Theron Fisk, who has been making his Jackson friends a visit, returned Tuesday. Mrs. J. R. Lowry, who has been in poor health for the past year, is very low. Solomon Tate, who went to Buffalo with the stock shipped Wednes day, returned Saturday night. Mrs. Clinton B. Fisk, of Jackson, is visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fisk. We are glad to report that Wm. Gadd, who has been quite ill for several weeks, is able to be out again. The jingle of sleigh bells is heard again. The storm, although very disagreeable, patched up the sleighing very nicely. Tate & Stoner shipped two decks of sheep and a deck of hogs, Wednesday. One hog purchased of C. M. Mills, of Macon, tipped the beam at 765 pounds and eight hogs purchased of Elisha Woodwarn aggregated 3,790 pounds.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News