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"Why Is lie So IrritableT' This question is often heard and nearly as often unanswered. It is nut alwaye reinembered, as it should be, tliat the occasion of 511- temper and irritability is often to be foun.l in the physica) conclition of the persons aflected. Whatis the use of trying to "harmonize" a man whose li ver lias t[one back on himV If a man is tortured with rheumatism, liow can he be expected to be affable andagreeable? (Jan a confirmed dyspeptic be expected to be cheerful and álways ready to teil a fonny story? - The only way to remove the difKculty is to get at the cause. Dyspepsia, rheumatism, imnure blood and liver troubles yield tö Hood's Sarsaparilln; Una is why it is an effeetive tranquilizer, a peaeeful messenger, and a preventive of domestic quarrels. or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'" Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Estáte ot oohn Croman. TATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUMTY - oí Wafchrentivv .w. Ata bíjimsÍou oí i he Probutt ourt far the County of Washtennw, hulden at tbc 'róbate CMIlce in the citv of A nu ATüor, "■ Fediitsday, tbe 3d dny oí October lu the ytar n' thousand eiffht hundie! and niuetyfour. Preeeüt, J. Willard ilablnti, .ludgv uf Prv.bate lü the iiíaiter of the óblate ot John Ciomïtn. oceascd , On re:idinií and the petittoil ot VVilHani A. fessela showingthat lie haa a claim agaiost suid etate which has nol been nresented tor exaraintion and allowance, and tliat tie timo limitea y the court lor that. purposc bae expired, but aat said enlute hab uot been cli sed, ítnu sLowíng l-o good cause for the oraission to present said laitn in time. It is therelore oTdered tliat Ftiday, the íith ny o Nuvember next, at ten o'ckx-k in the foreoon, be aasigTied as ihe tioieandtlie probate ilïee for sai'l county as the place tor ibe examin liuij and adjustment ot' sanl cIhídjs beiore mycelf. Ind it is mrthei oniertul thai said petítíonei ive noticeof the tini and place and object oi aid hearing i ill perdona intere&ted by causinii copyoi this order lo o publiahed Íd tho Ani irboz A khüs, n ticwaprtpiw printed and circulated n aaid couaty threy Buecoanive weks previou u aid oi htjaxiu. J. WILLARÜ BABBfTT, A copy. IihIííc of Próhate. W h.'.m i G DOTY, Probate !-:.■ ' sier. Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT OF ? Washtenay se. fn the matter of the estáte of Lucinda DePuy, deceased, Notice is liereby glven, that in pursuance of ui order grantes lo the undersigned, adminstrator of the estáte of said deceased, by he Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washteriaw, on the lltli day of September, . I). 1894, tliere will be sold at punltc vei.dne, o the blghest bidder, at the Bast front loor of the Court House In tlie city qt Aun rbor, in the County of Waslitenaw, in sald state, on Tuesday the thirtietb CiOtb) day of Jetober A. l. 1!4, at ten O'olock in the forenooD of that day (subject to all encumbrances y rnortifase or otherwise ex stin at the ime of the deathof eaid deoeased i the folowing descrlbed real estáte, Wit: I."t auiober eleven lili in blqok two (2) lorth ol' Huron street and range fourteen (14) ast in tlie eastern additlon to the villaje now city) of Aun Arbor. Michigan, accordnr to the recorded thereoi'. Dated September ntii. isMi. WM. K. ('HILI)S) A.dministrator. Sealed Proposals Wanted. Sealed proposals will be reOelv;ed at tlie Oity ÜJerk'g office of the City of Ann Arbor up'to Dei-ember lst, lsi)4, at 4 o'olock p. m., for liKluiim the -troets of the city of Ann Artior witli 1 are üghts of 2,000 candle power, to run l'rom sunown to 12:80 a. m,. on Hlnliidelphia Bcheduleof moonlight llghtlng; contrae to run for oneyeiir. The riíílit to re.iect any and all bids is reserved by the Comoion Council. Uy order of the Coniinon Council. W. J. M1LLEK, City Clerk. Aun Arbor, Ootober 2,1894 DETROIT PROPERTY. We offer good Detroit Improved Reu Estáte in excliangc for well looaled farm near markets. The growtii ail progrs of Detroit, with the reBumption of busi nena activity, renders City Real Estáte an cxceedingly proiltable investment. It 1 eertain to in value enormousl; and sfioii. Letters promptly ansvered. T.B.Goodwillie &Co. 10 iafayette Are., DETKOIT, 5nCH. FA R M S. PI ELECTRIC TELEPHONE pXÜ1 Sold outriKlit. royalty. Adnptnd rtt toaw.VillBotOourtr! Neded Ineverj '-r4 hom; Shop, note and office. Greute.t vonvenjjL3SI pnce aDfl hes: Bfllfer oneprtn. tT, i'l AKt-nl nii!i' from S5 IOS50 prrdar. .1 ' ' On1 in :i ri's''11' ' BMIABS 'i sulp to nll tlfl i- „ 1' me inLrunient, lio toK, woik . yfil !ic-re, n dKtai'-e. Complet, remi i.r II ■iulii.n sbii.ped. CMibepni opbrniiTope. J neveront of orni-r, no rviMiriif. !i.-i-r. I... Btinic. Wiirn.uiKi. A luouoy m . rite 1 - W. P. Harrlson i Co , Cltrk IC. Combus. 0


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News