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Populists Hold The Balance

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Washington-. Nov. 8.- Reports rcceived hero indícate that the next senate will have forty-one Demócrata, forty-one Republieans and six Populists. ín this classification Stewart and Jones, of Nevada, who vrare elccted by the Republicana but havo announced thcir separation from that party, and Tillman, who will doubtless be electod by the so-called Indept'iident Dcmocrats of the South Carolina legislatura, are; placed in the Populist column. Tillman will probably vote with the Demócrata on örganization arid Stewart, ToBa and Poffer with the Republicans. ïhis would throw the balauco of power into the hands of the Populists. House Very Safely Republlcan. When Chairman Babcock, of the Republican congressional coinniittee, left the Rupnblican beadquarters last night lio said that the reports reooived during ihoday gave the Republicans 2,!U out of the 866 memben of the house boyoud peradventure, whilo therewas a possibility of seourlng twenty-seven additional niombers. Babcock also stated tliat his Information leads htm to bclieve that there is a possibllity of Beouring threc more menibers from Alabama; two lrom Illinois; one from Iowa. Kansas, Nebraska and South Carolina eac three moro from Minnesota; two from Ohio; tWO from Pcnnsylvania; tiiree from Missouri; one from Arkansas; three from Louisiana, and three from Texas. In CasB of an Impiobability. , If these claims are realized it will give the Kopubliciins 2'u mcmbers, or a inajorlty of ninety-nine members. According Co the claims of the Republlcans they will be able to secure the votes of at least thlrty of tiie forty-four stares in l;lSli the next presidential eleotion is thrown iuto the house, as they wlll have either the solid delegations or a majorlty In each of the delegations from that numbrr of states. The Reuaarkable Groundavrell. The extent of the chango in the political aspect of thlngs is a surprise oven-to the Bepublioans. As matters stand now j there are but two uorthern and western Btates that are nut Republican and no I eastern states. To the great pluraltty of i 1Í5.Ü00 for Morton in New York, New Hampshire 12,000, the carr.ving of Conneeticut, Now Jersey and Delaware, ia added a Republican legislatura in West Virginia and a full Republican congressional delegation from the same state, defeating the author of the house tariff bill. Then there is the defoat of Enloe in Tennessee by hls Republican opponent, and last the report that two-thirda of the Missouri delegation is Republican, Hatch bein ainong the beaten, and that the legisla" ture is also possibly tho same way.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News