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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Wednbsday, October 24, 1894. The Board of Supervisors for the County of Waslitenaw met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman Young. Koll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Lighthall, from Comniittee on Criminal Claims No. I, reported the follovving bilis and recommended their allowanue at sums stated: Cluimcc]. Allowed Zin:i Buck, .Icpniy Sheriff S 37 45 í)7 45 " .... 68 M 58 20 " .... 1!7 22 193 90 MJ Martin, " " 4 2U 4 20 B W Wtillacf. ■■ " M 50 !i 00 John KenshT, " " Jij 01 ti 0O Report adopted. The íollowing bids for medical attendance upon persons at the County Jail were tlien presented to the Board : Ann Arbor, Oct., 1894. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Waslitenaw County: I hereby agree to attend the Washtenaw County prisoners for the ensuing year, and furnish medicine and 8urgery. for $3-5.00. John Ka i-r. Ann Arbor, üct. 16, 1894. To tlie Board of Supervisors: I hercby agree to do the medical and surgical work of the Couuty Jail for the ensuing year Lor the sum of twenty-iiine donars and fifty cents. E. A Clakk, M.D. On motion the bid of Dr. Clark was accepted. Mr. Miiier offered the following: Ueaolved, ïhat the sum of blank dollars be and is hereby appropriated to be paid to M. C. Peterson. deputy sheriff, as a token of appreciation of faithful services and courage in arresting Thomas Jones, a desperate character, in the performance of which duty said Peterson was wounded by said Jones. Mr. Edwards moved to amend said resol ution by changingthe word blank to twenty-five. Mr. Wheeler moved to amend by changingthe word blank in said resolution to lifty. The amendment of Mr. Wheeler was then carried. The original ainendinent was then adopted. Mr. Case olïered the following: Resolved, That that portion of tlie fee bill adopted by the Board in 1893 which relates to work done by the day by the Sheriff or his deputies shall be amended bv striking out the words "or his deputies." Carried. Thereupon the Board took a recess until 2 o'clock p. na. AI-'TKKXOON 8ESSION. The ]{oard met pursuant to adjournment. (Jalled to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The time íor receiving the report of the Committee on Public Buildings was, on motion of Mr. Forsyth, extendeil initil 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. The Committee on Public Buildings reported to the Board the amount of insurance carried by the county on county buildings and f umi ture. Also the ïiames of the companies holding said insurance. Which report was accepted and ordered printed with the proceedings. The following is the report: Pire Insurance on Washtenaw county buildings and f urniture, books, fixtures and supplies. COURT HOI se. Building. Fi.x tures. Manchester Pire Ins. Co., Agt. J. K. Bach I3.OOO óoo Nortbern Assur. Co , J. K. Bach... 1, o Williamsburfr Clt7 Ins. C'a, Bftoh, ],6oo American Fire Ins. Co., J.B. Bach, l,5oo Springfleld Pire and Marine, ■ l,5oo liiMirance Co. of North America, W. W.Whedon 2,6oo I Boo Home Ins. 'o., Kreri McOmber, i,ooo Liverpool Je London and Globe, " 3,6oo 5oo " .1,000 Western Assur. Co.. F. McOmber, 3,5oo 5oo Amer. Central, J. W. Bennctt 3.5O0 Soo Kockford Ins. Co., B. Oesterlin... 2,000 5oo Pacific Fire Ins. Co., J. H. Wort ley - 2,000 5oo lierman In. Co., Gilbert & Crowell 2,5oo Continental, Gilbeit & CrowelL. 2, 000 ioo Gemíanla. ' .. 4,5oo Firemen'8 Fuud, Geo.J. Crowel I , .5,000 Tradfr'slns. L'o , T. L Tcnvnor... 2 00 ."oo Amer. Ins. Co., lohn P. Kiik 2,5oo SoO Mich. Pire and Marine, M.tS.Oook 4,ooo Plioenix lus. Co.. J. Q. A. Sessione 2,5oo 5oo 166,500 ilo.:.( OINTY POOK HOUSE. Detroit Fireic Marine, J.R.Barh, $l,ooo wo Northern Assur. Co., " " 1,000 ,"oo Palestlne Ids Co., ' " 1,000 600 Spnnirfleld Fire & Marine, " tooo 5oo Manchester KireAsso., " ],ooo ijoo Gertnánla Fïre Ins. ('o., Gilbert, - Crowell :i,5oo -Ktim Ins. Co , C. Mai-k 2,875 Milwaukee Mer., . W. Hamilion l.oóo - Ni(rav;i. '. B. Carpen ter - 2,5oo glrard Fire & Mar., J.H. Wortley 1.000 Flre los. Co., " " i,2oo piici'iiix, j, Q. a. Sewlons 2,000 111,425 ï,2oo COUXTY .IAIi.. San Ing Co.,J W.Wortley, barn 3oo Plxenix, Ü.K.Wilbei-, jail 4,ooo Etna Ins. CO., J. W. Wortley, " B,6oó Sun ' " ■ 2,000 ï,aoo ..... Frank Duncan, EUGENE ÜESTERlrlN, Building Committee. October24, 1894. The special hourhaving arriveil for the furthercousiderationof the smallpox bilis, said bilis were illowed as follows, upon the motion of E. II. Scott: City of Ypsilanti M13 41 Í2! 41 F. K. Owen 237 20 210 U0 Mr. JJiaun, trom tlie Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: Paul Schal 1, constable $190 02 Í184 04 James H. Eaton, constable... 2:118 17 1 3 E. D. Clark, constable 9 86 7 70 Mr. Üesterlin, from Civil Claims Committee, moved the allowance of the following bilis: M. D. losser, printing $ 22 00 $22 0 Kobinson&eo 2 00 .20 The Committee to settle with the Superintendents of the Poor made the following report: To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Su prrvisors of the County of Washtenaw: Gentlemen - Your Committee, appointed to examine the accounts of the Superintendents of the Poor, respectfully report that they have examined the sakl accounts and find that the stub-book and ledger agree with the vouchers and bilis for the same, and that the business is conducted in an economical and satisfactory manner. We desire to thank the Superintendents for the assistance reudered in the work: also to Mr. and Mrs. Shankland for kindness shown your Committee. vv.m. usborn, Philo Galfin. H. LinuriiALL, Committee. lleport accepted and adopted. Mr. Edwards moved that the sum oí flfty dollars be and is hereby appropriated Albert Smith, deputy sheriff, in appreciation of faithf ui services in the arrest of Wm. Jones, a desperate character, at which time said Smith was wounded. Adopted. Thereupon the Board adjourned to to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Thomas Young, Artimr Biiown, Chairman. Clerk. Tiiursdav. October25, 1894. The Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Hunter moved that the Clerk be directed to deliver no county orders until this Board adjourns sine die. Carried. Mr. Miner moved that a committee of three be appointed to prepare a statement of the county expenses for the past year, and have the same published with the proceedings of the Board. Carried. The Chair appoiuted Messrs. Miner, Oesterlin and Scott as such committee. Mr. Case moved that the Building Comoiittee be directed to attend to the collectiüii of the insurance due the county from insurance companies í'or damages done the Court Ilnuse by fire in April last. Carried. The Committee to settle with the County Ofticers made the f'ollowing report, wliich was, on ruotion, accepted and adopted. The following is the report: Ann Aiibok, Oct. 24, 1894. Vour Cominitloo to Settle wíth County Oflieers be;; ieave to report that ttaey bave examined che booksand vouchersof the County Treasurer, and brave examined the cash in the treasury, and find the same to be correct and in aocordance with the report of the Treasuor. Thcy also report that tlicy have examined the accounts of the County Clerk, and state t he account as folio ws: OJerk has received oounty fee of 12.00 in 112 cases ..Í224 00 Jury and stenographcr's fee in ;!0 cases, 18i)00 W04 00 Balance due County Clerk 66 05 Cr 70 0.-, 574 births reeorded and returned to Secreta ry t) I State, siz SM 4t liW deaths rocorded and returned, six u'C 9 Ma marriages rocorded and returned, six 20 70 4 term Calendars, December, Maren, May and October, ten dollars 40 00 ." quartei-B box rent, sixty cents :t 00 l'ostag-e, Í15 S7; telephone, fë 10 40 117 Vees in delinquent ta. cases-! cases, 3, 207 (0 Meases, 1... 13 0o Kespectfully submitted. A. Davenpokt, Jno. R. Miner, B. C. WniTAKER. Upon motion the Board took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m. AFTEKNOOS SESSIÜN. Tlie Board met pursuant toadjonrnment. Roll ealled and quorum present. Mr. Miner moved that the several Supervisors and Assessors be and are hereby directed to assess and levy tlie tax for the Soldiers' Reliei' Fund in the townsuip where such tax is needed. Carried. Mr. Lighthall moved to reconsider ! the vote allowing the claim of the city j of Ypsilanti in the small-pox cases. ! Carried. Mr. Oase moved that tlie claim be reeoimnitted to tlie Committee on Civil Claims. Oarried. Mr. Case moved that the Committee to Settle with the County Officers be and they are hereby directed to settle with the County Treasurer and County Clerk on the 31st day of December, A. 1). 1894. Mr. Oesterlin offered the followlng: Resolved, That the Building Coinmittee be and are hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the lease of ; the stone yard, the fence around it. and the broken stone therein, and turn over the proceeds to the County Treasurer. CaiTifid. Mr. üavenport offered the iollowing: Resolved, That tlie Committee on Public Buildings is liereby authorized to make all necessary repairs on public buildings and to allow all bilis for labor and materials. And the County Clerk is bereby directed to draw orders on the Contingent Fund for the sarue. And said committee is directed to present au itemized statement of their work to the next Board of Supervisors. Carned. Thereupon the Board adjuurned uutil to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Thomas Youitg, Ahthur Bkown, Chairman. Clerk. Fkiday, October 28, 1894. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman Young. ' Roll called and quorum present. The journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Miner moved that the County Clerk be iustructed to purebase supplies for the court house and several countv offices, and that the Clerk be authorized to draw orders on the Contingent Fund for the payment thereof . The Building Committee made the following report, which was accepted and adopted: BBPORTOF BUILDING COMMITTEIS, To tlie Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Wasbtenaw: Gentlemen : Your Committee on Public Buildings respectfully beg leave to reoort that at meetings of the Committee held at the court house on Oct. 13th, and on several subsequent days, the followiug report was prepared for your consideration. WORK ON COUBT HOCSE. It will be remembered by those whc sat on the Board last f all, tiiat d uring the closing days of the session heav ram storms prevailed. Immediately after the adjouroment of the Board the Committee were inforined that there was a serious leak in the nppei part of the tower of tlie court house : and the Committee at once investigated the matter, and found the floors tiooded to an alarming extent, especially endangering the machinery of tJie clock, as well astheceilings belovv. The Aun Arbor member of the Coniinittee was authorized to attend to this matter, and also, in fact, to all other mattere not necessarily requiring a f uil meeting of the Committee, at any time; and he at once had the tower repaired by Me3srs. Grossman n & Schlenker, at a cost of $3.75. There has been no leakage since that time. During the same storm, one of the circular windows in the tower, on the south side of the court house, was broken and a new one ordered inserted, which was done by William Herz, costing $8.45. The Register of Deeds appliedtothe Committee, Nov. 24th, for some repairs on the Windows of his office, for some new book shelves, and for the covering of the iloor of one of the rooms with linoleum. The carpetmg was done by Martin Haller, and cost $18.97. The book shelves and weather strips around the windows were put in by John J. Ferguson. -uie couniy orneéis coiiipianieü or the uncomfortable condition of the rooms ou the first floor, on account of the excessive draft through the west door, which was originally constructed so as t.o be self-closing. but trom long use had become inoperative in that way. We ordered Mr. Ferguson to put in new springs, and also to erect storm doors'with srnall windows inserted in them, and various other lixt ures necessary toa complete job. The old spnugs of the door of the County Treasurer's office had also to be replaced by new ones, and weather strips aflixed to the windows in the office of the County Clerk. The Committee found, on investigation, thatseveral of the posts intended td support the roof of the court house were too short to reach theirpedestals, and Mr. Ferguson was employed to iusertsufflcientundcr-pinninfrtoafford a solid support f rom them. Tliis was also found to be the case with the supports in the tower in which are the clock dials, and they were similarly under-pinned. Mr. Ferguson 's charge for all this work was $:-;?. 43. 8ome repairs were found necessary to be done to the tools used in the engine nom, and were made by Mr. Setter, amounting to $3.15. When Mr. Uavenport entered upon his duties as jan i tor, he called the attention of the Committee to the condition of the janitor's rooms, and asked that they be re-papered and otherwise renovated. We made a careful investigition and decided tnat his request should be granted. The work was satisfactorily done by E. A. Edmunds. ata eost of $71.74, which included iepainting of all the woodwork. The attention of the Committee was I also called to the absence of several of he cb i mu ey caps, blown off d uring storms. senou.siy affectini; the rtraft of I tlie llues, and lo tin' condition oí' p.uts of tlie root and eave-trouguing. It was f ou ad necessary to m.ike inany 1 repairs on the roof and eaws, n I to : put uew caps on the chimneys. The '■ work was given to James E. Narkins, , whose bill amounted to $84.1-5. He also made necessary repairs on Uie gutteis and water-conductors ttbout ilie j rooi, al au additional eost of $10.40. Repair ano supplies tor the court house were ilso furnished by IIutzt-1 cV; i Co., írom OcLolier. 1893, to April, 1894, amoimting to $3.(io. önpplies and labor were furnished by J. j. Fergusett, in addition to those lieretofofe mentioned, aaiounting to $12.40; and this expense was incurred tor the purpose of improving the condition of the drinkinK fountains throughout the court house and facilitating access to the mechanical attaclnueiitsconnected with théin underneath, by the hanging of doors, etc. At the ïequest of the County Tre;isurer, Eberbach & Co. were engaged to place an electric alarm in that oflice, at a cost of $13 00. The l'rosecuting Attorney requested the Commiitee to place a telephone in !iis oilice, lo afford him necessary comniunication with al) parts of the county on business connected with liis office, and obvíate the necessity of repairing to the telephone in the County Clerk's oilice, or eisewhere, on sucli occasions; and alter due deliberatiou the Cominittee concluded to accede to his re(juest. The telephone will cost the county $48 a year. On the 2d of April, 1894, a small lire broke out near the top of the furnace chimney. The rire department was called, and in order to get access to the tire it was necassary to break tluough the wall trom the inside, just below the eave-trough. The lire was then soon extinguished. It appears ! tliat this chimney is construeted in two subdivisions, oue con tai n ing the exit lor smoke, etc, and the other being a i ventilating piDe, which had its outlet below the top of the cliimney and near the eave-trough and cornice. The venj tilator seetns to have beconie corroded by moisture to such au extent that it was no longer adapted to the purpose tor which it was iutended. The expenditure for all repairs in consequence of the lire was $74.35. The adjustment of the insurance for tliis loss remains to be made by the underwriters. At the request of the county ofticers it was decided to purchase a new rlag for the court house, the old one having beconie very mucli dilapidated. The flag was obtained from J. C. Goss & Co., of Detroit, at a cost of $22.80, and is a very handsome one. It arrived in time for use on the Foujth of .) uly. A large nuinlier of tiles on the floors of the court house being found loose, and inany braken, Mr. John Baunigardner was given the contract to put 111 new ones and make solid those that were loose Fifty-one new tiles were put down, the material and labor for all amounting to $75.08. The old faucets of the fountaina on the various floors had been so construeted that any persop using them might leave them unclosed and let the water continue running. The result was that parts of the lower ceilings were seriously damaged and will have to be repaired To remedy this, the Committee engaged Kenny & Quinlan to put self-closing faucets on all the fountains, and there has been no further trouble in that regard. The lirm received $47.73 for the work. For putting new glass in tour windows, and replacing the stained glass in the door of the Supervisors' room, (broken by unknown intruders,) and lettering the latter. J. E. Harkins was paid $22. Considering it necessary for the safety of the court house and for the efficiënt heating, that the boiler and chimney be thoroughly cleaned and all detects attended to, L. J. Sutter, a wel] knowii and competent machinist of this city, was employed, and perfonned his duties in the most satisfactory marnier, spending, with an assistant, about three days on the work, at a cost of $13.55. The looks on the north and soutl doors of the hall were reported by the janitor to have become useless, anc also the lock on the door of the wate closet, and new ones were orderei from Wagner & Biermann, costing $4.65. Ilutzel & Co. were employed in April, at an expense of 75 cents, to stop leaks in the drinking fountains oi the second tloor. Itwasfound tliat a new brick arel was needed behind the furnace, foi the better concentration of heat under the boiler, and this was done by Ilugh McGuire at an expense of $8.50. At the request of Hon. William tí. Doty, some repairs were made on the wash-basin in the office of the Judge of Probate, including a considerable quantity of new lead pipe and varions other necessary tixtures, the total expense being $14.4ö. The work was done by Kenny & Quinlan. In the water closet one of the basins was found broken, and a new one had to be procured, repairs were made on the valves therein, and severa] of the old valve wheels replaced by new ones. This, with further repairs 'to tools in the boiler room, was attended by Mr. Sutter, involving an expenditure of $8.20. The Committee had thirty-one young maple, basswood and elm trees plantee! on the court house lawn, at a cost of flfty cents eacli. The abundant spring rains gave them an excellent growth, and only two died. Lorenzo Yoimg planted these trees, and warrants them for two years. THE COUNTY HOUSF. The flrst visit made to the County House by your Committtee, by request of the Superintendents of the Foor, was for the .purpose of investigating the condition of some of the outbuildings, notably what is called the root house, and also to examine the condition of the heating apparatus. The root house was found to be in a cillapsing condition, caused by detective foundations; and we requested the Superintendents to have all necessary repairs or additions made, at their discretion, but to follow the line of suggestions offered by your Committee. This they afterwards did, and a great and nnuch needed impiovement has been effected. At a later date ihe Committee viiued the County House, accompanied by Mr. Jacob Schuh, of the firm of Scbuh & Muehlig, to make arrangements for ' the aiterations considered necessai y in the apparauts fur heatiug the Ouiluuig. Mr Suliuu made a eareful investigation, and was employed to make ine necessary ïiuprovements in the boileis, radiators and other heatiug tixtuies througbout the buildings. Hifi wuik was done in a most satisfactory uianner and at a very reasonable charge. The entire amount expended on the County House, including the Oiil oí Mr. Schub, foots up S2U2.J4. For several yeais ít has been in ctiteniplation to provide better stiel. er i'or the hogs beionging to the county, aud several consultations took place between your Cotntïiittee and the feuperiuteudeuts in regard to the ereetiun of a nevv and improved liog house on a different site trom the one previously occupied. We limilly decided to erect a building 30 by 40 leet, with stoue toundatious and a cemented Hoor. A building has been constructed that isa credit lo the county, and will be of permanent and all-suffioient usefulness. The entire cost oí materials and labor was $91.35. Itemizeü bilis for all repairs made at the county house, and for the expense incurred in erecting the riew heg house, have been furüished by the .Superiniendents of the Pooi', and acconipany this report. The bilis aggregate 8777.97. THE COUNTY JA1L. Repairs were found necessary on the eave-troughing at the jail, and were ordered done by J. E. Harkins, at an expense of $10.40 for labor aud materials. For repairs and supplies by Ilutzel & Co., an itemized bill of which accoinpanies this report, there was an expenditure of $23.50. Ürdered I)V t.lie Slinriff. For moulclings, repairing soreens, etc, Luick Bros. were paid $6.08. This work was ordered by the Sheriff. The foundation mider the veranda having become partially underoiined liy rains, and the heavy structure having begun to sag, Hugh McGuire was employed to put in stone pillars. He also pointed up tlie walls of the entrance to the cellar, and renewed the brickvvork of the area of the east cellar window, besides doing sotne pöinting up on the south wall of the jail. The work cost $14.50. The Sheriff reported to your Committee, about the tirst of June, that the jail cesspool required eniptying, as the eontents were overflowing. scavenger was employed, and it required a day and a night to empty it, and cost $15. The work was done by John Phillips and an assistant. Itwas afterwards found that there was an obstruction in the jaïï which preven ted egress of tiie eontents ot the cesspool, and Mr. .jacob Schuh was requested to loc.ii.e the point ot stoppage, which he iinally found, and removed the accuinulations which had caused the trouble. liis charge was $7.50. Sheriff Brenner reported to your Committee, üctober 21st, that the jail boiler and chimney required cleaiünt; and new grates put in. Mr. Sutter was employed to clean the boiler and chimney, and was paid therefor $5.15. included in this was new rubber foi what is called the hand-hole. The Sheriff afterwards employed HuUel & Co. to put in new grates. The bill for the latter has not been furnished youi Committee. THE STONE VA HU, Before the close of the session ot your Honorable Body, your Committee were instructed to sell the broken ant unbroken stone in the stone yard JEfforts wert made at various times to tind sale for the stone, but without success. We iinallv rirmrOnflerl t.n yertise for purehasei's, and in April w í iuserted an advertisement in the Ani] Arbor Argus and in the Aun Arboi Courier, which was continued in those papéis nineteeu weeks, when, not bringing any result, it was ordered discontinued. The total expense í'oi advertising was $12.75. Later on, the County Clerk fortunateiy fouDd a purcbasei' tor live loada of the broken stone, at $1.00 a load. All of the unbroken stone was sold bv Mr. Hirain Kitredge to a man whose name hesays is Beek. Ile did not consult your Committee in regard to this matter. When we vvere informed of the transaction we went to see him, and were assured that he would account to your Honorable Body for the value of the unbroken stone sold. The Committee had previously made a bargain for the sale of this stone to J. J. Ferguson for $16.50; but bef ore Mr. Ferguson got ready to remove and use them, this sale by Mr. Kitredge took place. Thus the matter stands at the date of this report. INSURANCE. The policies un the court house expiring within our term of office were renewed at $1.50 on $100, an advance of twenty cents on each $100, torced upon us by a combine of the various insmance companies. The insurance on the county house and jail was renewed at the old rates. The time which your Committee have devoted to the vvork confided to their supervisión, and for which remuneration at the usual rate is expected, is as follows: Edward hel'uy, 16 days ut 13 per day Uñ (X) David Edwarda, :i days :it $3 , er day... öfi Oü Kobert Shannon, acting chalrman, 32 ai same rate ÍH3 00 The Committee in closing wish to acknowledge the courteous treatment received trom Mr. Davenport, the eflicient janitor of the erfurt house, from the various county offleers, from tbe Superintendents of the Poor, and from Mr. and Mrs. Shankland,custodiansof the county house. Every facility was attorded us by them forobtaininglight required on any matter that we had in land. Janitor Davenport has given the Committee perfect satisiaetion in all our dealings with him, and has íept the court house and lawn ín per'ect order, so f ar as we have observed. All of which is most respectfully submitted for your approval and accentance. Edwakd DePiy, David Edwards, ROBERT SlIANNON, Building Committee. The Committee on Civil Claims rewrted the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated: tobert Sliannon, witnese in Probate Court ï 3 00 2 00 lellie McLaren, typewriting-, 2 24 a 24 obison & Co., livery 8W a CK) ity of Ypsilanti, small-pox cases 293 41 9: 41 saac D:ivis, emall-pox . 42 0(1 42(0 Mr. Scott moved that Mr. Oesterlin be allowed the sum of 2.00 for the amount paid for having the Building Committee report copied on the typewriter. Carriéd. Eugene Oesterlin 2 00 2 00 Mr. Hunter moved that when tlie Jïoard adjourned it would be to meet in adjourned session on Wednesday the 2ild day of January, 1895. Carried. The Committee on Finance made the following report, which was adopted. The following is the report: Your Finance Cominittee recommend that an apportionment for 1893 be made as follows, to enable the County Treasurer to close his books : County fund $11,092 18 Contingent fund 14.342 8T Vitnes8 fund 838 lö Juror'sfund 6.810 6u Salary fund 12,988 6o School Examiner's fund 2,917 6p Interi'stfund '. 1,780 8o Stenoiirapher's fund 1,588 oo Insurance fund 1.3S1 Co Jaüfnnd - 1.B72 9o Public building fund I,9o3 TT Puel fuud 2.129 12 $53,735 35 For the year 1894-5, we recommend the following apportionment : County fund $ S.óoo -Conti n.üi-iit 9.5O0 Foor fund 2,5oo Public building l,5oo Juror's fund ü.Ooo Wjiness fund 5oo School Ex l.Uoo Btenographer's 1,000 Salary 7.5oo Fuel fund .- ..- 800 Insurance _ _ l,4oo ïoT.Soo John J. Fiscnmt, Chas. Bkaun, B. Mineu, pro tem. The Committee on Per Diem made the lollowiug report, which was accepted and adopted. The following is the report: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Oounty: Your Committee on Per Diem do recommend that the severa] sums be allowed tothe different Supervisors of several townships and wards of the county for their services, including attendance and mileage during the session, be as follows: John R. Miner 124 12 Eujfene üesterlin : 24 12 John J. Fisher 18 12 George H. Pond IK 12 Thomas Speecbly 18 12 E.H. Scott 24 24 Charles Braun 18 48 Win, Dansingiursi 19 80 George Walter..-. 2 20 Thomas McQuillan 19 92 M.P. Ail)sr '. 20 40 W. H, Dancer 20 6t M. F. Grosshaiit, 18 V6 Thomas young 24 24 W.L. Watkins 22 20 Frank Duncau 19 20 M.F. Oase 18 84 F.C. Wheelor 21 61 E. A. Hauser 1H 20 1. K. Whitiukör 19 08 Wm, B. Osborn 22 20 l'hiloGalpin 18 84 II. Lightbiill 20 04 Kdwin Baü 19 20 Alfred Da venport. 20 16 Jobn L. 18 M5 David Bdwards 19 20 James Forsyth 19 20 MlCHABL F. GltOSSHANP, M. F. Case, M. P. Albek. ir. Miner offered the following: Ir solved That the Board does hereby tender Chairman Young our thanks tor the able and considérate manner in which he has conducted our deliberations, and also to Chairman pro tem Ëdwards our thanks for the able exposition of parliamentary usage. Adopted. Thereupon the Board adjourned to Wednesday, January 2nd, 1895. Chairman. Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News