School opens Wednesday, January 2d. Mr. Herbert Earle spent Christmas in town visiting relatives. Miss Anna Weger, who has been at Cleveland, Ohio, for several months, is spending a few weeks with her parents. Messrs. Stierle and Wurster drove to Ann Arbor Monday to spend Cli'istmas with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Marx, of Büssfield, spent a few days in town visiting relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, of Hastings, are spending the week visiting relatives and friends. , H. W. Kies, who is attending the Military academy at Orchard Lake, is spending his vacation at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth, f rom Wampler's Lake, spent Christmas visiting their son, A. C. Aylesworth. The Misses Edith Case, Henrietta Weir, Jennie Campbell, and Edith Kapp, who are attendingthe Normal, are at home for a two week 's vaca tion. Fred Burtless and Gust Kuhl, of Ann Arbor, are spending the holidays visiting their parents. Ernst Kuenzler, who has been attending the Elmhurst College, came home to visit his mother. He has been in poor health for some time, and will take a month's rest before resuming his duties. Mr. Geo. Mann, of Belding,Mich., is visiting friends in town. Miss Julia Kirchhofer entertained her Sunday school class, consisting of twelve little girls and boys at her home Thursday afternoon. Miss Flora Hartbeck, who is teaching in the Tecumseh high school, is visiting her friend, Miss Myra Spafard. The Baptist and Methodist ministers think that more people would attend church on Sunday evenings if both churches were kept open, therefore the union services will be discontinued. Last Friday afternoon a number of the parents came to school to listen to the closing exercises. All that took part did nicely, and 141 badges were dittributed to those neither absent nor tardy during the term. The skaters are longing for the river to freeze so they can enjoy a few days' skating. The exercises at the Emanuel church, Christmas eve., were interesting. The tree was beautiful, and 250 children were made happy. Miss Minnie McAdams went to Clinton, and Miss Lucy Poucher to Brooklyn to spend the vacation. Mrs. B. Amsden and children spent Christmas day with her parents at Brooklyn. Mrs.Conrad Schneider and daughter, of Brooklyn, are spending a few days in town. Mr. August Nisle, of Ann Arbor, spent Christmas with his parents. The tree at the M. E. church, Christmas eve., was much enjoyed, and the tree was loaded with gifts. At the election of officers of the Alpha Sigma ast Thursday evening, the following were elected for the winter term : President, Merle Yokum; vice-president, Peter Ryan; secretary, Ella Lehn; treasurer, Ani netta Kingsley; chaplain, Clarence Berger; marshal, Bert Lowery; usher, Nellie Brooks. Last Saturday morning the youngest daughter of Mr. T. Saley died very suddenly. She had been sick a few days with croup, although it was not considered serious. Saturday morning shearose as usual, when she feil into spasms, and for half an hour battled with death. Maud was eight years old, atlended the first primary, and came to school until a few days before her death. She was buried Monday. Maud will be greatly missed in the home, and all syrnpathize witli the bereaved ones. "Oh. in anger, not in baste, The Reaper came that day : 'Twas an aagel visiied the earth And took the flower away."
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News