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Kentucky Crime

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Lexington, Ky., Oct 15.- Anothor lynohtaê has been addgd to the unusually large f all series of blue grass lynching bees. At the close of the Beattyville fair Oscar Morton, a ])roniinent citizon of Stanton, in Powell county, wont on the Warpath. Only two weeks ago Morton killed his man at Stanton, and was out on a $5,000 bond to appear tliis week at the Powell circuit court. When Morton arrived at the fair lie prooeeded to get drunk, and then went to hunt for Sheriff William Sirams, who was his dcadly enomy, a feud of long standing existing between the two nien. Simms aud Morton mot naar tho entrance to the fair grounds, and after a few words both of them drew guns and a quick exchange of shots followed, Morton using two guns. When the Smoke Had Clearecl Away. The flrst shot broke the sheriff's right arm at the elbow and John Hogg, afriend of Sinims, whippedout his gun andjoined in the battle. When tho smoke had cleared away it was found that Sheriff Simms was dead, having a sliot through his breast, one in his abdomen and another through his arm. Morton was shot through the neck, while Hogg was unhurt. Before a crowd could collect Morton was hustled to the county jail and placed under guard. The people became infuriated and a big meeting was at ouce held on the public square. An 'Oi'dei'ly" Lynclilng Kii.joíikmí. Colonel John Drummond mounted a barrel and made a speech in whiiii he said Chat the murderer must be hanged, but thiit the work must be done quietly and. witl) perfect order; .Morton had killed two men in less than two weeks' time and he must dio by tho ropo. A mob was quickly formed and marched to the jail. ïhe jailor was overpowered and the keys to Morton's cell obtained. He was found lying in his shirt sleeves on the floor of his cell, and after a bitter struggle was seized and dragged out. He then became very impudent, and told the mob that he did not care what they did with him provided they did their work quickly. After a short parley he was taken to a little bridge somo distance from town and the rope was placed around his neck. Forced to Execute Hiinself. The leaders drew their guns, and told ïim to jump or elso he would be riddled with bullots. Turning around, the doomed man cursed his captors, and uttering a vild imprecation leapcd into space. The umi) broke his neck, and after dangling :i une air for somo minutes he became still, and a voiley of shots was firod into ïim. The mob then dispersed, and the o : ■- was left dangling from the brils'. Xo member of the mob made any attempt j conceal his identity, and the hanging was conducted with as much formality as f it had been a legal affair. The dead heriff was only recently married, and eaves a young wife. Eight of Thein in Three Months. The murdorur was :i wealthy man who ived at Stanton. Ko had killed thrco men. Coming to the fair he attempted to kill the flreman on the train because he would not inórease the speed the locomo;ive was running. This is the cighth ynching in central Kentucky in the past hree months and the people have deternined to put down murder if they have to ake the law in their own hands every ime a man is killed. Morton's relatives are inennsed over the lynching and it may bc that some old feuda wiil be reopened.


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