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Shot His Accusers

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COUSCn, Bl.lFKS, In., Deo. 17.- At 11 a. tti. yesterday a trtlgedy was enaoted in the private office of the Citizens State bonk uf Council Bluffs which may result fatally for three persona. John Huntington, nssistaut bookkecper and ooUection clerk, . shot C. A. Oomwi-U, of Minueapolis, and K. N. Hayden, of Chicago, representatives if the Fhiolity nul Casu&lts company, of New Yok, mil rhen emptied his revolver into his own brain. inflictlng a wound from wMcfa he died two liours later. Cromwell and H.mlen, it is thought, will recover. Huiitiu.'ton was one of the best knuwn men In Cuancll Bluffs and numberedhlB frlemls by the handled. So far U rail (■ h';:n.'il he had 110 bad habits Mldthisl w! t makes his act the nader to expiaiu. t'lu'ok MysU'rioualy Missing. On the (itli ot last July a check for Í50U wius turued over to him by Ira F. Hondrieks, one of ihc employés of the bank, in the regular routine of business. Huntington charged up the check to the Union Stock Yards National bank, of South Omaha, and froni that day to thls nothlng has been seen or heard of it. The day followlng Huntington left for vacation trip of several weeks toNew York city. The bank ofticialskept thinking the check would show up sooner or later and deferred any action. As time passed on and U became evident that the bank was out iö'Ji they sent a message to the Fidelity and Casualty company j fying it of Ihe f act and suggesting that inspector-; cmneoii at once and make an tnvestigation. Fidelity Aijfiit Make an Inqulry. Tlie bank otlicials claim that at the time they liad no harges to make against llunrington or tiiy employé of the bank. All of their en;iloyes were bonded in the Fidelity , and iey pret'erred that the Fidelity compauy sliould make the investigatioii, nitlier tlian make it themselves. Cromwell and Harden arrived in the city last Kridtiy. Tiiey cross-examined each of the bank employés through whose hands the missing check had passed, and among tho rest Huntiigton. They claimed to have discovered that he had been spending more money than the salary of $45 a month wuich he was receiviug would warrant, and on this, together with the fact that the check had been last soeu in his hands, tliey based theiv suspicion. Aud Huutiugtou Opens Fire. Huntingtou and the representativei of the Fidelity company met Saturday night and made arrangements for another meeting at the bank yesterday morning, when the invostigatiou was to bo resumed. At the hour appointed they were together and Cromwell and Hayden eommenced to put the jrounk man through a running cross tire of qnostions. President J. ü. lCdmundsoii itüVl Ciliicr C. R. Hannan, of the bank, were present during most of the interview. The conference liad not been in progresa more than flfteeu minutes when Huutington rose from his chair, pulled a revolver aad eommenced uring at the representatives of the Fidelity coinpany.


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