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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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Varicocele, Emissions, Nervou? Teoülity, Semiftal Wcaknesa, Qleet, I Stricture, Syphilis, Unaaíural Discfctrgss, Self A!ase, Kidney anti Bladder D .eases í'-toáiiely Cureá by TlieiiiwlDíiliMTreaiiiiWiáiííiis mg tYou can Deposit tha Mo-ie, la :■ -r Btiu i "i Tiiif f'ostmaer to be paid us aííer )uu are -U3tOimlr3 7ri;:n juarat.";?! stl( Abuse, Ezctu'u and # DiwaMluTf nmtcketl I' ■■ i ■ a r thoaamls of yonng me ; and m'iddle aged men. The farm, the woriír,iio, l.i tauii whnol, ! Hice, the pru.e■ions- all have its victimn. Ymt g man, if vou liFe íjnau ■ '-■■,■-■: .w..reoC tu [atare. Middleaijtdmen, you ar growinu preinatrv,-!.i wik. und '■' - " ■ "Mi :md niiyBicaily. (' bafore too late. NO NaMES UbED , HOUT ftSÜlLiJ i ONENT. Conlidentlll. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SVIfUL!S CURED. W. 8. COLLI NS. W. S. Colllns, of Saglnaw, Sp aks. '',. s. CüLl.l-NS. t"I am 29. At 15 1 leariiei] a büs! liiOjir, w .'.-! I ■ KÖËfTSii. " ' nod till 19. I then becume "imo ■■! Uw baya" íinü ■■! n K& jJs K.iy lifo. Exposure prodnoed Sfttiil. I Imchiuo í ons and despondent; noanibitinu; n6iRir hxjf; ojim K v. jSly red, snnken and blur; pimples on ;-r; u-.úr 1km, bonn W fl lains; weak back; vuricocele; fireH'na :ml lowws :n L V niglit; weak parta; depohit in urine, dr. 1 w"iit . ( clreiis of dollars without help, nnd was contempla' inar y i xaicide when a frieml recoiiiniHli l)n. Keiinwly t Jt Al i Kerean'a New MeUnxl 'lYealii'iit. ïhauk (ixl I -áS H j tried it. In two monllm 1 wu unrl. Thl wis "'xJwiStiir Ai ? years ago, and never had Bretoen. Wan murried two " f I J Ij Í, jearsaKO and all hapiiy. !!■}, tr Dra. Kcnucdy 4 II' - befoke trbatm't an betore ving up hop." aftkk tueatm't s. a. TONTÓN. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and B. ' ' ' n. . Varicocele Cured. (' )t "When I consulted Drs. Honrwlj A Kersoa, I hml J 3 (SS ' little hope. I wa BorpriMid. CS 'Jff Áf f" ? ment improvinl me the flrgl irank Bmtasion osaaad, I J -,mWf nre beotine trong, pain dlaaMworeil, huir grew in -, V-C ( 'yl again, eyes becamo br'glit. oheerfdl in i;om[mnj aml - I [r [k. txong pexually. H&ving trietl man Qttackn, I caí 4r,lk rfl neartily reconimemi Dre. Kannnrly A Kenau) n ■WTiy' -Y iVw , Specialists. Tliey treatwl me I onojrablj :i'id Ullfully." '. , ,. T. P. FMT.R8ON. A Nervous Wreek- A lia,-fi' IAU. T. l. v ■■ON. tl. P. Emerson Has Narrow E!.c3pa. ifek "I live on the farm. At . achonM lonra vn uvy i w ' Mlljit which weukcnfi. , nnd í Mij mentaUy. Kamily l..,-t..r wui I w ,s t-,. :. ; i„t, S g () "decline (Conanmptiun ' mi!: Tl.c ttoiiten [f ■. V rfH i Monitor," edijed [j Drs i Kw-gan il i.4 ,' (omyhandn. l learned iho iHith un I t r. -.vil' VrflJoiïStt ƒ ubuse had aappod m ita! I ,A : ' Ife. Mtthod Treatmeni and whp ' . ' . .. . S-i - was cured of t'(nf-iiiui-( ■ ' ,m 2S- OWÍv patiënte, all of whoin luw iSLT - ypï v Method Treatment sop] , vititiili umi '■ ' iiiv- =e I a X BEFOBK TBÏATM'T. hood." IHTÜH TKIATME.NT. K CJ DCAHTD f Are you a victim? ïTaw you Irtit t-3.-,' r' -nu ntintemiivtimr ad ritrUt.ri . riage? HaByonf BI i"1 been diwawxt? ■ ■ ynn n wwaknesf? Onr p Nbw Method Treatnient will cure yon. VMmt i, hun uim.. .. ,it ii v;l; do for you ff OTJKB8 C3rXJA.-3W 3H '-TTtJ ■ . 3NJ O OF V.TK" fö 16 Years in Detroit. 150,00-J Carcd o Risk Consultatlon Free. So matMruko bn i ! -et r opinión E l'roe of oharge. Charns reaimnabla. Books Fr. - . . d.i;itor" ( illueE, I tntnl) on Diseases of men. lncloee pontite, 2 ; ■ -i. L' trÑoNAMÉS UStD W1THOL(CONSENT. PR■ VATti No müi.-in.5 sent C. O. D. m o:. o or envsiE ooes RverythinK confidential. Quibtion nst nd cst of Tr-atE ment. FREE. B Mo. 148 SHELBY ST. I PSTRtMT. MICH.


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