Tliere wil! be a great sale in our Doinestic Department. We are pushing out a great inany special values in staple every day necessaries inpossible to find anywhere else. A few of thein are appended : 1 case Apron Check Ginghams, 5c quality, . . . 3fc 1 case Outing Fiarme], light and dark, are the strict 8c value, cut to 5c 1 yard wide, Fruit of the Loom, 7Lc 1 yard wide, Lonsdale, ....... 7ic 1 yard wide, Lonsdale Oambrie, ..... 9c 1 yard wide, Heavy Bleached Sheeting, .... 4fc 1 yard wide, Fine Good Unbleached Ootton, yon pay 6c for, will be sold in this sale for ...... Sfc 1 yard wide, Fine Unbleached Cotton, the Argyle, the best fainily cotton made, 8c everywhere, . . . 5c Colored Bhirtings, tlie 12ic quality, reduced to . . 10c Colored Shirtings, the 10c quality, reduced to . . 8c 1,000 yards Amoskeag Uenim, 2.1c to 10 yards lengths, value 18c, sclling for ........ 10c 15 pieces Ticking, in wide and narrow stripes, blue and all colors, are alwsys 18c, reduced to 12Lc ABLE LI NEN. JLj5lJ!!LJ?L. 100 pieces genuine Renfew Turkey Red Table Damask, 1 to 5 yard lengths, 50c value, selling at ..... 26c 25 pieces White Table Damask, the regular value, 85c, 90c and $1, will be sold for 2 weeks for 85c 20 pieces White and unbleached Table Damask, (5c, 70c, and 75c, values, for 2 weeks, ....... 45c 50 pieces White and Damask Tabling, sold at 50c, 55c, and 60c, for 2 weeks, 37c Mg n s Ovsralls, & The largest lot of Overalls ever brought by one house, was pureliased by The Store a short time ago. We got them at jobber's prices, and are going to sell them at prices manufacturers give retail dealers. We have .500 doz. Men's very best Denim Ovaralls, warranted not to rip, are the same quality and make as Sweet & Orrs. The Kewberg and Michigan Overalls, Etc, make, all of which sell for 75c ; we make the price by the dozen or one pair, - 45c . 1,000 Men's Overalls, well made, good material, you pay 50c for them anywhere, ----- 29c ■ ] OUR GLOVE DEPARTMENT. Is in gaila attire, all the new fads in Gloves are here. A full , line of Evening Gloves are here, in all shades and lengths, all the Gloves of Foster, Paul & Co. 's make are here oniy. The Greatest Bakgains of the Season ake Hjcke, bargains like these : Snede & Glacé Gloves, 4 large pearl buttons, tan, brown, green, i and dark red, are the $1.25 grade, we are selling at - 9c iVhook Glacé Gloves, black, brown, tan and fan cv shades, 79c Kayser's Patent Finger Tipped Gloves are a most excellent cashmere Glove, they are guaranteed not to wear out on the finger tips. Of course, we have them and at lower prices than you get elsewhere. We sell the 50c quality for 40c laces. OimpSp Jets, Pnr, tas Trisimings. We are showing a full line of Fur Trimmings, in edges and skins, Electric Seal, Coney, Nntria, Wool Seal, Martin, Mink, Opossnrn, and other kind of fur are here cheap. Deep heaAy Angora trimming, selling at - 25c , Jet Trimmings in every width and sryle. Gimps of every S description, never so cheap. - A BIG RIBBON DEAL. ü x Í As the holiday season approaches, ladies will find The Store a great saving to them in Ribbons for fancy work. We are selling all Silk Ribbons : J Niunber 2 Ribbon, all colors, c Number 7 Ribbon, all colors, - - 5c " Nmnber '■, 12 and l(i Ribbon, all colors, - 9c J WAlMTlíTPlíf8'HTFPR Tlie gat quantities of I] iüiMUft.tiJHbniLrb, chifc we jellj enablM us to deal directly with the manufacturers at a great saving in price. This is why we can sell you Ladies' Hemstitched Initial handkerchiefs, worth 10c, for - Sc -i Ladies' Pure Linen, Hemstitched Initial Handkerchiefs, a 25c ■ZL7I value, very special, at - - - - 12ic Ladies' Pure Linen, Ilemstitched liandkerchiefs, - - 10c Men's Pure Linen, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, - 15c S] Men's White Silk, large handkerchiefs, large heavy Silk Initials, 25c A 3E33L. A3Nr:K: Fall of 1894 Prices. LO quarters Grey and White Blankets, '93 price 90c, at . 39c 10 quarters fine Heavy Blankets, Jast year's price $2.00, at $1.35 60x78 inch Silver Grey Blankets 1.75 11 quarters Blankets, 1.75 11 quarters White Lambs Wool California Blankets, $6.00, at 3.75 10 quarters White California Blankets, .... 3.25 11 quarters White all-wool Blankets 3.90 11 quarters White all-wool Blankets, ..... 4.75 11 quarters all-wool Cashmerc Blankets. . . . 4.90 11 quarters all-wool Golden Rule Blankets, . . . 5.OO 11 quarters all-wool Amana Blankets, .... 4.80 10 quarters all-wool Heavy, Soft, Silver Grey Blaukets, . 4.75 11 quarters all-wool Silver Grey Blankett-. . . . 5.00 Underwear for Everybody. Ladies, Men and Children will find in our Underwear departnient more lines and botter values than we have ever known Jbefore tlris fall. The Store has a Manía for Bargains, and any thing that has been offered this fall having the ment of great value, has been snapped up by us. Nowhore is our success better illustrated than in the results of our Underwear buying. One of the Special Good Thin;s we have to otfer is a line of Ladies' Fine Heavy Egyptian Ribbed Vests, handsomely embroidered, fleece lined, we are selling at ... 35c (Are better than our old 50c number). Ladies' half-wool Vests and Pan.s, . . . 49C These goods are extra heavy ribbed fleece lined, and equal any heretofore ofïered at $1.00.' Ladies' Fleeced Lined Heavy Egyptian Pants and Vcsts, at . 25c Ladies' Egyptian Ribbed Combination Suits Glove Fitting at 50c Ladies" Tights, Heavy Ribbed, ecru and black, . . 50e Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Egyptian Suits, . . $1.00 Ladies' Equestrienne Tights, fine all-wool, ankle length, . 1.75 "The Oneita," a new style combination suit, glove fitting, bnttoned on shoulder, the most popular garment in the market, is all wool, at . . . . . g.QO Misses' all-wool Union Suits, .... 1.00 Men's Naturnl Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, the 50c valué' at . ... . 35c M-en's Heavy Scarlet Shirts, $1.00 value, at . . 50c Men's Suits, Conde Shirts and Drawers, are sold everywhere at $1.25, to close at . . . . . 75c Men's Fine Jersey, Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Ürawers, the most comfortable garment garment, sold at . . 9Oc Men's Fine Heavy Jersey Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, Satin gored waist band, elegantly finished, you must pay $1.50 for their equal, selling at . . .'';'. $1.00 áoy's Heavy Shirts and Drawers, sizes 26 to 34. .' 35c Boy's Jersey Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, . . . 50c Full Line Infants' fine wool and silk,and wool wrappers,all sizes ind prices. Ladies' Extra Size Egyptian A'ests and Pants, size 6, 7 and S. Hudnut's Toilet Preparations. Delicate, Fresh and Harmless. They are the very best made. íIMOÍTdJBÍL RfL T""cVrate.; lltx ïUDNUT'S PASTE MACK, For the Bath, has a popnlarity as wide as the nation. packages in a box, by the box, .... $1.00 ioriilu water, - pint bottle, .... 75c. ' av Rum and Quinine, L pint bottle. . . . $1.00 ' -udnut's Cologne, pint bottle, . . . 75c ' udnut's Triple Extracts, per o... . . . 40c ' udnut's Extracts, in fancy bottles,-aM sizes. ! Hudnut's Tooth-washes, Cerates, Italian ürris, Almond Meal, ootli Powder, Face Powder, Etc. :.N TOILET SOAPS" ] "We have Pears, Cashmere, Boquet, Milk and Honey, Cutacura, pennozeti, Gray's Oat Meal, Marsh Mallows, Benzoin, Beatrice, ] lmond Meal, and many other brands. ANOTHER GREAT FUR OPENING.-1Í07.9-1Q. Wait for it. We can give you better prices, a larger assort inent to select f rom than you can get in Detroit. Ripson, New land Fllr Co., of New York, will have every garment manufactured by theinselves on sale at The Store. l)on"t buv a fur garment until vou see this great line. We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent. on ever o-arment purchased of us. Genuine Seals. Martins, Mink, Beavers, Astrachans, as well as the lower priced garments in Capes and Coats of every style. P AT?PTTQ Fushing thetn out at prices that will VXXAVJ. JU ■■ make them fly. All-wool Ingrain, 39C We place on sale for November 35 rolls, extra super 2-ply, allwool Ingrain Carpets, the quality you liave been paying 50c and 70c a yard for, your choice for .... 39c Best Ingrain Carpets, the Lowell & Hartford extra super 2-ply Carpets, the lowest price always 75c, November price, 59C All-wool Ingrain Carpets, strictly standard quality, are sold at the same price as Lowell & Hartford, are now - . 48c Best 5-frame Body Brussels, new fall pattern, Lowell & Hartford and Bigelow inakes, are cheap at $1.25, our price, . 95C Agra Weave Ingrain Carpets, are unequalled for durability or design, are a standard $1.00 valué, selling at . . 80c 50 rolls Union Carpets, always sold at 50c a yard, your choice of the line ....... 36c 25 rolls Cotton Ingrain, former price 40c, selling for 27i; Rag Carpets, selling at 45c and 35c, . . . 25e CHIMA TVTATTTHTfa Reduced in price to close our entire line. 10 rolls China Matting, the regular 25c quality, is marked down to 15e 18 rolls China Maiting, plain and fancy colors, our former price 30c, will close at . . . . o. 35 rolls extra quality Cotton Warp Matting, our regular price 45c, to close at . . ... . 28e 30 rolls extra heavy China Matting, the best 50c grade, to close at - S5c Rag Carpets, selling at 45c and 35c, . . . ;j5c GEEAT EÜÍPÜECÍASElALEI Rugs bought very cheap- bought at the great importéis' auction -bought in large quantities and varieties, enabling us to give you very rare bargains. "Hit and Miss" Rugs. worth 50c, now selling at . 29e 1(5x36 inch Roy al Bengal Rugs, " " " . . 30c 30x45 inch Roy al Bengal Rugs, ' " ' . 90c 21x45 inch Japanese Rugs, " " " . . $1,00 26x54 inch Japanese Rugs, " " . 1.50 36x72 inch Japanese Rugs, " " ' . . 2.75 36xlOS inch Japanese Rugs, '■' " " . 4.OO '72x108 inch Japanese Rugs, " ' " . 7.75 ! 9x12 feet Japanese Rugs, " " " . 14.65 30x60 inch Genuine Wilton Rugs, value $4.50, for . . 2.85 30x72 inch Persian Rugs, value $5.00, for . . 3.75 7x12 feet Smyrnia Rugs, list price $50, for . . . 33.75 6x9 feet Smyrnia Rugs, list price $25, for . . 1O.OO 4x7 feet Smyrnia Rugs. list price $15, for . . . 10.01 5 dozen Smyrnia Rugs, size 16x36 inches, 81c value. for 59c Fur Rugs, Burmah Rugs, Mohair, Byzantine, Animal and Anbusson Rugs, all sizes. Chenille Portieres. Wondarful Reductions Here. 100 pair Chenille Portieres, $3.00 in value, for '$1.95 25 pair Chenille Portieres, $4.00 value, for . . 3.OO 1 lot Chenille Portieres, reduced from $10 to . . 7.0O 1 lot Chenille Portieres, reduced from $13 to . . i).0O 1 lot Chenille Portieres, reduced from $15 to . . 10.54 LACE CURTAINS. JLJLJUL Our Special Leader. 50 doz. Lace Curtains to sell at . i9e These Curtains are the largest, the best values, ever shown shown in this city, would be a bargain at $1.50. 50 pair real Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, we have always sold for $3.50, as a leader for .... $2.1 0 $5.00 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go ar . . 3.50 $6.50 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go af . . 4.50 $7.50 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at . % 5.00 $10 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at . . 6.5O $12" Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at . . , 9.50 1 Lot Brussels Net Curtains, cut from $4.50 to . . 2.98 1 Lot Brussels Net Curtains, cut from $5.50 to . . 3.05 1 Lot Lyons Silk Curtains, always marked $6, are now sold for 4.50 Real Lyons Silk Curtains, our $8.00 goods, cut to . 6.55 Real Lyons Silk Curtains, the $10 values, offered now for . 8.0O Comforters.-Our Own Hake. Made from the best qnality Satines, Cashmeres, Turkey Red Prints, Etc, with best quality of Batting, selling at $1.75 to $5.25 _2_ '" ""'Dwxi nrtuuo. xNJ V JiiJVIrSJUrt D Jow. TO THE VÍCTOR BELOÑGS ÍHE SPÖILS This maxim can truly be applied to The Store. There's a cause for our continually having the lion's share of Washtenaw's trad There's a reason for our constant, steady unmterrupted grcwth. Iheie's a Magnet that draws the greatest crowds here. That Mae-net L Pnce and the fact we divide the spoilswith our patrons. Our great p-urchases of merchandise at discounts of 25 and 50 per cent. from nearly bankrupt manufacturers and importers are winning golaen results. Never. never could we save you as much monevas we caí! now. No concern in this State is in a position to sell you at pnces that we can and will YOD ME dl AEAMST YOUR 01 INTEREST IF YOD BOY ANYWHERE ELSE.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News