A Grand Offer!
CDCC MME. A. RUPPERT'S rltCt FACE BLEACH ,KV2. MME. A. RUPPERT "? ri sayfl: "Iappreclate thefact 3H&' V' í! tbat there are many ttaouIVVKzi'uKaB sandsofladiesintheUnited iiK iiWi OBr 6tatesthatwuuldllketotry Jg! Jjfc, 1SZ. VWi Bleach: but hare been ?SBW "'" y kept from dolng so on acIL', ai' countoiprlce,whichl8t2.00 8S(g perbottleor Sbottlcatakun ácüWjy. . M touetber, 5.00. In order "STSifM'" I Kï that all of these may hare ii5ö E anopportunitj-,1 willgive T, w' to erery caller, absolutely _ - íree, a sample bottle, and %, Cc Si-'nordertosupplytboseout ''ZZ!?--. jcr=-of city.orlnanypartof the Trorld.Iwlllsend ibBafely packedln plalnwrapper ai I charges prepatd, for25 cenu. sll ver or stamp.'' In everycaseof freckle, pimples, tnoth, sallowness, blackheiids.acne, eczema, oí lineas, ronphnesstor any dlscoloration or dlseaseof tbeskin, nnd wrtnklesínot caused by facial expresslonj Facb BLEACHromnvcs abaelntely. It does not cover up, as cosnieücs do, but is a cure. Address HADAHEA. KWPrKÏ.(D(ptO.) No. 6 East I4th St., NEW YORK CITY.
Ann Arbor Argus
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