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OFFK I IL. ( "i Mil ( 'i! kMBEH, A sn ,i;i:i!K, Mieh., Jan. 7, 1895. Regular sesgion. Oailed to order by President Wines. línll calted. Quorum present. Absept- Aid. Martin -1. The journal of the last Bession was approved. COMMUXICATIONS. l'IIO.M THE BOAKD OP l'l BMC ffOHKS. To the foinmon Conncll : The Boiod of Pabltc Works yubrnlt thefollowios aninuil repon nfmoneysrtceivedand expended in r.he Street Fuml, and in the Bridge, Culvtrt and Prosa-walB Fund. prepared by A. M. Clark President of the Board ol Public Works, f&rypar conHideration. J'.y order of the Board of Public Works, W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Auji Albor, Mich., .lan. Ttli, 1895. DISBUB8EMENTS CHARGED TO STUUKT FOND FOR Trili vkab 1SU To the President and Honorable Common Counril. Gentlemen: Owlng to the death of Street CommiBsioner Nutherland, I herewlth subjnit trom sucli data as isobtainable thereports as required by Sec. No. 110 of tlie Charter and hand you herewllh tabulated statements, showing the disburseiuents charged tlie Street Fund, and the Bridge, Cnlvert and Cross-walk Kund, The amouut. eharged tlie Street Fond for 1894 is $(j47:) 17 And Is eredited with ruoneys received by the clerk m so There Isduefrom Hardlnghause lor dirt sold him 7g ;;() Due from St. Thomas Society (walk built).. jj io Due from City Treasurer (assessments levied) 887 Rl 1122 III Í5351 16 Showing that the suin of 43331.16 has been expended by the city on its streets during the year 1894, in addition to raoneys received and amounts due said fund. The amount charged the Hridge, Culvert aud Cross.walk Kund ís (8981 19 And is eredited with moneys received by the clerk 94 75 St86t 44 showing that the suni at $(8G.44 has been expended on bridges, culverts and crosswalks by the city, In addition to moneye received aud eredited this fund. 1 Amounl rharged Street Kund over [ creditHand iweiptis $ :::.".! ifl I wnoiint ohargfd Bridge, Culveri and Crogg-walk, over credtts and noipts Total expendltures (both fund)__.$I2.l7 tin AHtotue approprlatloiiR made dartuü the );isi year, I can find snfllclent data ín on e r:it' nnly to inaUe a report on where Ihe in-ie Is eoiupleted, tha( u Ing the trradlug uf the norm end ol Broadwuy, where tlieapprnprlatlon was Í500, and the. amount expeuded U!l lili' M1T1I Ol' .f 1. 10 ()[ the approprtatlon r.f jsoo for Kr'Ilr'g Catlierine, between Ólnrh nd Thirii t'n. and Tblrteeuth. betweeu Fulier and i.'mii.-rii'c. tin i.' lias Ufen expended therton i lie snm of $2t4).75 gradlng and gruvelinti OtlierIne ironn guttei togut.ter Irora Ihirtfenih io Clark, the balance of the wurk belng uuiluIsl.pd. Twu municipal contract for building sewers were roadn dunntr the year U94, tnt In Disti-K'i No. 1 beding wlth Mosm'h HtevennWu, Reid & (., rol' tin; en iu of (original contraca) $31l!i 0(1 And Ujr extras allowed ;70 84 Tota! nmnnnt earned In Dist. No. 1- $:8li( Hi Total amount paid coutractora to date is . 3174 94 ïjeavinu: halaiioe unpaul of } ;11 ÍÍ0 oi 10 per cenluni of tho orlgrüal contract price - onehalf "f whlcb will be iue the oontractors when l.he wot k is accepted, the balance or ." per een turn at the end of onc year l'roiii the tiineof the icceptance of the work. The other contract being witli Herman Ilnlzei for buildings sewer in District No. 2 Forthesum of (original contract) ifö'.Ni 35 Total extras ai lowi'd to date 141) 50 Making extras allowed and original contract . 6mi8 85 Amount pald thereon to date 2.'i44 6 Showing balance remalnlng unpald of. $3759 16 Lesa estímate presen ted when allowed of oiHi 10 Showing balance to beou account ín completed sewer í27it UG All of whiehls respectfnlly submitted. A, M. CLARK. President ol' the Board of Puljlk; Works. FROM THE SMIK. To tlie Honorable Preskieut and Comino Couucil of the City of Aun Arbor, Micb. : Gentlemen- Pursusnt to the request of tb Board of Public Works. I] the attei tiou of the Common Couucil tó the necessit of making an earlv connectiou betweeu th water mains aud the flush tanks, to the ene that the Board may be able to allow the us of sewersconstructed. nu applications for th use thereof are becoiñlng urgent. Kespectfullv. A. SI. Glauk, President of the Board of Public Work Received and filed. To the Oommon Conncil: Tlie Board of Public Works has asked th Ami Arbor Water Co. to make a propositio what they will charge for niaking connectiou with the water maius, furnlsb the pipe nm counect up the scivcr flush-tanks: the propo sition submitted is that they will do the wor and fumista material at the actual cost to th compauy. ïhe propositlon made is herewitl subinitted and recoinmend the saine by ac cepted approval. By order of the Board of l'ublic Works. W. .J. Mii.i.Eii, Clerk Received and filed. KROM TUK liOARl) OJf PUBLIC WÓRKSi To the Conmion Couucil : The Board of Public Works submit West Cathariue street protilo oí street and sidewalk grades from Main to First streets. which thev recommend for adopción. Tbe Board caused to be prepared aud here.vith submit the proper resolution establishiug said grade. By order of the i.uard of Public Works. W. J. Mii.i.ek, Clerk. Referred to the Committee on Sidéwalks. Ann Akhor, .Jim. 7th. 1895. Tulhe Honorable Mayor, Chiefof Pólice and Coninoti Couucil: I do hereby. thls day. reslgq my positlon as Patrolman to accept tlie office of Deputv Sheriff uuder Sheriff Judson. Yours respectfully, Wm. E. Kldkkt. Aid. Taylor moved the resignation be accepted. Adopted. To the Honorable President and ('oninioii Couiu-il of tlie City of Ann Albor, Michigan : Gentlemen:- I deslre toeall your atteution to a resolution passed by yóur Honorable Body, .luly 2nd, 1894, instruc'ting the Board ' nottoexpend any more money," etc, to the end thatyou iuay taResueh action pertaining to such work as was affected thei-eby, as to you may seem advisable. Kespectfully, A. M. CLABK, President of the Board of Public Works. Received aud filed. F ROM THE SAME. To the Common Counoll: The Board of Public 'Works subwit. the an nexed report of the City Enjfineor as to the matter of the griade on the west side of State street between Liberty ayd William. ïlie Hoarrt recommends that ihi-establislied grade remaiu unbhanged, and that the Uouncil Krant pennission to Mr. ïood ;md Mr. Warner to place their sidewalks oír grade till sueh time as the Conucil sees fit to have them place .said walk on the established grade. ïhis allows the walk to be ?'; inehee above grade at a point 110.5 feet south of the south line ot Sager block, and a;;ain conforming to the established srade at the south line of Saser block and at 165.5 feet south of the Sager blook. By oider of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MTLLEIt, Olerk. Aid. iirown moved tliat the prayer of Messrs. Toop and Warner, made at the last meeting, be granted, and the Board of Public Works are directed to cause said walks to be raised to the proposed grade. Adopted as follows: Yeas-Ald. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 1:.'. Na'ys- Xone. PREBENTATION OF I'BTITIONH. Of Amai-iali lhiiiinioiid and two otlier rosidents of the 5th ward remoustrate and protesting againat the ïxiilclin 4T of lateral sevvers on Broadway, Jloore, Traver, Pontiac and Wall streets ! in said ward, was reneived and flled. By Aid. Míuily : Whkheas tlie Board ot' Public Works llave been directed by resolutiou of the Common Comcil to advertlse for lids to hui Id that pan of tlie main sewer sitúate in thc fourth and fifth warde of the city of Aun Arbor, and Whkheas said Board have repeatedlv and without any explanation therefor dlgregarded the writteu lnstructlons of the Council in refereuee to the building of the sewer above referred to as well as other important matters referred to them, and Whürras the preseulor of this resol ution trom the readingof the petition aud ïuformation Obtalned from the siguers of the petition is led to, and does believe, that tlie petition is an oiTspring of the Board of Public Works and born for no otlier ]inriose than to enable the Board to evade the numerous resolutious of the Council. And Wrxbsas the petition signed by otnty-three [ of the citizens of tlie flfth ward protestlng agaiust tlie building of lateral sewers has no bearing on the questlon at issue, and if it had it bears on its face the evideuce beyond ai cjuestion that the slguexe bave been rnlsinformed aa to the facts. That il said sewer was built the property owuers along tlie line of the main sewer wonld be called upon to pay for the building of the same, and if the main sewer was built, lateral sewers would be laid on al! the streetg inciitioncd in said petition, and that the people would be required to con' uect with talo Iaterals. And WHBBEAS it is of great importanoe that that branch of the main sewer be built for the convemeuce of the scholara attendiug school aud others who are desirous of eonnecting with said sewer, and as tlie tax payers of said wards arepayiug their share for tbe coustruction of the main sewer and as the building of said sewer does not levy any additional tax on thc petitioners or any citizens of the citv therefore be it Resolved that the Board of l'ublic Works be and they are hereby instructed to prepare plans aud specifieations for the constrnctiou i that Prl "' ''■'■ """'" sewer sitúate In the iirili u5 ftfth wards ol the city, a ml present i ..i,,,, anti hpeciflCHtións to Uiis Conncil at f „x regnlai pieetlng. dopte! as follown: y(,.is - .vl!s. Bodiner, Allmendiuger, Vl'ooil, Stiyder, Ferguson, Brown, jj-mly, Taylur. Kitson, Pres. Wines - 2. tfays- Aids. Wagner; Prettyman- 2. A!K AKJion. Midi., Jan.7th. 189.J, ifisJIonór, Uu Mayor, and (Tominon Coundloj ■ ikecity of Ana Árbor: Gents. - Your attention is respecttully lied i" '■'"' 1"ct l'mt at "?e PeHeut time :here are mauy persons coming toonrcity. come from places known to have diseases rtaneerous t He pabilo. Your Board of Health wonltl respi ctfiillj-nsk your Honor. )ie jjody to make soine provisión (in case ol eed) wrmreby ihè board wili ije Kiipported i prompt aetioii is nocded without delay ""'k'u'Ií-, Moorê, President. H B Dodsokt. Inspcptor and Secretary, John Kapp Uealtli Olflcer. Bv Aid. Prettyman : solved, Tliat the Houril oí" Healtli be utborlzed I" talteucli Holton In relation to stcurlns ii pest nouse as tliey may deeun e. eut. l.dopted as iuljowa : Yeas- Aids. Waxner, Bodmer, Allmendingpr, Wond, Snyder, Ferguson, Broflrn, Kitson, Prettyman. 9. Nays- Aid. r[anly, Taylor, Pres. Wines. .'!. UBl'ORTS OF STANDINti COMMIM II NANCE. BEPOBTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FIN'ANCE. T) the Corrimon Counoil: Vour Coinmittre on Fiuance ruspoctfully report tlnit tliey have luid the followlng bilis imder consideratiOD, and recommend tlieir allowanoe ind Varraots ordéred arawn, at jnme stated. COKTINIiKNT V-I7NII. v..l. MiUer, Balary % B6 67 loliii V. Bennett, 8alary 25 00 George H. Pond salary... 8 33 Marvin Davenport, juiiltor e 2fi nn Arbor Democriit, election notice, a ño Henry Wlmot, posting tax notices... 1 00 j. W. Ben neto, jury and witneas feos. íí ao Mrs. Kuhu, cleanlng oirices 2 80 Lavrnce & Kutterfield, legal services in the case of Anti .1. Walker vs. the City 75 00 George Wahr, election suppliea, etu.s 04 losepli A. Polnemus, horse and buggy hire liy rïan(l iel :. oo üach i ÍJutler, Insurance oa office furnlture , 10 00 srliiih & Muehlifr, sn])lies 1 iiq lobn Kobinsoa taklng dog out of tho rlverund burylnir game 1 no Kolilson & Uo., upe of backs 6.O0 Kichmond & Backus Co , suppllea ik so Martin Halier, tabk; for Atsessor's ofHoe. '; 75 Artbur Browo, court tees 4 mi ' W. J. Miller, supplies 50 Cousins &Hall, suppllesj ; 50 Nailmu J). Corbln, work on ordinaiiccs -- - 8 23 i ayton, I ambert & Oo., one set of K atos 30 00 James K. Bach, insurmee on 5tn and öth ward englne honses 17 50 jheAnn Arbor T.-H. Electric Company.street lighting.. 576 98 H. J Brown, supplies 185 ,;unes E. Harkins, supplies 3 00 Thomas Horen, repairs on 5th ward englne bouse 1 90 Bake8& Hammond, printing. 1 90 4nn Arbor Gas Co., six montlis' gas bilis for Clork 70 80 r;ay A. Greene, office rent 29 17 Warï Iturheiin, typewriting for City Attornpy _ 5 30 [. O'Hearn, salary s:i 34 , . Total 81,087 73 i WATER FUXD. Ar'Xi Arbor Water Co., six months' hydrante renta i, etc i 2,815 00 SEWLR b'UND. George F. Key, salary .$ 100 (X) i harías H. Spencer, office work 20 56 Y■ nk Sutherla.nd, abor a 25 i: . (rovus. services in District No. 1 48 75 I.i'Otiard Baesett, sewer inspector 20 00 Ii. i3. Wheeler, " ' io oo W. E Stoekms. " " 47 50 teorge H Fischer, labor 22 42 B.irney Morrison, goiug through the Mwer on Dopot street, Nov. 14 and 15... 5 00 Mrs. Sutlierland, use of horse and rogón.. _ i 50 Herman llutzul, í'or sewer completed inDistiiet No. 2 since Dec. 12, 'Si... 996 10 '-Flinger Uros., blacksmithing; 3 05 !. L Malilke, masón work on manhole ._ 2 30 akee & Hammond, printing sewer !nnds 6 00 t. J.Brown, suvplies 4C eore Wahr, supplies 5 48 Nuthan D. Coibin, 71 hours' clerical w rk for Board of Public Work.-,, (sewer rules) 24 85 Total $ 1,343 16 STREET FUND. villisflaik, act street commiseioner.l 43 53 . Sutherland, use of horse and wagon 5 80 lías Smadley, typewriting invoice re'■ 1 50 ,sslinger & ros., blacKsmlthlng (i B0 Heinznuinn & Lnubenfjayer, timethy ?eed 70 asbtenaw couuty, 19 loadB brokon stone 11 40 Eberbach, metalliotape 4 50 liram Kitrede. teamiug, aSg. to A. A.Sav. Uank ........ 4 20 tate Savings liank. accounts assigner) theiu as followa : . Lavere, labor 2 40 (eliacl llession, labor 2 40 $ 4 80 4 80 Total $ 82 03 Klni.K, i'UI.VEHT AND CROSS WAL.H KUND. nn Arbor SaVlnzs Bank accounts assi'.'ued i liem as foüows: Miam Kuëhn, labor í 3 85 fike Williams, labor 10 20 ohn Kettle, leam-labor 8 90 liehaelHesslon, labor 15 t Ü 40 23 1 1 tate Savloifs Bank, accounts Kssjgnetf (iifin as follows: ice Hughs, labor ? 8 28 iünun Wheeler, horse & cari, 19 87 'A tnkle, labor 13 36 eorge Lavere, i oo orge .luines, lulior 4 65 52 12 52 12 eo. Weeks, snow plowiog j ro ihn McHug-ii, snowplowing 150 ias Sadler, snow plowing and team 3 jo labor ]2 90 braham Voorhles, snow plowlng añd team labor 14 40 seph Hutzel, labor .... 00 echad Williams, labor 1 so rank Sohultz, labor 6u liarles Hadtke, labor Y.'. io 05 mey Langer, labor 90 liarles Schniidt, labor 60 hristian Jetter, labor 6 6u atrick McCabe, labor "" 450 olin Kct I le, ■' loads stone asg. to i Sut.lierland 1 50 llliain Wheeler, borse and cart 2 75 ■ U. Kogers, tiam-labor 1 o ohael Herey. ' 11 10 Bomas Hannon, " 120 'ho MoUuirh, snow plowing, assg. 1-iG. E. Sutherland 1 50 Total $ jjjg 83 WtXE DEl'AKTMENT FUND 'e(lSi)ley, salary .} 60 00 A. Edwards. " 50 00 H.MoLaren, " 50 00 lx W.tninger, .'■ á 00 loen West, " 50 00 Williams, 45 00 emaiiKIrn, ■ 45 10 iiinui'l .McLaren. 4u 10 ouls Hoelzle, _ 8 00 'UUam Eettlch, " ... s 00 award Hoelzle, " . ,s 00 UBchulerle, " s 00 'r r.H,;ul' " 00 ", ■. Lawrence, hay 70 nB' HrbnrGíl8Co-6 -e:is n5 70 ' U. Hall, coal 30 Bl suPPHes 2 05 "id. Her., (flass and oil : 20 ■ j C. R. Kelly. BtrTT , Pll i ■ w. sweet, hay.:.! 51 snuwiing g Q5 Total- 89 11 IOOR KTTND. ïred Sipiry, salar; ]0 iW A. R. Schmldt, repairs on w,V, è wagon 8 50 Toledo, Aun Arbor & North Midi. Hy w L'iví n tw caIS oí wood . ' 38 LS n "ii?"c Tvft M corts block wood 61 TS 1 F:nu:o!"'hruiwoo"wu0" ij? H.J. Tírown medicine -i ó Eclward Duffy, grooerlësIII 7 2n Eberbaob Drug Do., medioine ft Mrs. Aun Evans. ald.... -, o J0I111 Bisele, groceries.... ?S John noetr.& Son. groccries '.'.'. ;i vi E. H Hall, ooai 1,, i,, Goodyear & Co., medicine -' w Hlam & ïrooeriési::;;.':::; 8 % Wllllam H. Mclntyre, jfroeories 15 !!6 O Haru & Boyle, grooerles... is &. W. Snow, rig to Oouüty bouse„ l ui Geo. Spathelr, meat m Minsey SSeabolt. groceries " 14 68 (,i?', l!inscy. groceries ] 04 W.F. Mimson. grocciics .... S ■■ Huifh8hields,Iodging w 0 W. Vogel, meat... . " "'. Wahr& Millei-, hocs... % Jft C. Zurn, meat "m Total ? 46 POMCK "SU, P. s Banfield, salary. ra Oo David OoHina'salarí .1 ""."I"? w 00 Beuben Armbraster, aliry 60 00 George Iebell, saJary 50(10 WilUamB. Eldert, galary, .".'. so 00 Kobison Sc Co., uae of horses and buirgies 8 300 H. J. lirown. supplles.... '] -,o Jos. A. Polhomus, borse hire 1 .n Treeniiin Albro, buryingdog "" 50 Tot! $2Tl 00 KECAPITL-LATtON. ContinKfiiH Fund f 1 ObT 73 Sewer Fund " i'm i Water Funcl ".V::.".".V."..".:.:; 8JU6 00 Street Fund H2 Oli Bridge, Culrert and CrosBwafk Fundl 153 88 Fire Fund uq 17 Pólice Fund 27100 Poor Fund I.'. ;.!""" 245 57 Total.... _ $ 0,586 48 Keepeetfully submitted. KlwANK WOOD. C. II. MANLY, A. .T. KI rsON, Finance Committee. Accepted, and recoinmendations coucurred in, as Eolio ws: Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Allïnendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitsen. Prettyman, Pres. Winos - 12. Nave- None. To the Ciitiuiiüu Cuimcil: WHEKI5AS, In the opinión of your committee ou pólice, it is expedient and desirable tliat proper arrangements bo made by the city autliorllle lor the c-onfinement and detentiuii of all persons who may be arrested by the marshal and patrolmeu of tuis city now. therefore, be it Resolved, That thu snm of seventj'-five dollars beappropriated for the purpose of fitting up suitaljle rooms or cells for the aüove purpose. P. L. BODMEK. C. W. Wagnek. I. V. Al.L.MKN'DINGER. Pólice Cominittee. Accepted, and recoinmendations concurred iu, as follows : Yeas- Akl. Wagner, Bodiaer, Alltnendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitsou, Prettyman, Pres. Wjnes. H. Nay - None. FBOM THE LIGHTI2ÍG CO.MMITTIÍK. ïo the ('ommon Oouncll : Your Committee on Lighting to whom ivas relerri'd tlio petitioi.s and a resolution asking lor u light on the corner of Main and William st'reets; at Parkard street foot of Monroe street; at the interseetions of Washteuaw, Korest avenues and W'ilmot street, and at East Calharine street between Fifth avenue and División street. respectfully rejiort that your coinmittee visited the different loealities on Thursday eveniog, December 20th, and fully inspected the same aud would recommend the folio Ing, uamely: That the petition for light at the iutersection of Main and William sti-eets be granted, said lamp to be a swinging liglit. That the petition for light at the foot of Monroe street on l'ackard street be grauted. said light to be placed on the south-east corner on a Gü ft. pole. That the petition for light at theintersection of Washtcnaw avenue, Korest avenue aud Wilmot street be granted and the light be placed on the southenst corner of Washtenaw and Forest avenues, on a OU ft. pole. The resolution asking for a gas lamp to be loeated on East Catherine street between Fifth avenue ana División street be grauted. at an animal cost of $15, and the pólice are to take charge of said light, to light the same after sundown and extinguish said light at 12:31) o'clock a. m. We recommend the followiug chauges of lights: That the lamp loeated at the intersectiou of Packard and Madisoustreets be moved aud placed ou the corner of División and Packard streets, on a 60 ft. pole, and the lamp loeated at the intersection oí State and Packard streets be moved and placed ou a 60 ft. pole on the south-west corner of said streets. Respectfully submitted, A. F. Ferguson, W. L. Tavlok, Lighting Committee. Aid. Brown ruoved to amend sak report by striking out gas light and in serting that one electric incandescem liglit of 65 c. p. be placed on Catherim street betvveen Fifth avenue and División street. Adopted. The question now being on the adop tion of the original report asamended the yeasand nays being called, the report was adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger. Wood, Snyder, Ferguson. Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson,Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. Accepted and recoinmendations coneurred in as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettynaan, Pres. Wines - 12. Nays- None. PKOM THE BAHB. To the Common Council: Your committee oïi lightiug to whora was referred the matter of lightiüg the city lor the ensulng year, commencing January "lst, 1895. would respectfully reeommend that the proposltion o( Aim Arbor T.-H. Electric Company be ecepted under the same coudition as last's contract Your committee also received a proposition froni the sald company for lightint; the clt offices for $45.00 peryea'r. Your committee also recommend thnt the same be aecepted aud contract executed. Respectfully submitted, ■ A. P. Fergvson, W. L. Tav lok, Lightiug Committee. Accepted. and recommendationa concurred in as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, AVood, Snyder, F'erguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymau, Pres. Wines - 12. Nays - None. KEFORTS OK CITY OFFICKKS. The monthly reports of the City Clerk, Treasurer, Poor Superintendent and Cliief of Pólice and Board of Health were read and ordered iiled. Poor .Superintendent Sipley reported the iollowing expenditures d uring the rnonth of December: lst ward, $16 47; 2d ward, $13.44; 3d ward, $81.03; 4th ward, $42.09; öth ward, 844.28; (ith ward. $28.32. Cliief of Pólice Banfleld reported thirty-four arresta d uring the month of December, as follows: Drank, 1; vagnint, (; violatiiut city ordinance, 19; assault and battery, 3; larceny, 5. The Board of Health reported 13 deaths during the month of November, and 11 deaths during the month of December, and reported no contagious diseases in the city. Chief Sipley, of the Fire Department, reported that the pressure of water ou gauge at engine house has not been less than 66 pounds at any time since December ivth. the date of liis last report. CITY TRKAPUUEH'8 REPORT FOK THE MUNT11 KN'DINO DEC. 81, 1894. Tothe Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance on hand as por last report i;!1.822 7i MONDT RKCEIVEIt. Lateral 8ever Fuiul - GSale of bunds $10,000.00 I Tiix oollected 1,296.88 Contingent Fund- Interest at A. A. Savincs bank Wm W.J. Mlller, lti-en's 11 00 DosTax Fund- col. 10.00 Pólice Fundl'.S.Baufield. feos 10 50 E. B. Fond, tines... 3.00 Cemetery Fund- E. S Manly 15.00 Poor Fund- Iiy transfer from Dog tax fund ... 222.00 Total 12.014.41 12.0U.41 í 13.837.12 MONEV DI8BITRSED. Contingent Fuud _.$ S)i4.4c.i Streel Fund _ 359.04 Firemen's Fuud _ 537 24 Pólice Fund... 283.72 Poor Fund 194.35 Water Fund iu.:2f Lateral Sewer Fund 3,fiS0.c" Bridge, Oulvert and Oosswalk Fund 488.82 Soldiers' Relief Fund 68.73 Sewer Konds and interest ; :joo W Dog tax. by transfer to Poor Fund 323.00 $ 10,046.08 10,045.0 Total $ 33,702.03 BAIjANCK OH HANI). ContinsrentFund, $5,506 25 Street Fund 2,504 8 Firemen'sFund 5,056 98 PoUoe Fund 2,8010!) Poor Fund-- 155 81 Water Fuud. 4,763 15 Cemetery Fund 2a 36 Soldiers' Relief Fund. 974 73 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 4,330 00 Delinquent Tax Fund 14139 Lateral Sewer Fuud-. 10,446 20 Main Sewer Fund 200(0 bridge, Culvert aud Crosswalk Fund 5,094 93 Dog Tax Fund llüOu Total. $42,166 59 144 39 144 39 Total $42,022 20 Loss uncolk-otiKl city tax 8230.17 Total $33,79203 138,792 08 Bespectfullyaubmltted, GEO. II. l'OND, City Treasurer. Aun Arbor, Jan. 1, 189. Ann Arbor Savinfrs Bank, I Aun Arboi', Mich., Jun. 1, 1895. f To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Deak Sirs- Thia will certify that Geo. H. Pond lias on deposlt tohiscreditasCityTreasurer, the gum of Sixty-throe Thousand Eisrht Hundred, Öixty-tevi-n and ñ-IOu Dollars ($03,807.05). Respectfully yours, CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. K0TI0N8 AND RESOLUTIOXS. By Aid. Wood: Resolveci, That the City Attorney be and is hereby instructed to oollect from the J.J. Ellis estáte the amount paid Mrs. Mary Kenny by the city for damages sustained by fallingthrough the gratiaa in front of the Ellis -store on Ann street, as per arecment with ex-City Attorney Norris. Aid. Manly moved to ameiul said resolution by adding, "or trom any other person that may have received or collected said datnages " Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Prettyman, President Wines- 10. Nays- Aid. Wood, Kitson- l'. The original resolution as amended prevailed. Aid. Brown moved that the report of the Board of Public "Works as to connecting up sewer tlusli tanks with the water mains be adopted. Aid. Wagner moved an amendment that the Water Compatiy be ordered to connect up one flash tank on the head of Liberty street. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodiuer, Allmendinger, Wood. Snyder, Terguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines - 12. Nays- None. The original motion as amended prevailed. By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That the suin of $500, be and is hereby transferred From the Bridge, Culvert and CrOsawaLk Fund to the Foor Kund, the same to be placed back to the credit of the Bridire, Culvert aud Orosswalk Fund, Sept. ut, Bfc. Adopted as folio ws: Yeas- Altl. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, Wood. Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That a commtttee oí three beappointed bythe President of tblsCouncil to report upon fuch dmendments to the city charter as thoy tblnk advisable. Aid. Prettyman olïered the lollowing substitute: KesDlved, Tliat the Mayor be renuested to appoint a oommittee of thirty (30) cltizeas, regardlessof party, lo formúlate such changes in our city charter as may be deemed desirable and present the same to the State Leni;,lature Be it turther resolved, That the Mayor shnll be a member of the aliove committee and that three other members shall be cliosen from the prestnt City Council. 1 - - ■ Aid. Manly moved toamend tbe substitute by striking out "three membera I of the Council," in said resolution. Adopted. Tlie veas and naya being callecl on the stibstitute wns lost as follows: ,j Veas -Aid. Wagner, Prettyman. ! Pres. Wines- 8. i I Navs.- Aid. Bodmer. Allmendinger, I W ood. Snvder. Ferguson. Brown ! Miinly, Taylor, Kitson- 9. I The qnestioii now being on the adopj tion of the original motion, upon wbioh . Aid. Brown moved an amendment that the committee consist of five members of this Council, of which the City Attorney shall be one of said committee. The chair ruled the question out of order. Aid. Manly appealed from the decisión of the chair. Tbe question now being shall the chair be sustained, the question was : put and the chair was nol sustained. Aid. Manly moved an amendment to the amendment that the committee report all anieiidments proposed to the charter at the next meeting of this Council. Adopted. The amendment of Aid. Brown was put and adopted. The yeas and naya were called on the motion of AldWood, as amendj ed, and adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines - 11. Nay- Aid. Wagner. Aid. Prettyman moved that the next meeting of this Council be fixed as the time tor the order of business as to charter amendments. Adopted. By Aid. Taylor: Kosolved, Tliat the Bell Telephone Co. e requested to place the telepliono in Geo. Spathelf's nieat market so as to complv witii the resolution paBsed bv this Co.unoil, Seit.. 8, '94, and that the City Clerk furoish toe managfrof saldcompany wlih aoopy of this resolution. And also the one passed nept. 8d, '84. Adopted. i By Aid. Wagner: Kiolved, That the ordinauce ccunmittee be and is hereby Instruoted to proceed as rapidlj Bspoasibleto arrange aud tubulate the city ordlnances bo tlutt the sumo may be mad! effectlve and printoö, and that eaoh membfi of the Committeo be allowod three dollars pel day lor Urne actually spent m so doinir. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Hodtner, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferusoii, Manly, Kitsou- 8. Nays- Aid. Hrovyn, Taylor, Prettyman, President Wines - 4. President Wines appointed the following committee to amend the city charter: City Attorney Bennett, Aid. Prettyman, Bodmer, Manly, Wagner. Upon motion the Council adionrned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News