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Amusing The Queen

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í.íuids of hoii'ir are chosen by tho qneen herself from ainoug the danghters of peers, who, if nor themselves connectcd witb the royal liousehold, ;ire pereonal frieuds of her majesty. A letter is always sent to the párente of the young lady requestiug that as a personal favor to tho quoeii se may be permitted to attencl at court. As the position ia j deniable and the salary is L300 a year, , the request is invariably accepted, and the uewly chasen maid receivcs from the lord chamberlain tho coniinand for her first "wait. " Tho first thing brought to the maid of honor is her badge, whicli is a miniature picture of the queeu set in brilliants and hung from a ribbou. Just before the dinner hour the tuaidof honor in waiting has to stand in the corridor outside the queen's private apartments. She carriea a bouquet, which on entering the dining room she lays at the right hand of the queen's plate. The niaid of honor sits at dinner next to the gentleman on the queen's right. This rule is, however, relaxed when royal gnests are present. Af ter dinner, tinless otherwise commanded, the maid of honor retires to her own room, whence however, she is frequently called to read, sing, play the piano or take a hand at cards. As regards this last, the household have always to be provided witb freshly coined money, for the queeu is not supposed to handle money which has


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News