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Council Proceedings

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OFFICIA]..] COUNCIT, CHAVBEH, J AitS Akbok. October lti, 1894. i o'clock p. m . 1 Adjourued session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Wagner and Manly - 2. On motion of Aid. Kitson, the Council considered the certiiicates of tlie estiinated cost of lateral sewers in Uistricts No. 1 and No. 2 to be assessed on private property in said districts. The estimated cost of lateral sewer in District Number One, less strcet crossings, is $3,939.30, and the estimated cost of lateral sewer in District Number Two is $6,826.75. Aid. Kitson moved that the estiraates of lateral sewer in District Ño, 1, as certified to by the Engineer to this Council, be and the same is hereby approved and contirme'l. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines- 10. Nays- None. Aid. Kitson moved that the estimates of lateral sewer in District No. 2, as certified to by the Engineer to this Council, be and the same is hereby approved and conlirraed. Adopted as iollows: Yeas- AM. Uodmer, Martin A1Imendinger, Wood. Snyder, Ferguson, ürown, Kitson, Prettynian. President Wines- 10. Nays - None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE BOABD OU REVIEW. Ann Aiïibr, Micli., Octoberlö, 1894. ïhe Board of Review of the Assessrueut lloll oï Lateral Sewer Assessment District JMumber One, in said city of Ann Arbor, do herehy certify to the Common Council of said city that they have duly considered the Assessnieut Koll of the Lateral Sewer District Number One, of the Lateral Sewer system of said city, as certilied by the City Assessor of said city, and after due consideration of said Koll they have approved and do hereby approve of said Assessnient Roll, and of the estimation and determination of the value of eaeh parcel of land sitnate thereiu, as tberein set down by said Assessor and altered and confirmed by this Board, and of all matters and tbings therein contained. The Board of Review, ]5y A. P. Pergtjson, Cliairman, And W. J. MlLLBR, Secretary. lieceived and iiled. Ann Arbov, Mich., October 15, 1SM. The Board of Review of the Assessment Roll of Lateral Sewer Assessment District Number Two, in said city of Ann Arbor, do hereby certify to the Common Council of said city. that they have duly considered the Assessment Roll of Lateral Sewer District Number Two, of the Lateral Sewer system of said city, as certilied by the City Assessor of said city, and after such due consideration of said Roll, they have approved and do hereby approve of said Assessment Roll, and of the estimation and determination of the value of each parcel of land lituate therein, as therein set down by said Assessor and altered and contirmed by this Board, and of all matters and things tberein contained. The Board of Review, By A. P. Fehguson, Cliairman, And V. J. Milljsr, Secretary. Received aud üled. By Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the Special Assess: inent Roll of Lateral Sewer Assessinent District Number One, in said city of Ann Arbor, as certified to tuis Council by the Board of Keview be and the same is hereby conürmed, and the City Assessor of said city is herebh ordered to assess and spread upon sucy Lateral Sewer Assessnient Roll the sum of three thousand nine hundred and thirty-uine dollars and thirty cents, the same being the sum of money fixed and determined upon as the estimated cost of Lateral Sewer Number One, street crossing excepted, (as provided by law and an ördinance of said city,etititled "Au Ordinanee Relative to Sewers,'' providing for the coustruction of a system of lateral and connecting sewers, in the city of Ann Arbor, passed the 21st day of May, 1894, and approved May 23d, 1804.) And on and upon each and every of the regular annual assessment rolls of the city ot Ann Arbor fortheyearin and during which any such special assessnient shall or may be payable, and to levy and assess against the owners or occupants of lands set down therein the said sum of money on, upon and against the lands set down in and valued upon said special Assessment Roll. Adopted as follows : ïeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, lirown, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines- 10. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the Special Assessïnent Roll of Lateral Sewer Assessïnent District Xuuiber ïvvo in said city oí Aun Albor, as certified to tliis Coimeil by tlie Board of Review be and the same is hereby eonfirmed, and the City Assessor of said city is hereby ordered to assess and spread upon such Lateral Sevver Assessment Eoll the sum of sixthousand eight hiindred aud twenty-six dollars aud seveuty-five cents, the same being the sum of money üxed and detertnined upon as the estimated cost of Lateral Sewer Number Two, street crossing excepted, (as provided by law and au ordinance of said city entitled "Au Ordinance Kelative to Sevvers," providiner tor the construction of a system of lateral and connecting sewers, in the city of Aun Arbor, passed the 21st dy of May, 1894, und approved 28d 1894, May.) And on and upon each and every of the regular animal assessment rolls of tbe city of Ann Arbor for the year in and during which any such special assessment shall or niay be payable, apd to levy and assess against the owners or occupants of lands set down therein the said sum of money on, upon and against the lands set down ín and valued upon said special assessment roll. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin. Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines- 10. Nays- None. STREET GRADE KESOLTJTI0N. By Aid. Martin: Whereas, in i ho oninion of tbe CoudcH the K rade on E Catherine Street, oujrht to be changed aud fixed and establtsned, 10 the end fctaatsüob street may be made suitable (or public travel and trame. Therefore Hesolved, and lt is hereby ordered that the rode on East C'atei-rme streut lrom center line of Thirteenth street to center line of Oliservatory street be, aud the same is liereby changed from the present grade and fixed and establislied, so thal the grade on and along such street shaJ] be as foüows, tha? i tosay: At center line of Thirteenth street, . .Sil.10 ft. At250fteast oí center liuo ot 'J'liirteenth street 862.10 ft. At 8-10 ft east of center line of Thirteenth street 8B8 80 ft At WO ft cast of center Une of Thirteentii street 9.60 ft. At 4! 0 11 cast of center line of Thlrteenth Btreet srii.lO ft. At center line of Clark Btreet 874.6U ft, At 50 f eet east ol' center line of CJark street S74.00ft. At ]40feet cast of center line of Clark street 871.50 ft At 240 ft east of center line of Clark street 86.".30 ft. At center line of Observatory street..Kö4.00ft. The elevatioQ gl ven being above the city dtum aud uloufr 'the center lme of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereoí to consist of straisrht lines betwecn the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, 8nyder, Ferguson, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wides- 10. Nays- Xone. By Aid. Wood: llesolved, That the pay of all niembers of the Board of Review present be allo wed at the ra te of $3.00 per day and the Clerk is hereby ordered to draw orders on the sewer f und for sucli services. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, irown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 10. Jsays- None. On motion the Bomt) ndiniirned. City Clerk.


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