Mustache Versus Music
Antón Rubiusteiu is qnoted thus in réfereuce to wonieu artists: "I think ladies ouglit never to study xnngic :i. a;i art. At Ieabt, tiiey oii'rlit uot to take up the time of teachers who i are able io teaeh and uiake trne artista. i Aiid 1 wil] rel] you why. There is no qnestiou Imr fhere are 20 musical ladiea 10 musical ian, iind my own experienoe ia tht thy leaiii more quiekly, h:ic more poetry, and, in fact, aio ia ore (lililí i.; ))U))iig tiuiii mm. But wliüt ig t)i.' iiiváriuüio resul? Wlicii a yonng U,( - borcino ii perfect artÏKt, some haiuisoiiii' uuií-tache comes along, aud she ':i' '■'.- the lt.u)(lso:i;i' mustache in pii liTi uce to avt. "
Ann Arbor Argus
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