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Estáte of Richard Nowland. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN. COUNTY ► o Wnsbteunw . AtlHH'il oí ibe Probaieijourt or iliecuunty oí xnniuw holden it ihe Probáis I 'Hice ín tlic ci; t ,nu Arhor.on Pimrsday, ■■■A dnyof Novi-inin-r, ín tbe year one thooeand eizht hiindred uinety-four. Present, .i. Willard Babbltt, . I udge of Probate. Id the matUr uf Ihe estillo 01 Richard Nowland, i deceased. On rüadiiK and films tlie petition, duly verifi dof JmeStefie, praying tbat theadministr.ition of id estáte inay be gianted te John Kepp Ier. Off mhu other suitahle perpon. Thereupon it is oulered, thut Muuday, the ííih day of Deoeniber next, at ten o'cloclc ia t.ue fnrenoon, be ass.irned for the hearing of said peution iiml that the heirs at lawol'eaM deceuad, an i iiü other persona interestni iu said petate are required to .ippear at a espión of wid cútirl.theu to le holden at the Probate Offiw in the city of Aun Arhor, and show cansí it any lüLie be, why the prayer of Ihe petitioner should not he granfVd: And it is further ordered that said peutiunergive nol ice inlhe persona interested ir. satd Mtate f th peodt'ncy al said petition and taari&ir thereof ry uiuMugnoopy ot" this unier to he puMUtaad In íhc An'N Akbor ArOch, n newxpaper priniuJ aod curoahiiid u aaidcoiiiity.lhreuifticcemivc urcTiutia tosaid d.i ui 1 1 tr - t.WlLLAüO BARBÏTT. L v (rué cnpy.'] .ludgcoi 1'robata ' Wv. r, Potv. Penbite !!.-J-ter. tstate ot Lydia Sutherland. VÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY o' ' At a session ofthn Probate CJourt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Prohale Office in the city of Aun Arhor. on Moudiiy, the fitu duy of November in the vear one thousand eight huudred aud ninety-iour Present, .1. Willard Habhitt, Judg of Probate In the matter of the catate of Lydia Sutherlaud deceased. On rradiuí and Bliuy petitiondulv veriflc-d. of Jane A. Hurd.praying that thu adnunistration deboms nou withthe will annezed ol saiil eatale, may be prantfd to Honjumin vraitb, or sonte otbei suttuble pi-i sou. Therenpon it ts ordered. that Monday. tha 24th day of December next, at ten o'cloek in the assitrued for the hearing of said petition, and that ibe heir at law i „uiil dcoeüsed, and all other persons mteruated in enid tstate are required to appcar at a eeasion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate OBtce, in the city of Ano Arbor, and show eju, ïf any there he, why the praycr of the petitioner should not he rranted: And it ia iurther ordered. thatBaid petitioner givenotice to thepertoas inti restcd in saidcBtatv.of thepmidencyof sald petitioo and the heariug thereof, bycansinff a copy of tbis ordorto be published in the Ann Aiuiok a kous, a new8t)aperprinttdand oirculated in sak) county, three Biucosive weeks previous to said day óf heiiriu;;. J U 1LI.AUD BABBITT, (A. iruecopyj Judgeoi Hrohatr Wilum W Dotv. Prnuutf Ueicisier. Estáte of Nelson Sutherland. .. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP Waahtenaw, ss, At assgsloa of tr Probate Court for'thf Couuty of W&aatfiliaw, lioliloo ai the Probate iu ih City of Ann Arbor. ou Weduesdrty, theSthday ot November, in tlieyear ore thousatul eiiclit huodred and nitieiy-four Present, J. Willard Babbltt, .ludg óf Probate. In tha matter óf the estáte ot Nelon BUtherlattd, deieaieii. Onreadingand BllDg Ilie politton duly vrriried of Grabrli'lln K. battaarteno, prayii. iliat a certaininstrumeui now on tile in tlns ooiirt,puriorting to he thi !:it win and luMtncot ot aaid deceased may be iiüniitteil io probite, and that aduuuigtration ol said eslate muy be granteo! to herself, the exixutor in suid will nsmed or to some otheruitatle piK)ü. Thareupon ilisordered, that Moniay.tbf 24th day of December next at 10 o'cloek in the foreuoon, tieassli;iiud for the heabing of said petition, sud thnt tlie devisees, légateos and heiia-atlaw of said deeeased and ill other persont interestnft in aaid estáte, are rtqutred to appear at a aessiou of said court, then to he holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i( any there be, why th prayer of the petitioner should not be ranted. And it U further ordereu that said pètitioncr five notice to the persous interested in said estáte of the pendency of said petition and the ïearing thereoi', by uauaing a copy of thi order to be publUhed in the Aks Arbor Aiwu, a newpaperprinted and cuculat.ed in said couuty, thre uccestive weekt previous tosaid day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. (ATKUECOPY) Judge of Probate. Wii.mam G. Uoty. Probate Resistí r Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS DEFAl'LT HAS BBBN MADE iti the termsof pavment oía certaiQ mortgage sriven on the si.teentb luy of April . U. 1892, by Jolni N. Hunt and Elniim V rlunl, his wife, of Bridjiewa'er, Waahtenaw Uouiity. Michigan, to Jamea Kebpe, of the game place, Whioh is of record In the Keg-ister of Deeds office for said County of VVashteuuw. iu 7ü. on page 28U, on the Bighteeuth day of April. A. D. 1892. And wbereas llie amount claimed to be dut ui .s:iid moi-tgage at the date hereof (he ■ium of six lmndred eirhty-uine and W-1Ü0 dollars of principal and interest, and tte fur;her sum of twenty-Hve dollars bb un attoruey ïeestipulatedlorin said mortgage, and wlilcli is the whole amount claimed to be due upon -aifl mortgage, and no sult or proceedings lavini; been tnstituted to recover the debt secuied by said mortgage or any purt thereof whereby the power of sale in said ïiiort'-iage has bucome operutlve. Now. tlieretore, notice is hereby iriven that by viitne of said power of sale and in pursuince of the statu te in such case madi' aud provided, the said mortguge wlll be forcclosed by ii sale of the premisos therein dencrlbed it public auutlon to the highest bidder ut the front door of the court honse. in the city of Ann Arbor, n sald county oí v ashteimw, on the twentythird day oi February ne.u at one o'cloek in the afternoon of that day; which said premi es are deseribed in siiid mortfjage as follows: baiiijf in the toWBshfp of Brfdgewater. W-ishtcnaw county. MlehiKan, and beitiK theeast balf ot theeaal half of the south-west quarter of secilon twentsevcii, in tdwn fuur soutb of ranze foureast, and containing torty acres Of laiui. Duted December 5, 1894. JAMES KRHOE. WAL EB C. BÜHKIDGE. Mortiraïee. Attoruey for Alortgagee, Estáte of Asa Atchinson. STATE OF MÍUFIIGAN, 0OUNTÏ " of At :i ession of the Probate Court for the Countyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbcr, on Wednesday, the 5lh dny ol December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfour. Present, J. Willard Dnbhitt, Judtre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ot Aaa Atchinson, deeefaaed. EliZiiljeth Alchinson executor of the last will and testament ol said deceased, comes into court nul representa Ihat she is now prepitred lo render her anal account au such executor Tbereupoullisor.ieredthat Friday the 28th day of December instant, at ten o'cloek iu the forenoon, be assigned for cxaiutning and allowinsr sueh account and that the devisees,legateesund neirs-at-luw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in sid e-state, are required to appear at a sesion of said court, then to lie holden at the Probate office, ir. the city of Ann Ar. mi, in said countv and show cause, if any there be why the said account should not be allowed. And it la lurther ordTfd thnt -uid ezécntor Kive notice to thepersoiisinterested In said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing th:reol, by cauaiiiR a copy of this order to be piiblished in the Ann Arbor Arjrus.a uewspaper printid umi ing iu said county, three Buocettlve weeks previou to raid day of henn. J. WILLARD BAJUUTT. Judae of Probate. (A true copy.) W11.1.1AM U. Doty. Prolute Register. Estáte ot John Flynn. STATEOF MICHIGAN, 0OÜNTY of At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Waahtennw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arhor, on Monday, the 3d day of December, in the year ooe thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. Present, J. Willard Ilahbitt, Judjre of Probate. In tbc matter of the estáte of John Flynii deceased. On roadinirand Ii line the petition, duly verifled, of Margaret Klynr, praying that a certain ins rument now on file In this Court, piirporting to be the last will and testament of naid deceased may he adraitted to probate and that administration of said estáte may be sranted to herself the exetutiix iu sid will named or some other suitable person. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Monday. the lilat day of Decemberinstant, at ten o'cloik in the forenoon be assigued for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, leñatees diid helrs at law of said deceased, and all other persous interested in said estáte ure required to appear at a session of snid cosirt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in tbe citv of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be why the pmyer of the petitioner shoiiM not he'granted. Aud it is further ordered tlint said petitioner Rive notice to thepeMbnilateregted iouid estáte, ofthependency of said petilion und the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publisbedin the Ann Arbor Akjus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three fluccesnive week previous 10 said dav of hearing. .1. WII.[,AKU HABI1ITT, (Atrueoüpy.) Judge o 1' Probate WiLLüM G. üoty, Probate Kegiitift.


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