fi7"iH Fiml OixMiingw in STOCK RAISERS, : FARMERS, LUMBERMBN, MINERS, MANUFACTURERS, i 3IEROHAJÍTS, P? ff if VC lookinu forloeations!ireinvit.pdtoiivc.stir:it(.tli(M)pp()i'tuiütie8 ollered 1'jlVOVll O t all classes in oneoi' the roost n-.uiceful Staies in the Union. Addrese the Pwretary of tbe Board of Trad GKKAT FAI ly.S, Montana. Secretary oL Board of Traüc, KALTSl'ELL, MoDtua. Secixtsiry of {i;ini of Trade, HKI.EN A, Montana, Secretary of Board of Trade, BIJTTE, Montan, or F. 1. WHlTNRY, G. 1'. & T. A., G.N. Ry., St. Paul, Minnesota, "The Treasure State."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News