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ANNUAL STATEMENT. Kor the year emürií December 81 n 18W, of Uie eonditlon and affaire oí i he Washtenaw Mutual Kire lusur -tici' Company, loeated at Arm Arbor. organlzed undsrthe laws prihe State of Michigan, and doins? huslness ui the t'ountv of Washtenaw, iu said state. JOHN Y. SPAFAHD, President WM. K. CHILDS, Beoretory, l'oetofüee address of Sec'y, Anti Arbor, Mieh. MEMBEKSniPS. 1. Nutnber of niembers Dec. 31 of previou's year 2,71;! 2. Number of members added during the preaent year.. . 307 :'. Total 3,020 , 4. Deduct numberof merabers withdrawn during the year and polieies oancelléo by reason of sal e or otherw ise 121 5. XumliiT of members now belonglnglo nompany 2,899 ft. Net tncreasé-.. 186 K18KS. 1. Ammint of property at risk Dec. 81 of previous year I ;Vl58,Sni.C0 i. Ammint oí risks added dnrlüïpreeënt year 434,990.0' S. Total 5.593,580.00 4. Deducá ritki aañoelled, iihdrawnor termlnated 316,700.00 5. Net amoimt now at r'sk by ttompany { 5.270,880.00 8. Netinercuse 118.2SK).O') RSBODR0E9. 1. Cash ou hand ï 188.87 2. Asscssmentsof pa-;tyearuncolleoted ;; 73 3. Nature and amouDt of all other rppources. The Capital Stock of the ('ompany, upon whieh to make assessments 5,278,8?0.00 4. Total avatlableresoarcert s,277.O9.4O l.rABII.lTIKS. l . Kor losses due and payablo. . 2 Kor losses not matured,ï2U'i; resisted, 100; (estlmated) ï 300 00 3. Uue or to beoome due for borrowed money l.SOO.OO 4. Nature and amount of all other claims. Postajre, aa stamped envelopes ordered, printingr, etc 100.00 5. Total Habllities 2.300.00 HKCKIPTS. 1. Cash collccted on assessment levleü durins the year $ 0,124.15 2. Cash col lected on assess' menta levled in prior ycars 14.45 1. Cash from increased or decreased 748.;: 4. Cash lncome from all other sou rees. From borrowed money, Couipany'B notes rt,200.00 5. Total cash receipts 13,086.85 6. Add cash bal nee at close of precedinsiyear 114.01 7. Total reeeipt8...-$ 18,201.46 DISBURRKME.VTS. 1. LoBses actua ly paid during the year (oï whieh 330.iKi ooourred In previous year) t 5.27Ü 30 2. Salaries and tees paid offleers and directors (Schedule A) 1,478. 40 3. All other disbui'Bements, (Schedule B) ll,5S4.T.l 4. Tot al expenses actually paid during the year 13,062.79 5. Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1894... 1:18.07 nalance down $ 13.201.46 SCHKDULK A. Name uf Ofltccr or Director to icítom paid: And. 1. Wm. K. Childs, salary ï 500 00 2. John F. 8pufard, director 78 3u 8. Wm. E. StockiOK, " , 2414 50 4. E E Leiand, " 209 20 5. Edwio Ball, " 179 lü 6. Wm. Campbell, " 2&i 70 7. K. C. Heeve, auditor :.... 4 90 8. .J.W.Wlu, " . 4 SO 9. F B. Braun " 4 00 Total ychedule A I 1,478 40 BCHKDULEB. Items of "AU other Expenses." Amt. Paid 55 losses flre and liKhtning S 5,270 30 " 11 notes borrowed money 5,850 01' " lntereston " " 203 64 " Postase account 92 40 " Printing and Stationary W S5 " Incidental ace't and wituesees'. . 25 CO " Collectors' fees, Commissioas and exchanc;e 30 10 " Officerent 53 00 Total Schedule B $11,584 39 M1SCKL1,ANEOU8 QÜESTIONS. 1. How many asseasments have been uiaile during the year? Auewei-, One. 2. What is the amount of all the ossessments made during tlie year'i Aus., Hi.201.8s 3. What is the rate per cent. of sueh assessment on the property insured? Ans., $1.20 por Í1.0UO. 4. What amount of losses are alloweil (o 00cumulate bef(re an aasesemeni. iö lovicd? Ans., Losses of one year. 5. What propoi'tión of damage or actual loss sustained on real property does the eompany pay? Ans., Two-thirds. 6. What proportion of damase or actual loss sustained on personal property the company payV Ans., Two-thirds, State of Michigan, ) County of Washtenaw, ( I, Wm. K. Childs, Secretary and Treagurer of said Company, do depose and say, that I bave prepared the foreKOing statement, and know the coutents thereoi and kuow s;iil statement to be truc. Wm. K.Childo, Secretary and Treasiuer. Sworu and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor. in said State and County, thls 4tli day of January, A. D. 1895. FltED A. llOWLETT, Nntiirv Public. Waühtenaw Countv. Micli.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News