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Ablaze In A Blizzard

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Bradford, Jan. 14 - Just before the 'ocupant8 thereof were ready to get out of bod in the morninsr firo broko out in the Hhcehan house, No. :W Mcchnnic street, and before i was quonchod it had destroyed seven buildings, inolndlng several brlck blocks, and cost the owners thoreof about $100,000, with about one-third insurance. Over 100 flremoti were sevorely frostbitten by the ïiippinu air and several of the peoplr u-Ikj occuuiad the different buildings as rooiriers. '■!,■ . had uarrow escapos f rom boina .. ,i i [. u.'.it h andothers were frystbitteji ■ liaving to seek the bitter colcl stnaiU iu tlioir ïiight clothes for sali:ty. Twt woiiion, Mary C illahan and Mary Uorean, juinpoU Eroui sacond-story windiiws n thoir nlght clochus Miss Cullahiin liad her left wristand aakle fracturod and nearly dled of col l. Mrs. J. F. McQuiston was resoued by the dromen with ;i ladder witli hér halr ablaze; her husbond had lus hamls badly burnod and banda and ears frozen. Robore Siseo and Rubert Hcliue. of a hose ooiiipaoy, wereao badly fro.en that thoir conclition is critical. Ico an inch thick formed on the flreracn's clothiug and -hel:nots, for a fierce blizzard was raming at the time. AU the roomers, tenants and boarders lost everything they had ezcept the olothing in whiol they esoappd, Wheelinö, W. Va., Jan 14- Fire, supposod to be started froin natural gas, buniod out thirteen firms at Barnesville, O., thirty miles east of here, and damíiged a dozen others. The total loss, inOUidlng the damages, will be nearly Í10C,000, with about $35,000 iusuranee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News