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Council Proceedings

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COUNCTI. (..'IIA.MHKK, Axx Arbor, Mlcli., Uec. 17, 1894. i Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aids. Wood and Taylor- 2. Tlie joiirnal of tbe last seasiou was approved. PBTITIONS A.M) (O.MMIJNKATIOXS. FROM THE BOARD OF I'UBLIC WORKS. Tn the Covimon Council: Tlie Board of Public Works respectfully suljralt tlie anuexed estímales mude by the City Eugineer aud approved by the board, fo'r sewer compluted by the eonlractors slnce Nov. 28, 1S91, to Dcc. 12. 18H1, in sewer distrJots No. 1 and 2. Araount due Mtevensou, Keid it Co , oou tractors of sewer in district No. j. Í812.1S, amount due Herman Hutzel, sewer uontrtictor in district Xo. 2, $270.09. By order of the Board of Public Works, W. J.MILLER, Clerk. Referred to Finance Committee. KKO.M THE SAME. To fltc Comino Council: Gentlemen: The Board cL Public Worka respectfully report that at a ineetiug of the board, held on Uct. 81, irtM. bids were received from tliree of our lociil lumber dealer.s lor a car of 3x10 In. by 16 ft. hcmlock plank, but the bids were not at tnat time reponed: to your honorable body ou account thut the two'lowest bidders dia not state whnt quality of luniber tbey )roposed to inrnish, and by .oiiie inisuuderstauding the lowest bidder (P. L Hodmerj had the car load of lumber ahiuiic-d nul by order of the lioard of Public Worka VVe iïo uo w recommeud to the Cominon Couucil (ie purchaslue of P. h. Jiudnier the said ear ioart of hcmiock plank, at $J 95 per i. o. b.,Aim Arbor, aiich., ihat bein" the low se bid for same received by the board. H) order of the Board oi Public Works, W. J. M1L.LER. CleTt. AKl Mmily moved that the repor froiu the Board of Public Works be at cepted and a warrant be ordered drawi In favor o f I'. L. Bodmer for $154.13! Adopted as follows : Yeas- Alds. Wagnér, Martin, Alí mendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly Kifson, Prettvman, President Winéis -9. Navs - Nono. Aid. Bodmer was excused from votIng. FROM THE SAMK. Ti) th Common Couticil: Uentleineu : The Board oí Public Works lias uot ndvortiscd íor ljids to build the Fifth Wnrd branch of the main sewer, pending some alteratiou of the present sewer speclfieations. whlch ameudmeiits ve expect to submit for your consideratiou nt a future meeting ol your honorable body. By order of the Board of Public Workí. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Stsolved, Tuut the coinmunlcatlou from the Board of Public Works, relativo to that part of the main sewer situated in the Fiftli Ward, be referred back to sald board, with instniptlon to comply with the resolution of this Couucil pertrtining to said sewer. Adopted. FKOM THÉ SAME. Tu Ihe Commoii Council: The Board of 1'ublie Works respeetfully subnut heren nto the bids of Messrs. Hermán Hut zei and Schueider Uros, for rebuildfiiK main sewerou Depot street, where it is off -grade. M e lind from the City Engineers figures that Herman Hutzel's bid at Í9H7.ÓU is the lowest, and therefore recommend that the bid be ftccepted. J3y order of the Board of Public Works. r. J. M II, LEK. Clork. Received and fllcil. A petition signed bv Walter Toop and J. II. Warner, asking the Commou Council to cause tlieir store walks )ii tliewest side of South State street o be placed on the proposed grade to oin and intersect with tlie walks south of their walks. Aid. Manly moved that the prayerof lie petitiouers be granted. Aid. rrfettymaii moved as a substiute that the Jïoard of Public Works eport a change of the grade to this Council that wil] conform to walks aid south of Messrs. Walter Toop's ind J. H. Warner 's places on South tate street. AdoDted. A petitioii sigued by Francés E. Edniuncls and several other residents on Weat Hurón street, asking leave to remove a drain tile in front of Mrs. Edmunds" property, and the Council to devise sorne plan whereby tlie surface water in tlie vicinity above mentioned may be disposed of to the injury of no one. Referred to tlie Committee on Streets. HEI'OKTS OF CITV OKFICEKS. Axn Akbor, Mich., Doc. 17, 1894. To tlie ('ommon Uouncil: 1 lioreby cerlify thatthe preasureof water on auge it engiae house luis been u.í pounds or more bt all times sídco December Bd, the dato of last report. FREÍ) SIPLEY, ('hief F. D. Received aud filed. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the Anu Arbor Street Railway Company 18 hereliy ordered forthwith to restore and place in their former ood condition all street erossiupcs that have been torn up by sald company alonj? the line of sairt railwaj uompany's track; and in the evontof the faflure oí sald railway company to oomply wilh tliin order, ihe Board of Public orks is hereby directed to cause the repairs bera.n provlded for to be made, at the epense oí snicl raihvay coinpanj'. and report the costs of the sanie to this Counoil. The dty Clerk is hereby directed to c;iuse :i oertlfled copv of tliis reeohition to be served upon Mr. Clmrlos E. Hiscock, secretary of aid compiiiiy. Adopted. KEPOKT F KOM THE FINANCIO COM5IITTEE. To the Conimon Coancil : Your ('nmmlttcp on Flnance, to whom whs referrod the fourth estim;ites mude by the Eity Ensineeramlaiiprovcd by tli Uoarri of Public Works, do respectfully report that we have examined the and recommend that warrants be druwn in favor of StevensóT), Reid&C'o. for ÍS12.18,contraotora In Districl No. 1. and Herman llutzel for f870.09 contractor ia District No. 2. for lateral sewers ompletcd by the contractors in saifl districts. Kespeci fully Mtbmitted C.H. MANLV, AHTHUKJ. KITÍON'. vmance v ommiuee. Accepl.ed, and recommendations concurred in, is xollows: Yens- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger. Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, l'ies. Wines- 11. Nays- None. Aid. Taylor reported piesent. City Engineer Key was piesent, and stated that he liad made aü examination of the main sewer on Depot street, and found that the tile is five inches high between the covered man-hole in front ot the M. C. K. 1c. passenger depot and the man-hole at the foot of Detroit street; also tlaat betweeu the Detroit street man-hole and a point 200 feet west there is a sag of four inches; thus the two defects combined make an apparent sag of niue inches in the sewer, and instead of 300 feet there are 500 feet, and instead of the average cut being 15 feet it is 22 feet, and the estímate he makes now is $1,500. Akl. Prettyman moved that the bids and reports made to this Council in eference to rebuilding main sewer on Depot street be laid on the table inlefinitely. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Jïodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brovvn, Taylor, Kitson, Prettynian- !). Nays- Aid. Wagner, Manly, Pres. Wines- 3. BIayok'8 Opficb. Ann AlBBOB, MiCH.,Dee. 3, 1884. !b the Honorable, the Common Council of ite City of Ann Arbor: Furajiani tothereaolutlon of your honorable K)dy passed authoriiugand eiupowering rue o appolnt a special xjliceman in place of Joseph Kirtiy, ivho was appointed by me Ht tlie last regular meeting of this council. I hereby appolnt Edward MeMahon. also John Strlckler, ut Michisrau Central yards, without to thpclty, for the purpoae in sald resol utioiis expreseed, subject to the annioval of yourhouurciblc body. C. G. DAHLING, Mayor. Aid. Kitson moved tliat the appointments of the mayor be confhmed. i Adopted. On inotion of Aid. Martin, Courad Schneider was allowod the Hoor to address the Council. Mr. Schneider said Ihat he had received from the Board of Public Works notice to build a sidewalk on Ashley st., at his property and that he is now ready tü build the same, as soon as the city would flll in the old creek, as it had agreed to do at the time Ashley strekt was laid out and opened. Aid. Martin moved that the matter Mr. Öohneider veters to be referred to the Sidewalk Committee. Aid. Manly moved an amendment that it be referred to the Board of Public Works. Aid. Kitson moved an amendment to the amendment that it be referred to the Committee on Streets. Which amendment to the amendment was lost. The yeas and nays being called on the first and last amendment and lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Allmendinger, Brown, Manly, Kitson - 4. Nays- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines - 8. The original motion, then being put, prevailed. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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