Commlssioners' Notice. QTATK OK MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF kJ Washtenaw. The undersifpicd havinir beenappointed by the Probate Court lor s.iul Countv, Commissioners to receivc, examine and adjust all clainn :nd demands of all persons against the estáte 01 James Sage, late of sak! Countv, deceascd hereby give notice thai six montlis from date are al lowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditor to present their claims aerainst the estáte of said de ceased. and that thevwill meet at the lateresideuc of said deceased, io the lownship of Lodi, in siiid County, on the 19th day of February and on th 2tlth dav ol May next, at ten o'clock A. M. of eacl ofsaiddays, to receive, examine aüd adjust sait claims. Dated, November 19, 18K4. ALFEED MOORE, PHII.Il' BI-U 11, Jr., Commissioners
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News