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Ratifies The Japanese Treaty

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Washington, Jan. 31.- The session of the seríate WJI.H unuauaUy eventful in givinpt exirüíiOQ tci 1)k; feeling which has been aroused by the tltrim-ml questíon. Slicniinn of Ohio spoke for the íirst timo sirict; the iiew phasea at the flnancial situation wre preaented Vost deolared that Che presldont was ottini; Kj raaKü congrctis uoceasorjr to th wuidinf; of the sinfrlo gold siandard tn the people. ïhe senate spant the rest of tho duy in exeoutivo Buxition on the Jttpanesë treaty, whloh was r:itliied. The house entererl upan tho considera tton of the bill to fuiui tho debt duo the govermnent frora tho Union Paciflo and Kunsas Puiúñr: railroads with 3 per cent nfty-year bnds. lieilly, th ■ chatrruan cif the Paoifio r.jwd oummifctee, uonsuined most oí the day wlth the opening iryument in favor of the measure Harria of Kausaa made tlie only ather speech He was biUerly opposod to the bill.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News