Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
(.OFFICIAL.] Ann Akbor, Nor. 2, lS9i; Adjourned sesalon. Called to order by President Clark. Roll called. Fulll board present. Mr. Bullís moved that the gravel on and along the nortli sdde of East Catharine street, at the Stevens' property. if any gravel is used by the city, tdie hoie least of Mr. Stevens' land Bhall be replaced and tillfed with other soÜ. ïeai - Messrs. Clark, Sciuh and BulOs. . Street ('ommiewioner SuÜierUuul subraitt-ed hi.s ;i,iuiua.l i-eiKrt of sidewalks conetructed and repaired by the city. On inottoii ofMr. Bulli.s the report a.'ceped aad approved and reportod to the common councid. Mr. Bullis tuoved that theestimates nuide by the eity engineer, on sewer completad by tiie contiactors in isewor dis-trict No. 1 and 2, be approved. Yeaa- Messrs. Clark aad Bullís. The street. bridge, culvert, crosswalk and eewer bilis tor the month ■of October were approved. Mr. Clark ir.o-ed that the engineer Bubmit to this board a lorm of what kind of a book will be neceseary for liim to keep a daiíy record oí all mattere to the engineeringdcpartoneiut. Yeas- M6srti Clark and Bullís. On motioe the bids for the construction of walks were opened and inspected. Mr. Bullid offered the following : Resolved, Tliat the respective bids bo transmitted to the council with recoanmeadatlofl that the bid of Geo. Kirn, for building 5-fOOi plank walks at $2.00 rod, on umi ttlong W. Huron Street, north side, at the property of [. i., aiul .. I), James atul Ir. .!. A. IM1 : on X. Ingalla 8t in front of tlie pi-opertyof ilie isyraa l'hi I ratiu-niiy. reas Meesra Clark a ml Bullís. Mr. Clark moved tlMU we order the constnictdan of a sub-lateral on 4th ;tv?., runiimg noitli li-Oiiu the "Wasühigton streel sewer, in lieu of tJie one ai,tndone(l in alley east oí Main st Teas- Messrs rTaa'k and Bullís. On motiiou the loard adjouraed. Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News