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AHEAD OF ALL MAGAZINES thi country han seen.- Albany Argus. IN THE ftloRTH American Review are always found The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. The Nokth American Review is recognized on botli sides of the Atlanttc as the foremost lteview in the EnRlish language, and no expenditure is spared in maintainingit in itsunrivalled position. The Review is the mouthpiece of the men and wornen who know most about the great topics on which Americana require and desire tobeinformed f rom mouth to mouth. lts list of contributors forms a roll of the representativo men and women of the age. Hubjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Women Suffrajte in Practice"; 'The Renaisauceof Woman"; "Woman in Politics": "The New Aspect of the Woman Question," and 'The Modern Girl," by theauthorof "The Heavenly Twins"; 'The Future of Marrlag-e"; "Bvils of Karly Marrlagres" ; "The Servant Gir) of the Future"; "Toe Financial Dependeace of Women"; "Trades-Unions for women"; ''TheLackof Good Servants": "American Life and Physical Deterioration"; "Good and Bad Aiothers"; "TheTyranny of the Kitehen"; "The Amateur Nurse"; MarkTwain's Defenseof Harriet Shelly etc., etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Review will publlsh in 12 rhapters, bofrinniiiL.' with t he January aumoer, the Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire. a histoiicul work of ansurdassed imporianee, which will throw a flciod of new light upon the rhequered caieer of Napoleon III , and the inflnences whiih led to the Callapeeof lus Ernpire In tlu (rigantic strug-gle with united GerniHiiy, under Wilhelm I. and his Iron Chancellor. tt Is as f asclnatlng as a roniance, being riohly anecdotal and fu 1 of information drawh from sources hitherto Inaccesslble, presented tn the Kraphic and vivacious style which "The Knglishman in Paris," by the same author, bas ruado familiar to thousands of readers. 5O Cents a Copy: $5.00 a Year. The Nor t ti Americao Review, 3 Baat 14H1 St., New Vork. v b. nokris Attouney at Law. Does a jreneral lawoollectionand eonveyanclD(r business. A moderate share of your Datronaite ree pecttullv aolicited. Office 16 E Huron Street, upitalrs. JpiRE INSURANCE. CHBISTiáN MACK, Ajro.ut :or The rollowirn Kirdi üla (.lompunkw raproaentiup; uer twenty-eíiíht MíDíod Dollfl rv AssetA, issuet; polioies nt t-bo lovrasr. rato Ktna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Gtermatnaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, [Iartford 1,774,505.00 Plieuix, S.Y 3,759,036.00 IWSpocls uaou i;nn to the instiranee of iwelllnvc, school. ohurotlM and pnbllc building- D ■ í thrwfl .-tijd tíve rar JCaveató, and Trade-Marka obtained and all Pat-J Jent business conducted for MODERATE Fees. 5 ' Jour Office isOpposite U.S. Patent Office; and wc canst'cure patentin tess time than thoseS Jrcraote from Washington. S S Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-f Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree of? Jcharge. Onr fee not duc till patent is secured. S ■ S A Pamphlet, l How to Obtain Patents," withf I Scost oL same in the U. S. and foreiga countriesj Jsent íree. Address, i ' IC.A.SNOW&CO. Í Opp. Patent Office. Washington. D. C. Í


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