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The Federation Of Labor

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Denveiï, Dec. i:!.- The Federation oí Labor endorsed a large number of boy cotts. A larae number of rosolutions wero read and referred. Rcv. Myron Reed, ol Denver, nddressed the eonvention. Among other things he said that much of the charity of rich men was conscience money of rich robljers to poor yictims and he inlorsed Governor Waite for sending troops o protect the Buil Hill rioters. He wus varmly applauded, and coinpümented by resident Goiupers. A resol ution was adopted deploring the liitroduction of sect:irian issues aruong lnhorers as calculatt'd to "divert the workinjr people Erom working out their own emanclpation f rom the fíallinp: -lavery of the present social and political oonditioua. " The resolntlon aleo reaffirms as one ol the "cardinal principios of the trades unión labor movement that the worklng people must unite and organiza irrespeotive of creed, color, sex or nationality. ' The politlcal programma was postponed to tomorrow, and it was decidod to invito (uvcrnor Waite to address the convention. A resolution in favor of free coinigo of silver was introduced. It is belicvtv.l that Gompers will be re-electcd presiilont wlth little or no opposition.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News