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- Handkerchíefs A Grand Offering that will outclass anything done heretofore. Every item quoted below wortli doublé. Our repntation as liai)dkerchief Meadqüarters Is well established. Avoid the rush. Euy now. Don't let that Christmas Dollar Go until you have seen OurLovv Trices. Ladies' H. S. Embroidered Fancy Border and White Ildkfs. Some with Lace Edge, all to go at 5c each. Ladies' Pare Linen H. S., also Swiss Embroidered. the 20c kind, great value at 10c eacli. Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, the 25c kind, all to go at 15c or two for 25. At 25c we show some wonderfnl values in Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, pure Linen and Swiss. worth 50c. 100 dozen Japanese Embroidered Handkerchiefs, at 10c and 15c each. 50 dozen Gents' Pure Silk H. S. Initial Hadkerchiefs, worth 50c, all to go at 25c each. Gents' Pure Linen H. Sr Initial Handkerchiefs, a bargain at 25c a yd. Ladies' Real Díích'esse Lace Handkerchiefs at 50c and 75c each. 10 dozen Fine Embroidered Chiffon Handkerchiefs, the $1 kind, at 50c each. It'8 no secret that we lead the Handkerchief trade of Ann Arbor. What's the use of waiting for the crowd of Holiday shoppers. Piek the best and brightest now. ITÏÏSI1CP Sr NÏÏÏIEHÏ Wder8of IMiiiB a-M IlLIiÜfll , Low "-


Ann Arbor Argus
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