A. F. Freeman, Esq., of Manchester, was in the city Wednesday. Martin Schaller was in Detroit, Tuesday. Lew H. Clements has returned f rom Colon. Max Marske, of Lansing, was in the city, New Vear's. Mrs. R. S. Greenwood and daughter have returned from Greenwood, Ind. Miss Mary Dickey left yesterday for a four days' visit in Marshall. Mayor Darling spent his New Year's in Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Saunders, who visited at Moses Seabolt's over New Year's, returned to Grand Rapids, Wednesday. Miss Emma Hayley was in Jackson Tuesday. Paul Schlanderer, ef Grand Rapids, has been visiting here this week. Mrs. H. S. Dean and daughter, Miss Lizzie, spent Tuesday in Detroit.
John Lohr and daughter, Minnie, who have been visiting the former's brother, Phillip Lohr, of Packard street, have returned to their home in Wayne.
Mrs. G. T. Jenkins, of Flint, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. F. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M. Martin had about twenty-five relatives at a New Year's dinner given by them. Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Knowlton gave a New Year's eve party. Mrs. Ruth Patchin, of the northern part of the state, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. W. Clarksón. Mrs. Warren DeWitt, of Marshall, is visiting friends in the city. Henry Merriihew, of Reed City, is visiting his parents. Edward Mingay, of Toronto, Ont. , is visiting his brother, Thos. Mingay- Albert Fiegel was surprised Monda y evening on the occasion of his twenty-first birthday by a gay party of his friends. Mrs. Morgan Williams is visiting in Toledo. Miss Emma Sondheim, of Detroit, spent New Year's with Miss Emma Feiner. Frank Hess returned from Jackson Wednesday. Prof. Lombard returned Wednesday from Baltimore, where he had been attending a meeting of noted physiologists. Miss Ethelyn DeWitt returned to her home in Marshall, Wednesday, after a two weeks' visit with friends in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peterson attended a silver wedding in Wayne, Wednesday evening. Herbert Prescott, of Columbus, Ohio, is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Prescott. Ranney C. Scott left Wednesday for Honolulú. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Perry returned to Bay City, Wednesday. Miss Alta J. Parker, who has been with E. F. Mills & Co., for a few years, has become book-keeper in :he Ann Arbor Gas company's ofïce. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson left Wednesday to take up their permanent residence in Wisconsin. Miss Maggie Donnelly is visiting n Detroit. Miss Mary Hughes, of Jackson, is visiting in the city. Miss jennie Price has returned rom Jackson. Newton Felch is back from Hay City. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steigelmaier spent New Year's witli relatives in [ackson. Henry R. Caldwell, of Lansing, visited Alderman Snyder over Sunday. Chas. Seabolt, of Flint, who has )een visiting his father, Jacob Seajolt, has returned home. Mrs. Dr. Carrow gave an elegant reception to her lady friends on Saturday afternoon last. Mr. E. C. Sindley has returned from his holiday visits to friends. A delightful children's party was given by Mrs. Dr. Carrow on Wednesday last. Attorney H. C. Smith, of Adrián, was in the city, Sunday. Dr. Owen, of Ypsilanti, was an Ann Arbor caller, yesterday. Mr. F. Zoelner spent New Year's in Detroit. Roland Mann, of Detroit, who has been visiting the Misses Mann, returned home, Tuesday. Ma Nfarskc, of Lansing, visited with his parents. New Vear's. Miss Kmma Hinder visited relatives in Detroit, New Year's. Miss Crace Haven is home trom Napoleon, Ohio. Sam Langsdorf, of Detroit, visited friends here, New Year's. Airs. Carrie Stone has returned from her holiday visit in Saginaw.