Civil Service Examination
The civil service comraission at Washington has ordered that an examination be held in this city on Saturday, January 5, 1894, commencing at 9 o'clock, a. m., for the grades of clerk and carrier in the city postoffice. Only citizens of the United States can be examinéd. The age limitations are as follows: For carrier, not under 21 nor over 40; for all other positions, not under 18 years. No application will be accepted for this examination unless filed with the undersigned in complete form on the proper blank, before the hour of closing business on Dec. 31, 1894. lhe civil service coramission takes this opportunity of stating that the examinations are open to all reputable citizens who ruay desire to enter the postal service, without regard to their political affiliations. AH such citizens, whether democrats or republicans, or neither, are invited to apply. They shall be examined, graded, and certified with entire impartiality, and wholly without regard to their political views, or to any consideration save their efficiency, as shown by the grades they obtain in the examination. For application blanks, full instructions, and inforraation relative to the duties and salaries of the dif'erent positions, apply at the postoffice to Sec. Board of Examiners.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News