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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. i church. i ■ . Ïj'OR SALE- Five acres on West Hurón Btreet. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautit'ul location. Will sell on easy lerms Anpiy to or address E. D. Davia, West Hurón street Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jtf F'OR SALE OR KENT.-Large new house with all modern Improvements, cistetn and city water in house and wel 1 near door. Will take in part paymorit smal I house or lots or símil farm near city, balance on Iodz time and low interest. P. C. Box 1)45. F OR SALE.- :J0 acres on Cbubb St. in acre or íive acre lots or all togetlier. Long time, small payment, O per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Buildinu, Detroit, Mich. LOST- on Monday ufternoon July 16th, 1.S94, one pocket ledger account book on a street in Ann Arbor orón the soutli Yusikinti road to H. Platt's, thcn eouth to Milán, tlic flnder will please send to me at Chelsea, Mich . ;md recave reward. H. Lmhthall. IANO TUNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney, will be in theeity soon. Orders left at the Ákcüs office will receive his attention. TORENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A Hat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- lurnished house heated witb íurnaee, in good order. Apply to Nosh G. Butts. Room 18.Masonic Block. W ANTEO- A MAN in every seetion atonce to sell stuole goods to dealers; do peddliníi; experience untiecessary ; best side liue. $75.00 i month. Salary and expensas ot larga commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp fot sraled particular, Clifton Sogpand Company, Ciucinnati. Oliio. WA NT RD.- Place of five or ten acres with house and barn, one or two miles 1rnm f rom Ann Arbor city. Box :jlO, Manchester, Mich. W ANTEO, A FARM.- We have a buyer who wishes to purobaee ii f;irm ne;iv Ann Arbor. I f you have one to sell cali at once. The Bach Agency, 1BE. Hurón St., Ann Arbor. ljPANTED.- Small farm near Ann Arbor, Mustbeoheap. G-iveprloe and clesorlption. Will lio in city soou. Address Bon. 1M, Orayllng, Mich. WANTED. -Good tenant for very nice store on Liberty st., near State. Terms reasouable. Also flats to rent, very desirable. Enquire 18 South State st. Víctor Cycles VÍCTOR FI.VER $125.00. If you are going to ride why not ride the best, Víctor are best! Cali und see them and you will be convinced. Sold at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORli "M. 11 W. Washington St-, Ann Arbor N. B.-We have a larsre line of seoónd-hancl wheels which we are very cheap. MWantMoney? or a Home Wan Work? or a Fa-m? Want. to open a store in a town? Want _____ to raise live stock? Wan I to know how to bny improved farms la a Vflll well eettled región without payins cash? Particulara and publications sent free by F. I. WHIT- ■ - - NET, St. Paul, Minn. Best Beer in the City at Dietz's Bottling Works Wines, Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars. 16 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. OSWALD DIETZ Prop. Ripans Tabules : pleasant laxativa Ripans Tabules : a standard reined.v Ripans Tabules prolong fe. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules are of great valu.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News