Mysore Infants Must Not Marry
The uiaharajah of Mysore faas resolved topHt 'i by m act of the pfrisiature tho costón] of infanc üiarriage among his snbjects. A bilí Co that effeer was pablished la-t ye:ir. After a good deal of discussiou the measnre tas now aseumed a defimteshape and forni. When tho act is euforced, any person causing or abcrtin infant luarriageí or any per son of l"i or over !S marrying au Iniant p:ri wïil be punisbed witö irr-pfisoa ment of either descriptioo, wbirii n;;iv . xr. :i tu un years, or with ftnr or with both. The same poiiishaienl is prescribed for any mau who. having ooaspleted "'l fékn of age. mames -i girl ander 1 1 years S:x uiouths1 :mpriaonmeut or Zr.e or Doth wil! be meted out to tüe abetter or abettere uf thls offenp Ai. t':i!s v. nder 9 years of ay-i will hp senijiaered as mfantB uudrr th; !aw -
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News