A green Cliristmas this year, sure. The ehurches all celebrated this year, thus making glad the hearts of the little ones. Rev. E. P. Vincent, the chairraan of this district, is in Milan visiting his F. M. brethren. Mrs. E. Blackmer is entertaining her sister from Trenton. W. Fuller has returned from Farwell. Miss Gracia McGregor spent Christmas in Detroit. Fred Gau'ntlett and family, of Dundee, have moved into the Presbyterian parsonage on Wilcox St. A court of Foresters was organized in Milan last week. Att'y and Mrs. G. R. Williams entertained guests froin abroad, Christmas. Miss M. A. Palmer was the guest of Mrs. E. Mead, in the country, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mains and son, of Detroit, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Harper. This is a rushing time for the Milan merchants. The streets were f uil Saturday, of seekers for Christmas gifts. Somebody was made happy, sure. Mr. and Mrs. Mell Barnes and son left Saturday night for Quincy, Mich , where they spent Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of New York, are visiting friends in Milan. The D. of R. are making grand preparations for the dedication of the I. O. O. F. hall, Jan. loth. Miss Ella 1 lisby, who has been making her home with Mrs. J. C. Harper, left for her home in O.akville, Saturday evening. Dr. Nancrede, of the U. of M., was in Milan Saturday, performing a surgical operation. W. Robison is clerking through the vacation for Mr. Voungs. ' Died, December ioth, Miss Ellen Horton, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. A. S. Hanson. The funeral was held at the residence on West Main street, Friday at 1:30 p. m., Rev. J. Ward Stone officiating. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Holcomb and family spent Christmas with their daughter in Detroit. Mrs. Chas. Wilson was called to Detroit the last of the week on account of the illness of her grandson.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News