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Careless About The Teeth

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Mnch has been and will be written on the care of the teeth because so ruany persons do not appreciate these valuable organs of mastication. If teeth are well eared for and regularly inspected by the dontist, decay will hardly have au opportunity to do great harm before it is stopped. Decay often has its beginning in bits of food sticking between the teeth and forming the starting poiwt of a diseased tooth. The toothpick shonld be nsed regular - ly after each meal and after eating. It need not necesearily be employed during a meal or be carried like a cigar in the month after eating, but in the privacy of one's room the quill toothpick should search out each corner and angle betweeu the teeth, and all foreign matter should be removed; then the toothbrush should be u.ed, and, as the spaces between the teeth are vertical in a standing pcrsou, so the toothbrush should be nsed up and down rather than across, so that fresh water may be scrubbed betv.-ccn each tooth. The toothbrushes that slied bristles are not desirable articles of the toilet, for uot only are the loose bristles a great annoyance, but they may even work in between the teeth and in the gums and canse painful points. Such loose bristles usually come from cheap brushas or those used for too long a time. These injuuctions about the care of the teeth have to be repeated again and again, because it is such a matter of everyday observance that persons careful in other matters are careless about their teeth. As the teeth are not only very visible, and wben in a bad state verj' prominent, but are aids to digestiĆ³n, and it' imperfect may lead to dyspepsia and kindred troubles, they should


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