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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOK SALE CHEAP-My house and lot on the corner of Traver and Pontiar st reets, in the Kiftli wai-a of the city of Aun Arhor. A dcsiriible location tor wond or c-oal yard. Ml the sideof T. & A. A. tracks. William Action. January 33, 18tr. !1 PIANO TUN1NG.- A. D. Brown, the weli known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, w be in the city soon. Orders left at the Ahgo office will receive his attention. T0 KENT.- At No. 30 S. State Ht. A Hat of 1 slx room6. Kriqulre at is S. State St. J_ UfTLL EXOHANGEaflret-elassSuMstantml roomy, open, single buRgy fr liay, woon or oash. Á. M. Clark 47 División st.. WANTED-A MAN in every seotion at onc to sell staple goods to dealer; no peallinsí ; cx-pericnce nnncoessary: hcstside uur. $75.00 a mom h. Salaryand expenses or larga comroiseion made. Address, wlth 2 een stamp forsealeU particuJarH.OUlton Soap ana ManufactnrinírOonipan.y,('incinnatiumo_ WANTBD.- Place of flveorten !;'e8w'1'' house and barn. one or 'wo miles rrom from AnnArbor oity. liox :10, Mai.chestei. Mioh. 11TANTE1J. - Good tenant for vi-ry nice store " on Liberty et. noar State. Terms reasonable. Also flats to rent, veiy "u qulre 18 South Statest. WANTED- A tenant to wol niy farm oa sharesatSclo. (.ieo. A. l't;tei-s. TÍP CURES WHbRt ALL UStFAIlS. KJ 9 Best CouSh Syrup. Taates Qood. üse g ín Inttoe. 8old by drnMist. Jgt__F__g__i __i 1 1 f] ____Byp


Ann Arbor Argus
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