Don't Miss
THE 6REAT SAMPLE SALE - OF - BOOTS SHOES Now being held at the ffiti Cit jft_Sii 1b. Men's Fine Shoes in Congress and Lace, - - $1.29 Men's Working Slioes, All Solid, - - - .85 Ladies' Genuine Dongola, iu Button and Lace, ■ 1 38 " " " Shoes as low as - - .98 Misses1 " " " special heel, - .79 Infante' Button Shoes, - - - - .17 Giltedge Shoe Polish, .13 Ladies' Storm Rubbers, - .... .25 Men's Self-acting Rubbers .50 The Celebrated W. L. Douglas $3.00 Shoe, - $2.25 All Saipple Shoes at jüst 1-2 price. r Cali Early if you would get the Best Bargains. HEMEMBER TUS PLACE. fficap Cit Price Sboe House No. 20 N. Fourth Ave., (Oity Building), Next to Arlington f lotel .
Ann Arbor Argus
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