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Samuel Krause left for Denver, last week. Bert Reimold returned to Saginaw, last week. J. R. Bowen and wife have returned to Bay City. Judge Babbitt has recently been severely indisposed. Mrs. Dr. Suker, of Toledo, is visiting in Ann Arbor. A. L. Nowlin, of Vpsilanti, was in the city, Saturday. Mr. L. D. Hubbard, of Saginaw, is visiting in the city. Dr. F. E. Burgess, of Ashley, Ind., is visiting in the city. Aaron and Jessie Schairer have returned to West Point, Neb. Mr. Geo. Wahr has been visiting in Detroit during the past few days. A Hallowe'en party took place at the residence of Miss Winnifred Beman. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Taber left yesterday for a week to Long island. A Hallowe'en party was given by VIrs. J. VV. Bennett to a nuraber of Friends. Miss Nellie Bach entertained a cothpany of young friends, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, of Detroit, are guests of Mrs. F. A. Voorheis. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Wise, of St. iohns, is visiting her daughter Mrs. T. H. Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bennett, of Detroit, were last week guests of nn Arbor friends. Mr. John O. Holmes, of Burr Oak, late a guest of Mr. Georee H. Pond, returned home, Friday. Mr. John Keech and children are visiting Mrs. Keech's brothers, Frederick and William Kuhn, of Fowlerville. Miss Emma Weitbrecht, of Howell, who has been visiting her cousin, Vliss Lydia Weitbrecht, has returned ïome. Wm. Steuffer and D. C. Geffert, who attended the golden wedding of Mr', and Mrs. J. G. Schairer, have returned home. Lieut. Grant Leonard, of Fort Brady, is in the city on a leave of absence, and is visiting his brother, George Leonard. Bert Henion, of Clinton, 111., was called to Ann Arbor last week by the serious illness of his father, Geo. M. Henion. Prof. and Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge gave a tea party, Saturday evening, to members of the faculty, who were "across the sea" last summer. When President Angelí saw in the columns of the Detroit Tribune last week that he was likely to go to Chicago to preach, he laid the paper down, turned his back, stuffed his bandana in his mouth, bent forward and those near him heard a stifled snicker. Asked about the report ihe President answered that since the death of Prof. Swing the church officers had been trying to ñll the pulpit from Sunday to Sunday and he had been invited to respond for one Sabbath, but was unable to do so, and that was all there was of it. President Angelí added that "preaching was not his vocation." Said the boy on giving his testimonyin court:"My father works at designing. He is a theologian, too, but he dont work at it." At dinner, one day last week, one of the tables at the Cook house was occupied exclusively bySmiths.who filled every seat, part of the company being strangers to the other part and their meeting at the table a coincidence, and. not by special design. Six of the company were the Smith sisters, singers of Cincinnati. The other Smiths resided in Ann Arbor. An interesting "Smith incident" happened in Adrián last winter. It was a wedding affair, wherein Mr. Smith was married to Miss Smith, by Justice Smith, and a Mr. Smith was one of the witnesses on the certifícate. None of the parties were related.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News