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The Chelsea laundry is now under i a full head of steam, and doing business. The new savings bank at Manchester will soon be finished as to the brick work. George Sutton, of Wamplers' Lake, hears from Washington that his brother, Henry, has been killed by foot-pads. Frank Voung, of Chelsea, and Miss Libbie Collins, of Stockbridge, have constituted a connubial firm, since Nov. 3. Mr. Gall dwells at Iron Creek. It takes a man of that name to wear his hat high on his forehead, it he is a democrat. E. F. Taylor, of Bridgewater, was badly "hurt in a railroad smashup, the other day. It was his thumb, while unloading "T" rails. A deputy U. S. marshal in chase of a $350 forger was in Ann Arbor, Thursday. He was traced to Pittsfield, with the aid of Sheriff Brenner. Manchester Maccabees will hold an election on the 2Oth. "Election!" Wish the blamed word were out of the dictionary. The fellow who invented it was a fiend. Hon. Edwin Willets and wife, of Washington, visited Ypsilanti last week. The Adrián postoffice beat Mr. Willets for re-election to congress. "Tail aches from little toecorns grow." The Ypsilanti high school has a class of about 60, in charge of a teacher of music, They could hit a popular cord in the democratie ear, by rendering in A flat minor, "The Heart Bowed Down." There wasn't as much ia that alleged McKinstry quarrel down in Ypsilanti, as they said there was. VVell, McKinstry is a right good man, and will make a right good Register, bad luck to him ! In playing tag with a burglar, around the corner of a house in Ypsilanti, Patrolman Warner, in reversing to head the fellow, ran into two more. All were very much surprised and the three crooks fled. Four specimens of the genus "galoot" one night recently rolled a barrel of eider out of the yard of John Hoover, of Whittaker, took it a safe distance away and smashing in the head, drank and wasted about lalfofit. The soldiers' monument fund tiow lacks $400 of the $1,000 necessary to secure Mrs. Starkweather's gift of $1,000. Donations of $200 are available upon condition of the other $200 being secured within the next month. - Ypsilanti ComecrciaU It is an old saying that, "Still waters run deep" and we are of the opinión that it was the quiet thinking man that caused the tidal wave to sweep over the country on Tuesday. - Manchester Enterprise. Well, it wasn't. It was the other fellow. At Saline the church bells were rung in honor of the republican victory. The republican party being "the party of God and morality," we have nothing to say. It is meet that th.e corpse should keep silence also; but had the democrats scored a victory and rung the church bells ! The wheat throughout the county is looking splendidly. This is due wholly to the republicans, who now have absolutely the entire control of everything. The price of wheat next season - and even this'season - will be $4 per bushei, if it first please the republican party and secondly the Lord. 'Thirty-one nanies were added to the Hst of voters of Saline township," remarks the übserver. Well, what do we care about that? Since the election we feel about it as did the boy on learning of the death of his mother. He said it was nothing to him as he didn't live at home and the girls wuuld get all the clothes. The Hyde association, formed for the purpose ofestablishing the claim of the Hyde family to $350,000,000 in England, has members in Ypsilanti and a lawyer who hasn't quite got the money but expects he will pretty soon, if the association puts up enough funds to keep the right going. The Hyde association is asked for an assessment. It is probable that the Hyde heirs will realize at about the time the Aneke Jans heirs recover the Trinity church property in New York. From Wampler's Lake comes the distressing intelligence of the death of Frank Gray's old house dog. He was a faithful animal and in defense of the family or the ham-bone in which he feit himself in rightful possession he would persevere in a rough and tumble fight as long as there was a hair left on him. Mr. Gray, at the death of the family .guardián, went to town, purchased a box and gave the deceased a Christian burial. And now let us wipe our eyes and blow our noses, for he is gone where every good dog goeses. Mr. Jack Litchard, of York, aged 86 years, died Sunday of last week. The Chelsea Congregational church recently received an 'accession of seven members. Frank Tucker, of Chelsea, has been compelled to suffer amputation of oné of his legs. Frank R. Buchanan, a young lawyer of plump prospects, has located in Dexter. Looks like a fees-ible move. A new scrubbing machine is whirled over the floor like a lawn mower. - Chelsea Herald. Yes, we know it. Found it out election day. A 63L hat, without an owner, has been found and advertised, at Dexter. It probably belongs to some democrat who bought it after election. Ann Arbormail carriers now have to 'hoof-it" about thirty miles a day. That ought to develpp some mighty strong kickers. - Dexter Leader. The person who took the bag of flour off the steps o the Milán milis last Saturday is requested to return the same. - Milán Leader. Don't do it, Smith. You will be suspected. F. F. Tucker and J. Feathers, of Saline, held a political argument "to a crowded house," Tuesday. The feathers flew and both at the close were "just about tuckered out." Officers of the Congregational Endeavor society of Ypsilanti, for the ensuing year : Pres., Alice Densmore ; vice-pres. , Bertram Gower ; sec'y, Alice Rienal ; treas. , lames Clark. John and ffni. Golden, John Boettger and Emmet Hendershott, of Saline, have gone hunting in the north woods. If Mr. H's name goes for anything the compiny will kill no game.. The Dexter band, during the campaign amassed enough wealth, "lip" and brass to warrant its continued existence as an organization. The Corporation has been reorganizedand re-enforced with several new memcers. At the Milan opera house on the 24th, some gallant exploits will be put upon action. There will be a wrestling match, by the Kehoe Bros. and Jake Austin and John Cook will give a ten-round slugging match, with gore galore. The rhetoric class of the Milan high school is now emerging from the essay period, but, awful to relate, will shörtly take a plunge into poetry. Then it will be time to turn the "giasticutus" loóse, with a roving commission. Wilber Van Riper, of Chelsea, while in Pennsylvania a few days ago, was in a railroad wreek where three men were killed. Van received a severe bruise on the elbow and such a scare that he still wears his hat on the ends of his hair. Mr. and Mrs. Wtn. Davidson, of Chelsea, are gratified to know that their two-year-old son is coming on to be a kid of considerable ambition. He feil from a fence last week and broke his arm. Had he been a dull boy he would not have climbed the fence. Now that election is over things will again resume their normal channel. The battle of ballots is bloodless, but it holds the country at a mighty tight tensión while it lasts. - Dexter Leader. Yes, and confound it! it will be a mighty tight collar for the democracy for the next two years. The oldest voter in York townsh'p is probabiy Daniel Aylesworth, and he was out to the polls Tuesday morning and cast his ballot. He has been a voter for 68 years, and cast his first vote in York, 57 years. ago, and has not missed an election since. He entertained the early voters with a song he learned in 1812. - Milan Leader. While the crowd were waiting at the Chelsea town hall for election returns, a quarrel was gotten up to relieve the monotony, and one of the monotony-killers exposed a knife with which he was about to carve 1 the "erop" out of his adversary, but was prevented. One of the participants in the "scrap" was arrested the next day and ten large, benevolent dollars "are now missing from his pocket. Ihe responsibility of an unexpected election has already hit the Honorable Jabe Wortley squarely between the eyes. Before the ink is dry on his tabulation of elaction expenses, up rises the Saline Observer and notifies the Honorable Jabe that he must immediately and at once aniend the sparrow law. It asks: "What justice is there in protecting a nuisance through the breeding season, and then pay a bounty on them through the remainder of the year?" Well, it does not look as though the legislature used much sense, that is a fact. As we understand it, however, the law was altered because the boys had contracted the habit of passing off on unsuspecting clerksthe bodies of young mice and even woodchucks for nestling sparrows. Bridgewater has the rnurnps. We were mistaken about Capt. Allen's ram breakiiig his neck. John Kenan. of Sharon, will shortly ship tour carioads of raw turnips to Chicago. The Saline opera house needs a few tallow dips, 10 enable the audience to set: the other lights. Albert H'estphal, of Bridgewater, stepped on a rusty nail and is suf'ering its effects. The iron heel is capab e of feeling. Now that election is over, the Manchester small-pox patients are getting well. The democracy over there is badly pitted. 'Tig a pity. John Hausser, ot Sharon, has ths fall ccmpleted an elegant new frame house, with the most modern improvements and heated with a furnace. Manchester has its ear to the ground and straming is its hearing to catch a whisper f rom the Lake Shore railroad company, about building a new depot. Sam Vail, of the express office, Ypsilanti, is in reccipt of a package which arrived Sunday of last week. It carne "C. O. D. $10," and is of the male gender. Prof. Austin George, ot the Nor mal, started this week, on a tour through several of the western states, visiting other Normals and places of educational interest. Morford & Hyzers' clock stopped just as it was announced that Hill was defeated by 150,000. - Ypsilanti Cor. Times. Well, if that wouldn't stop a clock a club wouldn't do it. Rev. Marshall, of the Saline Baptist church, will be the victim of a donation, tomorrow evening. The general public is invited to turn in and help make his life as insupportable as possible. One of the finest sights of veal that we have looked upon, hung in front of Fred Woepler's market Tuesday forenoon. - Saline Observer. Didn't behold the dressed democratie beef, Wednesday? Some parties who went to Ypsilanti, election night, to hear the ■returns, on their return home scared away a gang of chicken thieves from the coop of Mr. Rowe, of Ypsilanti town. The huzzah of the rpublicans did it. Turkeys are ordering crepe nackties for lost friends as Thanksgiving advances with a slow and measured tr-ad toward Milán. - Milán Cor. Saiine Observer. This is one of the grandest turkey flights of fancy that lias alighted anywhere in this quarter, for many seasons. Zina Buck, of Ypsilanti, is one of the few lucky democrats - lucky in two ways. First, that he wasn't running for anything, and second, that he bet heavily that Brenner would not be the lowest man on the ticket. By this means he evened up his bets and got out of the woods, ahead $25. This was extraordinary luck for a democrat, this year. The new oil tank has arrived and is being put together opposite the campus ; it takes fourteen thousand bolts to insure its stability ; the tank when completed will have a capacity ai three hundred barrels, and is thirteen feet in diameter, and thirteen feet deep. How to get it over to its final resting place is the problem.-Ypsilantian Normal Notes. Just 60 years ago this morning as the church bells were assembling the worshipers, Hon. Samuel Post carne into this world. - Ypsilanti Times Local. It is of course very pretty to "scent the violet" and "paint the rainbow." It looks well in print. But when Sam Post was born, nothing like a church bell was heard, other than a cow bell out in the "slashin'. " Sam lived, however, and did well. One day last week, Harvey Keal, of Dexter, was driving in to the depot hotel barn, and as his mind was at that moment working on the result of the election, he did not notice a projecting beam till he dealt it a blow with his head. Then he noticed it. Keal keeled over, and when he got up he looked at the beam with surprise and remarked that such a thing never entered his head before. A doctor took several stitches. The Commercial says the republicans "jammed" the democrats "in the solar plexus." If that had been all, we could have stood it. We don't mind being jammed in the solar plexus; it never was of much service to us anyway; but when they not only jam us in our solar plexus, but bang our os frontis, crack our os bakis, hit us in the parallelogram, and smash our vortex, we would that we had the wings of a dove, "that we might fly away and be at rest." "Give us a rest," please!


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