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The Center Of Disturbance

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i' rom early morning until past noon there was mare exoiteiuent In the locallty of Thlrd avenue and tho ratlroad dopot Cban there has been sinco tho strike coramenced. No attempt had been made until yosterday morning to run cars over the line, and the aiinouncoment that the road was to be operated aroused the strikers ivud their friends from the state of quiossnce iu which the? had been. A Halsey street ear reached the depot at 11 a. m. lilled with fifty non-union men, who were xt once lodged in the depot. Every corner on the east side oí the avenue was thronged by the strikers and their sympathlzera, while in front of the stables were drawn 100 men of tho Twenty-third regiment under Captain Thorne. Tlie strikers contented themselves with hooting and jeering tho milicia, but oommitted 110 act which warranted their dispersión. Sonie hours previous to the running of the ftrst car tho repair wagon of the Brooklyn Heights nompany went down Third avenue to clear the track between KiCty-ürst and Fifty -second streets. The block between these two streets was filled with bricks, stouos, lumber and trunks of trees whtcb had been cut in tho vicinity, so as to render tho running of cars an impossibihty. The repair wagon was manned by twolvo men and escorted by troop A When they reached the Pequod club- the strikers' headquarters at Fifty-iifth street - ome iOO men who had assembled there jeered and denounced the escort and hurled soveral volleysof stones at the raen who wero removing tho obstacles. Lieutenant Badglay, who was in charge of the troop, called on tliem to disperse. The Ktrikers replied by another avalanche oí stones. Lieutenant iJagley then ordered his men to oMarge and strike the rioters with the üat of their sabres. On this being done tho strikers ran away. When the railroad employés flnished their work the strikors reassembled and followed up the escort and renewed the stone throwing, when the cavnlry again charged them with naked blades. Some of the strikers roceived sword thrusts, but managed to escape. No f urther disturbance poourred during the day. Car No. 92f left the depot at 11:45. Sharpshooters wero ïosted ou the roof of the depot and on the platform of the elevatod railway covering the street.s at each side of the stables on the east and west sides of the avenue. Thsro was no demonstration of violence. Mounted policemen enclosed the ear and the signal was given to start. The motorman made tho pace a hot one and the run toFulton ferry was made in thirty minutes. Not a single stoue was.thrown during the trip. At the paper factory ot Robert Graves at üfth street agirl dropped a piecu of paper from au upper window, but the presentation of a rifle by amilitiaman on the sidewalk accompanied by the order, "Close every window or I'll flre," caused every window to be at once shut. Twelve cars continuod running during the day, but no passengers wure carried until ;i o'clock. At the strikers' headquarters the men were still confldent and said that if it took 800 men to run one car the company would not continue to do so long. They also averrcd that the mnnber of "scabs" secured for employment was far below that required.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News