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Shoe: Sale

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I laving made extensive improvemeiits we find we must have room, and a Great Clearing Sa]e isnow in ordtr. Too many gooeh. Must be movtd quickly. A]l ]roken lois and pairs at unheard of prices. The best makes manu raotured. We hand Ie noiliing else. Our loss your gain. t-]Sj-OÏE PEICE8 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 onn sas ïnn ssu . en ggss w OUU SAMPLES 1UU la'TTONANI) JU SSHOES . . . HALF PRICE LUE L )j1 Hand SewtMl Former Pnce, ?3.5o. Best Makes _____ D. ARMSTRONG & CO. .$_:.!) ' ' - Size 8)4- t A, B. O. Koimer Price, $s.oo. P f PAIRS $9 57 h MEN.. i-ï f 5.00 Shoes, ■ S2.50 nn PAIRS JU SUOES Í4 00 Sliocs, - 2.OO JIJ L ACE BOOTS J3.00 Shoes, - Si. 50 : J JJ CLOTH TOPS Fonner Pnce, S3.50 Think of it, less than .$2.S7 ! AX1L1 SIZTES manufacturers' prices. Former Pnce, $4 00, AND WIDTHS Misses' Grain Button Shoes, sizes 11 - 2, reduced to - - - 82c Youths' Sohd Shoes, sizes II - 2, reduced to - - - 98c Woman's Shoes, reduced to - - - _■_ 1.23, Si. 47, $1.87, etc, Reductlona AH Along the J-ii'. AU iools Marked in Plain Figures. Ternis Strictly i'asli. GOODSPEED BROS. 1TO. 17 SOTJTH MAIU STB.E23T


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