids. Wood, Manly, Taylor- 3. By Aid. Prettymau. Resolved, Tliat all blds on the Washington street sewer be rejected and that the Board of Public Works be asked to prepare suen plan for the "Washington street sewer as shall leave us considerable margin for extras and then adveriise for bids ou the same. Lost as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Pret" tyman, Pres. Wines - 4. Naya - Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson - 8. On motion of Aid. Wood the council took a recess of ten minutes. Af ter the expiration of ten minutes the following resolution was ofi'ered : By Aid. Wood : iiesoh erf, That the Board of Public works be and are hereby requested to advertise for blds lor placing the depresstoo or sag in Main sewer on Depot street on proper grade. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nayst- None. By Aid. Maaly : Ketolved. That the recommendation of the Board of Public Works pertaining to sewer district No. 2 be, and the same is hereby accepted and adopted A dop te d as follows : Yeas- Aid. Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Suyder, Manly, Frettyman, Pres. Wines- 7." Xays.- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Brown, Taylor, Kitson- 5. Aid. Prettyman moved that the matter of making a contract with Mr. Cottinghiiin to do the civil engineering work of the city for one year as recommended by the Board of Public Works, be indefinitely postponed. Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved that the cornmunication from the Board of Public Works, reporting bids for the construction of sidewalks on Observatory street, be accepted and adopted, and the Board is lereby direeted to enter into a contract with the lowest bidder. Adopted as follows : Aves - Alds.Waguer, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Suyder, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays - None; Chairman Brown stated that the special Water Committee of tliis Counil was now ready to report. On motion, the reading of the report vas deferred until the next meeting. I'o the Honorable Common Council: In accordance with the power vested In me as Mayor, I hereby appoint, subject to your approval, George W. Bullis, a member of the Board of Public Works to flll the vacanoy aused by the resignation T. J. Keech. C. G. Dakling, Mayor. October lst, '94 Aid. Prettyman moved that the ap)ointment of George W. Bullis as.memer of the Board of Public Works be onfirmed. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, llniendinger, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Citson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 10. Nays- Aid. Wood- 1. City AssessorñO'Hearn duly certiried o the council assesstnent rolls of lateral ewer district number 1 and 2. Whereïpon the following resolution was otfered : By Aid. Kitson : Heg ol vel, That, whereas the city assessor ïas duly certified to the Common Council of his city the assessinent roll of all the owners and oceupauts of the land coutalned within pecial assessment district, number one, and falllands situated therein, well and suftiiently described, togethcr with bis estímate and determinación of the valueof eaclj parcel hereof as required by the ordiuance of the ity of Ann Arbor. ïherefore, it is ordered that the 15th day of )ctober, A. D. 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m. of sald lay be ftxed and approved as the time, and he oouncll chamber of said city of Ann Arbor as the place, where the said conncll of he city of Ann Arbor will slt asa Board of ïeview to review the said assessment roll. Noties of this meeting is hereby given to all persons interested in the same. It Is further ordered that the City Clerk do ause the said order to be publlshed in tlie ïext issue of the official newspapers of this ity, and due prooi of satd publication be flled in the office of said City Clerk. Adopted. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That, Whereas the City Assessor las duly certified to the Common Council of ,his city the assessment roll of all the owners md occupants of the land contained within pecial Assessmenl District Number Two, and of all of the lands situated therein, well and sufüciently described, together with his estímate and determination oí the value of eacn parcel thereof, as required by tlie ordinance of the city of Ann Arbor. Therefore, it is ordered that the 15th day of October, A. D. 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said ay, be flxed and approved as the time, and he Council Chamber of the said city of Ann Arbor as the place, where the said Council of he city ol Ann Arbor will sit as a Board of Review to review the sald Assessment Roll. Notice of ttiis meeting is hereby given to II persons lnterested in the same. It is further ordered that the City Clerk do -ause the said order to be publlshed in the ext issue of the official newspapers of this Ity, and due proof of saiif publicatlon be led in the office of said City Clerk. Adopted. i F.y Alderman Wood : Retolved, That the Board of Pabilo wiirf oause lite Street ('o ir.issiojier ; order and. ! require ilie Ann Arbor Streel Kailway id. to fortbwttb fill in. repair Rnd mnke refls-onably ■ sitie llie roadway betweeu iu tracks tliroogliüut the mire length ul its road. , Adopted. Ey Aid. Prettyman : Whekeas. A VKoaucy m the "(tice of !he I Justieeof the Peace in the cily of Ann Arbor, existe, oewisioned hy the resienaüon of John j W. Bemiftl, Jubtice of llie Peace; therefore. , Hesnh'rd, And 1t is hereby ordered tbat t I the coming general eleclion November 6th, ! 1S94. snch %aeancy tn the otflce of Jastice of I the Pfciice be flllcd by a special election to be ' held on the said 6tn day of November, as aioresaid. That such eleotlon be held in 1 ihe same places where such general election , is helti, and be conducted pursuant to law. 1 Jirsoirtd, pFurther, that the City Clerk do certify this resolution to the inspecors of eleetions ni and for each ward of said cltv : and also lmvedne notice of the Raid eleclion hert-by ordered according to law. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the Board of Public Works are hereby directed to ask for bids for the grading along Felch Park.on the south side, and report at the next council meeting. Adopted. Aid. Wood moved that the City Attorney file an opinión with this counc-il as to the title of land ou the southeast I comer of Washington and Twelíth ate. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned. City Cl eik.